UPPSC APS Revision Plan for 10 Days Effective Strategy

UPPSC (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) will conduct the APS exam on January 7, 2024. Are you targeting for UPPSC APS exam?

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Aspirants have only 10 days to revise and take mocks for practice. Do you feel confused about how to kickstart revision in 10 days? We have provided a complete revision strategy with a mock test challenge for effective revision for the UPPSC APS Exam.


UPPSC APS Exam Pattern 2024

To begin effective revision for the UPPSC APS exam, aspirants should take an overview of the exam pattern and a list of topics to be covered. It gives them a glimpse of aligning exam preparation and revision. UPPSC Exam Pattern for January 7, 2024, is summarized in the table given below.

Stage 1
PaperSubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Paper-1General Knowledge50501 hour
Paper-2General Hindi50501 hour
Paper- 3Computer Knowledge50501 hour
Stage 2
Paper-1Hindi shorthand751.5 Hour
Paper- 2Hindi typewriting25
Stage- 3
Paper-1Computer Practical501 Hour

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UPPSC APS Exam Syllabus: List of Topics to be Covered

To effectively revise for the UPPSC APS Exam, candidates should look at the list of topics to cover summarized in the table.

General HindiGeneral Knowledge Computer Knowledge
गद्यांश और पद्यांश (Reading Comprehension and Poems)History (with reference to ancients, Medieval & modern India)Introduction to Computers
भाषा (Language)ScienceOperating Systems
वाक्यों में त्रुटियाँ (Sentence Correction)Geography (Related to U.P.)Computer Hardware
विलोम और पर्यायवाची (Antonyms and Synonyms)Indian ConstitutionSoftware and Applications
वाक्य सुधार (Sentence Improvement)Important Cities, Memoirs & Buildings (With reference to India)Database Management Systems (DBMS)
मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (Idioms and Phrases)EconomicsComputer Security
समानार्थी शब्द (One-word Substitution)Current Affairs (National and International)Computer Abbreviations
विशेषण, क्रिया, नाम, सर्वनाम (Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns, Pronouns)Famous Books and their writersMicrosoft Office Suite
संधि और समास (Sandhi and Samas)Awards and HonorsEmail and Communication
उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय (Prefixes and Suffixes)Geography (Related to India)Cyber Laws and Regulations
हिन्दी निबन्ध (Hindi Essay)Important events (National & International)Recent Technological Developments
मिश्र और संयुक्त वाक्य (Compound and Complex sentence)Sports
Arithmetic (Class VIII level)

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UPPSC APS Revision Plan: 10 Days

UPPSC APS Revision Plan for 10 days effectively strategizes your revision and time management for the exam scheduled on January 7, 2024. Aspirants should dedicate time to revising important notes and practicing mocks to know scoring areas fetching easy marks. 

DaysGeneral KnowledgeGeneral HindiComputer knowledge
1Important events (National & International)गद्यांश और पद्यांश (Reading Comprehension and Poems)Introduction to Computers:
2Scienceमुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (Idioms and Phrases)Software and Applications
3Important events (National & International)UPPSC APS Mock Test 2Operating Systems
4Current Affairs (National and International)उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय (Prefixes and Suffixes)Database Management Systems
5Famous Books and their writersसमानार्थी शब्द (One-word Substitution)Operating Systems
6Important Cities, Memoirs & Buildings (With reference to India)उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय (Prefixes and Suffixes)Recent Technological Developments
7Awards and Honors ( Focus of U.P related)समानार्थी शब्द (One-word Substitution)Email and Communication
8Indian Constitutionविलोम और पर्यायवाची (Antonyms and Synonyms)Computer Security
9Geography ( Related to U.P)विशेषण, क्रिया, नाम, सर्वनाम (Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns, Pronouns)Email and Communication
10Awards and Honors ( Focus of U.P related)भाषा (Language)Recent Technological Developments

General Tips for UPPSC APS Revision

Here are some general tips that can help you with your UPPSC APS revision: 

1. Make a schedule: Plan out your revision schedule for the 10 days leading up to the exam. Allocate time for each subject and topic, and stick to the schedule. 

2. Focus on important concepts: Identify the most important concepts and topics from the syllabus. Focus on revising these thoroughly. 

3. Practice mocks: Take several mock tests to practice your time management and identify your strengths and weaknesses. 

4. Revise regularly: Revise regularly to ensure that you don’t forget what you have learned. Try to revise each topic at least twice.

 5. Take breaks: Take short breaks between study sessions to refresh your mind and avoid burnout. 6. Stay healthy: Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to stay healthy and focused. 

7. Stay positive: Stay motivated and positive throughout your revision. Believe in yourself and your ability to do well in the exam. Remember, revision is about consolidating what you have learned and preparing yourself for the exam. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to success in the UPPSC APS exam.

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Aspirants should remember dedication and consistency is the key to success in the UPPSC APS exam on January 7, 2024. Be a pro in time management and strengthen your concepts by following the UPPSC Revision Plan. Sign up to Grab 1st Free Mock Test & Cover the Most Important Topics. 

Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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