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IB SA/Exe & MTS Test Series

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 1

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins


IB SA/Exe & MTS - 2

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 3

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 4

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 5

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 6

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 7

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 8

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 9

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 10

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

IB SA/Exe & MTS - 11

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 60 Mins

Why buy IB SA/Exe & MTS 2023 Package?

Detailed Solutions

Elaborate solutions to every question help you understand your mistakes and in improving your future performance.

Latest Pattern Tests

All the tests are based on the latest pattern and have top quality content.

All India Ranking and Personalised Analytics

Comparison with thousands of test takers all over the country gives you a better idea about your preparation and progress.

Pricing Plan

Flexible pricing options for all the aspirants

₹ 199

31st December, 2023
  • 10 Mocks

IB SA/ Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024

Greetings and welcome to the IB Security Assistant/ Exe & MTS Mock Test, a vital resource for your exam readiness. This test is designed to assess your preparation for the Intelligence Bureau (IB) Security Assistant exam. You can boost your self-esteem and increase your chances of success by taking this exam. For applicants, the IB Security Assistant/ Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024 is essential since it provides a simulated exam environment, helps with self-evaluation, and improves time management abilities. It pinpoints areas of weakness, boosts self-assurance, and harmonizes study techniques. By ensuring students are well-prepared, this crucial tool lowers anxiety and raises their chances of passing the actual IB Security Assistant/ Exe & MTS exam.

Free IB SA/ Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024 

Candidates can take and assess a free set of IB SA/Exe & MTS mock tests at Practicemock. Our test's questions are about the same level as the actual one. Our experts create the mock tests following a thorough investigation that includes looking into previous trends, sample papers, etc. 

IB SA/ Exe & MTS Exam 2024

1st Mock Test Free For IB SA/ Exe & MTS Exam 2024 

10 Mock Test For IB SA/ Exe & MTS Exam 2024 

Total Marks: 100

Total Time: 60 minutes

Total Questions: 100

Benefits Of IB SA/ Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024

  1. Familiarity with Exam Pattern: IB SA/ Exe & MTS Mock tests help candidates understand the structure and format of the actual IB SA/Exe & MTS exam, including the types of questions asked, marking scheme, and time constraints.
  2. Self-Assessment: Taking mock tests allows candidates to assess their current level of preparation. They can identify strengths and weaknesses in different sections/topics and focus their revision accordingly.
  3. Time Management Skills: IB SA/Exe & MTS  mock tests simulate the real exam environment, helping candidates practice time management. They learn to allocate time effectively to each section/question, enhancing their speed and accuracy.
  4. Revision of Syllabus: Mock tests serve as a comprehensive revision tool. By attempting questions from various topics, candidates reinforce their understanding of key concepts and revise the entire syllabus systematically.
  5. Performance Tracking: Candidates can track their performance over time by analyzing mock test results. They can identify areas where they consistently perform poorly and work on improving them before the actual exam.

Steps To Attempts For IB SA/ Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024

Accessing the Practice Mock IB SA/Exe & MTS Mock Test Series is simple. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Go to the official PracticeMock website using any web browser on your computer or mobile device.
  • If you're a new user, you'll need to sign up for a PracticeMock account. Provide your email address, create a password, and complete the registration process. If you're already a registered user, simply log in using your credentials.
  • Once logged in, navigate to the "IB SA/Exe & MTS Mock Test" section or use the search bar to find the specific mock test series.
  • Browse through the available mock test series for the IB SA/Exe & MTS exam. PracticeMock may offer different packages or sets of mock tests, including full-length mock tests, sectional tests, or topic-wise tests.
  • Select the IB SA/Exe & MTS mock test series you want to access. You may have the option to purchase individual mock tests or subscribe to a complete mock test series package.
  • If the mock test series requires payment, proceed to make the payment using the available payment options. PracticeMock may offer various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, net banking, or digital wallets.
  • Once payment is completed (if applicable), you'll gain access to the selected IB SA/Exe & MTS Mock Test Series. Click on the mock test series to start attempting the mock tests.
  • After completing each mock test, review your performance. PracticeMock usually provides detailed performance analysis, including scores, sectional performance, and solutions to questions.

IB SA/ Exe & MTS Exam Pattern 2024

IB SA/Exe & MTS exam will be conducted in various tiers. Tier-1 will be of the objective type while Tier-2 will be of the descriptive type for MTS and Driving Test cum Interview for SA. We have mentioned below the exam pattern for the convenience of the candidates.

TierDescription of examinationMarksTime
Tier-I (Common for SA/MT and MTS/Gen)

Online Exam of Objective type MCQs, divided into 4 parts containing 100 questions of 1 mark each on:

a) General Awareness

b) Quantitative Aptitude

c) Numerical/Analytical/Logical Ability & Reasoning

d) English Language &

[Negative marking of ¼ mark for each wrong answer.]

1001 hour

Descriptive Test on English Language and Comprehension

{Basics of English language, its vocabulary, correct grammar, sentence structure, synonyms. 50 50 1 hr antonyms and their correct usage, etc., to test comprehension and paragraph

writing in 150 words)

(Tier II will be qualifying in nature for 20 marks as the qualifying marks)

Tier-II (SA/MT)

Motor Mechanism & Driving Test cum Interview

(The candidates would be required to drive a motor vehicle as instructed by the instructor. Practical knowledge of the candidates about the vehicle and removal of minor defects/snags in the vehicle, its upkeep & maintenance, etc would also be tested)

(There will be. a minimum cut-off mark of 40% for the Tier-II exam)


IB SA/Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024 FAQs

I have completed a IB SA/Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024. When will I get my score?

On submission of your IB SA/Exe & MTS Mock Test 2024, your score and All-India rank would be immediately generated. The All India ranking is dynamic in nature and it would change as more users attempt that mock test.

Can I attempt a test more than once? +

A test can be attempted only once. However, you can review the solutions and analysis of the attempted tests as many times as you want.

What happens if I get disconnected during a test? +

If you get disconnected while attempting a test, all your data till the disconnection will get saved and you will be able to resume from the same state later. You are advised to close the test window in this case and resume when you have connectivity again.

In what all languages mock tests are available? +

Tests are provided either in English or in both English and Hindi. For a particular test, you may check the languages it is available in while purchasing the package.

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