UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-25 Days Study Plan for 2nd July 2023

A well-thought-out study plans act as the supporting rope you need to climb the wall of success. As the UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 exam is just a few days away, it is essential to organize all the days perfectly so that you make the most of every study hour of your day. Today, we have brought you the most effective 25 days study plan designed by experts after diving into Previous Years’ Papers for swift revision aided by 1 Free Mock Test. 

In addition, we’re supplying you with an essential free Practice Mock Test to test yourself in exam-like conditions and get the best analysis to improve your performance.

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Also Read: UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-Best Study Plan for 2nd July 2023

UPSC EPFO APFC Syllabus 2023 Overview
Recruitment BodyUnion Public Service Commission
PostsAssistant Provident Fund Commissioner in EPFO
Exam LevelCentral Government
Mode of ExamOnline
Marking Scheme1 mark for each right answer
Negative Marking Scheme⅓rd mark for each wrong answer
Exam Duration02 hours
Mode of ExamEnglish & Hindi
Selection ProcessWritten Test Interview/Personality Test

UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 Exam Pattern

The UPSC EPFO APFC exam consists of two stages: a written test and an interview. The written test is an objective type with multiple-choice questions. It has a total of 100 questions for 100 marks. The duration of the exam is 2 hours. The exam will be conducted in both English and Hindi medium. There will be a negative marking of 1/3rd mark for each wrong answer.

The interview will be conducted for 100 marks. The candidates who qualify for the written test will be called for the interview. The interview will test the candidates’ personality, leadership, communication skills, and general awareness.

Name of ExamMarksWeightage
Recruitment Test30075%

Exam Scheme of Stage 1: Recruitment Test

CategoryQualifying marks

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Take a Free Mock Test and power up your exam preparation like never before!

UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-25 Days Study Plan for 2nd July 2023

Here is a 25 days study plan that you can modify according to your needs:

1General English: Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension

Attempt 1 Free Mock Test🫴
2General English: Error Detection, Synonyms, Antonyms
3Indian Freedom Struggle: Early Phase, Moderate Phase, Extremist Phase

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 1🫴
4Indian Freedom Struggle: Gandhian Era, Quit India Movement, Partition
5Current Events and Developmental Issues: National and International Affairs

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 2🫴
6Current Events and Developmental Issues: Economy, Environment, Science and Technology
7Indian Polity and Economy: Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Duties, DPSP

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 3🫴
8Indian Polity and Economy: Union Executive, Legislature, Judiciary
9Indian Polity and Economy: State Government, Local Bodies, Panchayati Raj

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 4🫴
10Indian Polity and Economy: Planning Commission, NITI Aayog, GST
11General Accounting Principles: Basic Concepts, Accounting Standards

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 5🫴
12General Accounting Principles: Financial Statements, Ratio Analysis
13Industrial Relations and Labour Laws: Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 6🫴
14Industrial Relations and Labour Laws: Labour Welfare, Social Security
15Industrial Relations and Labour Laws: Industrial Disputes, Grievance Redressal

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 7🫴
16General Science and Knowledge of Computer Applications: Physics, Chemistry, Biology
17General Science and Knowledge of Computer Applications: Computer Hardware, Software, Internet

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 8🫴
18General Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude: Reasoning, Data Interpretation
19General Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude: Number System, Simplification

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 9🫴
20General Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude: Percentage, Profit and Loss
21General Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude: Time and Work, Time and Distance

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 10🫴
22Social Security in India: EPFO, ESIC, NPS
23Social Security in India: Pension Schemes, Insurance Schemes

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 11🫴
24Revision of all topics
25Mock Test and Analysis

Attempt EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test 12🫴

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Take a Free Mock Test and power up your exam preparation like never before!

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023

Here are the subject-wise topics that you need to cover to clear the upcoming exam with full confidence:

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for General English

Idioms & PhrasesConclusion
TensesSubject-Verb Agreement
Word FormationPassage Completion
Fill in the BlanksGrammar
Synonyms & AntonymsOne Word Substitutions
Verb & AdverbComprehension
PrepositionsUnseen Passages
VocabularySentence Rearrangement
Theme DetectionConjunctions
ArticlesActive And Passive Voice
Sentence CompletionSpotting the Error
Error CorrectionCloze Test

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Indian Culture

Stone Age
The Harappan Civilization
Mauryan Period
Post- Mauryan Phase: The period of Shungas, Kanvas, and Satavahanas
Kushana Empire
Gupta Empire
Temple Architecture Styles
Literature and Philosophy

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Population

Births and deaths
Mobility and migration
Population aging
Population changes
Population estimates and projections

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Globalization

Global issues (category)
Climate justice
Economic inequality
Forced migration
Global dimming
Human overpopulation
Human trafficking

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Governance

Board Oversight of Mission-Critical Risks
Environmental, Social, and Governance Oversight
Human Capital Management
Audit Committee Oversight of Internal Controls
Corporate Culture and Whistleblower Protections
Board Diversity

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Accounting

Forensic and Valuation Services
Information Technology
Professional Ethics
Plain English Accounting
Business, Industry, and Government
Audit Quality
Fair Value Measurement

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Basic Computer Knowledge

MS Word, Microsoft OneNoteData Structures
Microsoft AccessMS PowerPoint
Introduction to Computer ScienceMS Visio and MS Excel
Boolean AlgebraMicrosoft Outlook
Computer NetworksThe Internet
Emerging Technologies and Web PublishingWorkplace Productivity Tools
PC Software and Office AutomationMS Project, Microsoft Publisher
Database Management System

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for General Science

Kinetic theoryworldClassification of elements and periodicity in propertiesP-block elements
Mechanical properties of solidsOscillationsEnvironmental chemistryElectromagnetic waves
ThermodynamicsRay optics and optical instrumentsBiomoleculesSemiconductor electronics
Motion in a straight lineAlternating currentSolid-stateThermal Properties of Matter
Electrostatic potential and capacitanceAtomsSystems of particles and rotational motionP-block elements
Electromagnetic inductionNucleiMechanical properties of fluidsElectromagnetic waves
Current electricityWave OpticsMoving charges and magnetismSemiconductor electronics
Magnetism and MatterMotion in a planeElectric charges and fieldsThermal Properties of Matter

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Elementary Mathematics

Fractions and Decimals
Place Value & Face Value
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Counting Money

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for Statistics

Describing and displaying data
Linear regression and correlation
Experiments and sampling
Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals

UPSC APFC Syllabus 2023 for General Mental Ability

Blood RelationsSeries
Alphabet TestNumber, Ranking, and Time Sequence Test
Sitting ArrangementsEligibility Test
Direction Sense TestInserting the Missing Character
Mathematical OperationsClassification
Arithmetical ReasoningSeries
AnalogyNumber, Ranking, and Time Sequence Test

Grab this opportunity to take a Free Mock Test and turbocharge your exam preparation like never before!

How to prepare the best study plan for UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 Exam?

To prepare a study plan for the UPSC EPFO APFC exam, you can follow these steps:

  • Divide the syllabus into manageable topics and subtopics.
  • Allocate time for each topic based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule for covering the syllabus.
  • Keep yourself updated with current affairs and general knowledge.
  • Revise the topics regularly and practice mock tests and previous years’ papers.
  • Focus on improving your speed, accuracy, and time management skills.
  • Prepare notes and flashcards for quick revision.
  • Review your performance and identify your areas of improvement.
Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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