Are you serious about becoming an Enforcement Officer by clearing the UPSC EPFO EO 2023 exam? Do you want to master the most crucial topics that will boost your score and confidence? If yes, then you need our expert guidance and practice with our Mock Test series, especially targeting this year’s EPFO EO exam. You also get a FREE Mock Test to experience the real exam-like rules firsthand. The UPSC EPFO exam challenges you with 100 questions in 2 hours, covering a wide range of subjects such as General English, Indian History, Current Affairs, Polity and Economy, Accounting, Labour Laws, Social Security, Science, Computer, Mental Ability, and Maths. And beware of the negative marking of 1/3 of a mark for every incorrect answer.
Let’s take a look at the most important topics for UPSC EPFO EO 2023 exam.
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UPSC EPFO 2023: Overview
UPSC conducts the UPSC EPFO examination for the recruitment of the posts of Enforcement Officer (EO), Accounts Officer (AO), and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC). As per the news, the UPSC EPFO 2023 will be conducted on 2nd July 2, 2023, at 79 centres across the country to recruit for 577 positions.
Exam Body | Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) |
Name of Examination | Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation |
Name of the Post | Enforcement Officer (EO), Accounts Officer (AO), and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) |
Vacancies | 577 |
Exam Category | UPSC Exam |
Date of Examination | July 2, 2023 |
Official Website | |
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UPSC EPFO Exam Pattern 2023
You’ll have to clear two rounds to get the UPSC EPFO job. First, take an online test with multiple-choice questions. If you pass, you’ll get an interview call. Check out the table below for the exam details and weightage.
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UPSC EPFO EO 2023: Important Topics
The syllabus of UPSC EPFO 2023 is broadly classified into:
- General English
- Indian Freedom Struggle.
- Indian Polity and Economy.
- Current Events and Developmental Issues.
- General Accounting Principles.
- Industrial Relations and Labour Laws.
- General Science and knowledge of Computer applications.
- General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude.
- Social Security in India.
Let us understand the important topics that can be asked in the examination from the subjects listed above
1. General English
The questions from General English will consist of the topics from Grammar (Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Conjunctions, etc.), Reading Comprehension, Active and Passive Voice, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test, Idioms and Phrases, Synonym and Antonyms, Error Spotting, etc.
2. Indian Freedom and Struggle
Indian Freedom and Struggle part will include questions from History (Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History) majorly covering the Modern History part where important events include the Revolt of 1857 – First War of Independence Against the British, Causes of the Rise of Indian National Movement, Indian Nationalism – The Moderate Phase, Morley-Minto Reforms, Partition of Bengal 1905, Indian National Movement – Extremist Period, Important Indian Freedom Fighter, Revolutionaries in the Indian Freedom Movement, The Rise of Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle, The Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, The Lucknow Pact – 1906, Non-Cooperation Movement, Home Rule Movement, Salt Satyagraha, Moplah Rebellion of 1921, Simon Commission, Swaraj Party, Gandhi-Irwin Pact, First Round Table Conference 1930, Poona Pact, Cripps Mission, Quit India Movement, Indian National Congress Sessions, Indian Independence Act 1947.
3. Current Events and Developmental Issues
The UPSC EPFO current events and developments issues important topics majorly consist of the events currently happening or the past 1-year current events. Detailed articles on current events and development issues can be read here – UPSC EPFO Current Events and Development Issues
4. Indian Polity and Economy
The UPSC EPFO Indian Polity important topics include the question on the Supreme Court, the Meaning of Write, Election of the President and his functions, Important constitutional bodies like CAG, Facts about parliament, Fundamental Duties, the Governor and his functions, State legislature, Major Constitutional amendments and their importance, Official Language, Emergency Provisions, National political parties, and their symbols
The UPSC EPFO Indian Economy Important topics include the question on micro and macroeconomics, fiscal policies, banking systems, taxation, budget, poverty and employment in India, etc.
5. General Accounting Principles
The UPSC EPFO general accounting principles important topics include Accounting Concepts like separate entity concept, money measurement concept, dual aspect concern, going concern concept, etc., and Accounting Conventions like conservatism, consistency, full disclosure, materiality
6. Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
The UPSC EPFO industrial relation and labour laws important topics majorly include laws for female workers, labor laws in India, acts related to labor laws, international labor organizations, etc.
7. General Science and knowledge of Computer applications
The UPSC EPFO general science important topics cover questions from the basics of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
- Biology– Important and Interesting facts about human body parts, Diseases and their causes like Bacteria, Nutrition in Animals and Plants.
- Chemistry – Chemical Properties of Substance and their uses, Chemical Name of Important substances like Plaster of Paris, etc., Properties of Gases, Chemical Change and Physical Change, Surface Chemistry, Chemistry in everyday life
- Physics – S.I. units, Wave, Energy, Motion, Sound, Light, Electricity.
- Computer Applications – Computer organizations, Database management, Operating Systems, Computer networks, etc.
8. General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude
The UPSC EPFO general mental ability and quantitative aptitude questions from the mathematics and reasoning part
Quantitative Aptitude – HCF and LCM, Average, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Speed Time and Distance, Mixtures and Alligation, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Problems on Ages Probability, Permutations, and Combinations, etc.
Mental Ability – Calendar and Clock, Figure Sequencing, Series, Blood Relations, Directions, Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Puzzle Test, Statement and Inferences, Data Sufficiency, Statement, and Conclusion, etc.
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Important Topics can act as a bridge between your preparation and success in the upcoming UPSC EPFO EO 2023 exam. Take a Free Mock Test and cover all the topics in the upcoming UPSC EPFO EO 2023 exam.
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