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  • Banking & Insurance
  • Regulatory
  • SSC/Railway Exams
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Agriculture Exams
AAI Exams
Defence Exams
MBA Exams
Agriculture Exams
AAI Exams
Defence Exams
MBA Exams

Jobs at PracticeMock

Job Opportunities at PracticeMock- Have an Exciting & Rewarding Career Ahead

1) Content Developer (Regulatory Body Exam)

Job Description

  • Curate and Review study material related to Finance, Management, & Economic and Social Issues, create and review questions with detailed solutions
  • Analyze and understand the pattern and difficulty level of RBI/ NABARD/ SEBI Grade A/B exams
  • Based on research and analysis, you would create blueprints for setting test papers for different exams
  • Report directly to the Head of Content

Desired Skills

  • Must have a strong command in the Finance, Management, & Economic and Social Issues.
  • Candidates with prior teaching/ content development/management experience will be preferred
  • Comfortable with high difficulty questions as appearing in entrance exams.
  • Bachelor's degree in any field.

How To Apply

  • Send a mail to info@practicemock.comwith your resume along with a short note explaining why s/he would be the most suitable candidate for the position.
  • Also, mention the position which you are applying for as the subject of the mail.
  • Preference would be given to the candidates who have done exceedingly well in competitive examinations like CAT/ XAT/ RBI Grade B/ NABARD Grade A/SEBI Grade A etc.

2) Freelance Content Developer for SSC (English/Reasoning/Quantitative Aptitude)

Job Description

  • Develop study material and create questions with detailed solutions.
  • Submit assignments in the given deadlines.
  • Modify the content as per the Verifier team.

Desired Skills

  • Must have a strong command in the domain you are applying for.
  • Comfortable with variety of questions as appearing in entrance exams.

How To Apply

  • Send a mail to with your resume along with a short note explaining why s/he would be the most suitable candidate for the position.
  • Also, mention the position which you are applying for as the subject of the mail.

3) Subject Matter Expert (English / Reasoning/ Quantitative Aptitude/ General Awareness

Job Description

  • Develop study material, create and review questions with detailed solutions.
  • Analyze and understand the pattern and difficulty level of respective exams.
  • Based on research and analysis, you would create blueprints for setting test papers for different exams.
  • Interact with our users and clarify their doubts online.
  • Report directly to the Head of Content Team

Desired Skills

  • Must have a strong command in the domain you are applying for.
  • Candidates with prior teaching/ content development experience will be preferred.
  • Comfortable with high difficulty questions as appearing in entrance exams.
  • Bachelors degree in any field.

How To Apply

  • Send a mail to with your resume along with a short note explaining why s/he would be the most suitable candidate for the position.
  • Also, mention the position which you are applying for as the subject of the mail.
  • Preference would be given to the candidates who have done exceedingly well in competitive examinations like CAT/ XAT/ RBI Grade B/ SBI PO/ IBPS PO etc.

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