RBI Grade B - An Idiot-Proof Game Plan for Preparation
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The RBI Grade B Examination is conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the post of officer in the RBI. The RBI is the central bank authority of India. It is one of the most prestigious and sought-after jobs in the banking sector, equivalent to Group A officers in other government services. The RBI Grade B Officer can get promotion up to the level of Deputy Governor, which is the second-highest rank after the Governor of RBI. 


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Difficulty Level

The exam is considered one of the toughest exams in the banking sector. Hence, a functional and well-planned strategy is of utmost importance in order to crack the exam. Not forgetting, without proper follow-up any game plan will lead you astray.

Here are some important points while plotting an effective game plan to crack the RBI Grade B Examination:

Understand the Exam Pattern

First and foremost, understand the exam pattern. This is an essential step for any exam preparation. The exam is divided into three phases: Phase I, Phase II and Phase III which is the Interview.  Let’s have a peek at a detailed account of the examination pattern.

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Phase I

Phase I has one paper comprising 200 objective-type questions of 200 marks.

TopicsNo of QuestionsMaks allocatedDuration
General Awareness:808025
Quantitative Aptitude:303025
English Language:303025
RBI Grade B Officer - Job Profile & Salary


The Phase II exam consists of three papers. English is completely descriptive while the other two papers are a mix of objective & descriptive questions. Each paper is allocated 100 marks.

PaperType of QuestionsMarks
Economic and Social IssuesObjective & Descriptive100
English (Writing Skills)Descriptive100
Finance and ManagementObjective & Descriptive100

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Phase III

The interview consists of 50 marks. There’s a panel of experts for the interview.

For final selection marks of all IInd & III phases are taken into account.

Make a Functional Study Plan

A functional study plan with proper structure is important. Choose achievable goals and create a follow-up routine. Covering all the topics in the syllabus is a must.

Familiarize yourself with the syllabus

Go over the syllabus and familiarize yourself with each and every topic in the syllabus.

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Read Newspapers & Magazines

This is another one of the most crucial parts of the syllabus. Regularly read newspapers and magazines to stay updated and have a proper grasp of current events. The Economic Times is a good source of finance-related news.

Take Mock Tests

Mock Tests are almost essential for building exam confidence in the candidate. They are carefully curated by experts with a view to making the candidates exam ready. Mock Tests are especially useful when the mode of examination is online. Try our Free Mock Test for RBI Grade B.

Regular Revision

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Regular revision and practice are essential for any exam preparation. It hammers whatever has been studied into a candidate’s memory.

Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers

Previous years’ question papers help you understand the question pattern and the topics to be focused upon.

Time Management

Allocating time for each question and solving them within the timeframe allows the user to attempt the maximum no of questions during the examination. Learning the tricks and formulas to quickly solve questions comes in handy.

Hone Communication Skills: 

RBI Grade B Officer - Job Profile & Salary

The English Language section in the RBI Grade B Exam tests the candidate’s communication skills. Candidates must focus on improving their vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. They can do so by reading books, practising writing essays, and participating in group discussions.

Keep yourself Motivated

The RBI Grade B Examination is one of the most difficult of all competitive exams. It’s very common to lose motivation during the exam. To keep yourself motivated, celebrate every small achievement, reward yourself on completing your goals and keep your eyes on the final destination.


In a nutshell, even though RBI GRADE B Exam looks like a Herculean task, with smart strategy and persistence, nothing is impossible. Go exam warriors and S.M.A.S.H I.T!!

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