UPPSC APS: Admit Card, Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Mock Test Benefits
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The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) serves as the state entity responsible for overseeing the selection process for entry-level positions within the diverse Group A and Group B Civil Services of Uttar Pradesh.

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UPPSC has been conducting recruitment for the position of Additional Private Secretary (APS). The UPPSC APS recruitment process is a significant opportunity for eligible candidates to join the state government’s administrative services. The UPPSC typically releases detailed notifications outlining the eligibility criteria, application procedures, and important dates for the examination. 

The primary duties of the Additional Private Secretary encompass tasks such as drafting and reporting, coordinating activities, conducting research and analysis, managing liaison work, providing administrative support, and handling documentation responsibilities.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the official notifications and guidelines provided by the UPPSC to ensure accurate and up-to-date information before applying for the APS.

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UPPSC APS 2023-24 Admit Card

UPPSC APS has released the admit cards. The candidates can download the admit cards from the link given below:

UPPSC APS Admit Card -Download Now

UPPSC APS 2023-24: Mock Test Challenge

Engaging in mock tests is a crucial component of preparing for the UPPSC APS exam. Mock tests serve as invaluable tools for candidates aiming to enhance their performance and familiarity with the examination format. Mock tests simulate the actual exam conditions, allowing candidates to assess their time management skills and identify areas that require improvement. Mock tests offer an opportunity to refine one’s strategy for answering questions effectively and enhance problem-solving abilities. 

UPPSC APS 2023-24 Mock Test
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Mock Test-1- FREEUPPSC APS – 1
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Mock Test-2UPPSC APS – 2
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Mock Test-3UPPSC APS – 3
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Mock Test-4UPPSC APS – 4
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Mock Test-5UPPSC APS – 5
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Mock Test-6UPPSC APS – 6

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UPPSC APS 2023-24: Overview

The UPPSC has released its official notification for APS post on 15th September 2023. As per the UPPSC APS notification, the current 328 vacancies are released for the year 2023-24. The online registration ended on 2nd November. The Exam will be conducted on 7th January 2024( Sunday) Here is the complete overview of the UPPSC APS 2023-24 Exam. Have a look:

UPPSC APS Secretary Recruitment 2023
OrganizationUttar Pradesh Public Service Commission
Post NameAdditional Private Secretary 
Number of 2023 Vacancy Released 328
CategoryGovt Job
Mode of Application Offline
Time Duration of the Exam3 Hours
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Apply Online Start Dates19th September 
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Apply Online End Dates2nd November 2023
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Education RequirementGraduation
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Age Requirement21 to 40 years
UPPSC APS 2023-24 Selection ProcessWritten Examination
Hindi Shorthand & Typewriting 
Computer Practical Exam
Pay-ScaleRs. 47600 to Rs. 151100/- Matrix Level-8
Official Websitewww.uppsc.up.nic.in

UPPSC APS 2023-24: Important Dates

If you are going to apply for the UPPSC APS 2023-24 Exam, you must check the UPPSC calendar. Here are the important dates mentioned below:

UPPSC APS 2023 Recruitment – Important Dates
UPPSC APS Notification 2023 (Short)15th September 2023
UPPSC APS Apply Online 2023 Starts19th September 2023
Last Date to Apply Online2nd November 2023
Last Date to Pay Application Fees19th October 2023
UPPSC APS Admit Card 2023-2422nd December 2023
UPPSC APS Exam Date 2023-247th Jan 2024 

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UPPSC APS 2023: Vacancy

For the year 2023-24 UPPSC has announced the 328 vacancies for APS posts. 

UPPSC APS 2023 Vacancy 
Additional Private Secretary (APS)328

UPPSC APS 2023-24: Eligibility Criteria

Prior to submitting an application for the recruitment process, it is required that candidates review the specifics of eligibility such as age limit, educational qualifications, nationality and other relevant criteria. Individuals who do not satisfy the eligibility requirements will not be considered for participation in the recruitment process. Please refer to the comprehensive details provided below.

UPPSC APS 2023-24 Eligibility Criteria: Age Limit

The UPPSC APS 2023-24 Eligibility Criteria on the basis of the Age Limit are as follows:

  • Minimum Age Required: 21 Years
  • Maximum Age Required: 40 Years

Note: The age Minimum and maximum age as on 

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UPPSC APS 2023-24 Eligibility Criteria: Nationality/ Citizenship

Candidates should be Indian citizens. Specific requirements regarding domicile may be mentioned in the notification.

UPPSC APS 2023-24 Eligibility Criteria: Education Qualification

The UPPSC APS 2023-24 Eligibility criteria on the basis of education qualification is outline below: 

  • Candidates should possess a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or institution.
  • Proficiency in Hindi shorthand and typewriting is often required. The candidates must have a typing speed of a minimum of 80 words in a minute in Hindi Shorthand and 25 words in a minute in Hindi typewriting.
  • Candidates are required to possess computer knowledge aligned with the curriculum specified for the Certificate Course in Computing (CCC) conducted by the DOEACC Society. This course should be conducted by the Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh, or recognized by the Government as an equivalent course.
  • Depending on the specific requirements of the recruitment, candidates may need to have relevant work experience in a related field.

UPPSC APS 2023-24: How to Apply Online

If the candidate is going to apply for the UPPSC APS Exam, the check must follow the proper steps to apply online and must know the fee structure and the documents required. Here we are explaining below:

UPPSC APS 2023-24: Steps to Apply Online

To apply for UPPSC APS Recruitment 2023, candidates are required to follow the steps outlined below:

  • Visit the official website of UPPSC at www.uppsc.up.nic.in or directly access the provided link.
  • Navigate to the Recruitment Section on the homepage and click on the online application option.
  • On the ensuing page, locate and select the notification titled “ADDITIONAL PRIVATE SECRETARY (U.P. SECRETARIAT) EXAMINATION AGAINST THE ADVT. NO. A-5/E-1/2023.”
  • Input all necessary details like Name of the candidate, fathers name, email address, contact details and many more along with the verification code.
  • Download the completed UPPSC APS 2023 application form for your records.
  • Dispatch the UPPSC APS application form, accompanied by self-attested or attested by a Gazetted officer, copies of required documents, through speed post or hand post to the UPPSC office before the stipulated deadline.

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UPPSC APS 2023-24: Fees Structure

At the time of UPPSC APS it is mandatory to pay the fee on the basis of the category. 

UPPSC APS 2023-24 Application Fee
CategoryApplication Fee
UR/ OBC/ EWSRs. 185/-
SC/ ST/ Ex-ServicemanRs. 95/-
PWDRs. 25/-
Dependents of the Freedom Fighters/ category Women/Skilled PlayerAccording to their original

Note: Once the fee is paid, it cannot be refunded in any case.

UPPSC APS 2023-24: Selection Process

Candidates for UPPSC APS Recruitment 2023-24 will be chosen through a multi-stage selection process. It is mandatory for appointment as Additional Private Secretary. The Successful UPPSC APS exam includes the following stages,

UPPSC APS 2023-24: Exam Pattern

To prepare effectively for the UPPSC APS Exam 2023-24, it is essential to begin by understanding the exam pattern, including the types of questions, duration, and other key details. Below, we have provided the exam pattern for the UPPSC APS Exam 2023:

UPPSC APS 2023-24 Exam Pattern
Stage 1
PaperSubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Paper-1General Knowledge50501 hour
Paper-2General Hindi50501 hour
Paper- 3Computer Knowledge50501 hour
Stage 2
Paper-1Hindi shorthand751.5 Hour
Paper- 2Hindi typewriting25
Stage- 3
Paper-1Computer Practical501 Hour
  • The duration of the UPPSC APS Exam is 3 hours, with each paper allocated 1 hour.
  • The UPPSC APS Exam 2023-24 is divided into three papers i.e, Paper 1 focuses on General Knowledge, Paper 2 on General Hindi, and Paper 3 on Computer Knowledge.
  • Each paper in Stage 1 carries a weightage of 50 marks.
  • The Stage 2 includes Hindi Shorthand and Typewriting, accounting for a total of 100 marks.
  • In Stage 3, candidates will undergo a Computer Practical test, which is evaluated for 50 marks.

Understanding this comprehensive exam pattern is crucial for tailoring a preparation strategy that aligns with the specific requirements of each stage in the UPPSC APS Exam 2023-24.

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UPPSC APS 2023-24: Syllabus

To prepare effectively for the UPPSC APS Exam 2023-24, it is essential to begin by understanding the exam syllabus

UPPSC APS 2023-24 Syllabus: General Knowledge

The syllabus of UPPSC APS 2023-24 for General Knowledge are as follows:

  • Science
  • History (with reference to ancients, Medieval & modern India)
  • Geography (Related to U.P.)
  • Indian Constitution
  • Important Cities, Memoirs & Buildings (With reference to India)
  • Economics
  • Current Affairs (National and International)
  • Famous Books and their writers
  • Awards and Honors
  • Geography (Related to India)
  • Sports
  • Abbreviations
  • Important events (National & International)
  • Arithmetic (Class VIII level)

UPPSC APS 20224 Syllabus: General Hindi

The syllabus of UPPSC APS 2023-24 for General Hindi are as follows:

  1. गद्यांश और पद्यांश (Reading Comprehension and Poems)
  2. भाषा (Language)
  3. वाक्यों में त्रुटियाँ (Sentence Correction)
  4. विलोम और पर्यायवाची (Antonyms and Synonyms)
  5. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (Idioms and Phrases)
  6. वाक्य सुधार (Sentence Improvement)
  7. समानार्थी शब्द (One-word Substitution)
  8. विशेषण, क्रिया, नाम, सर्वनाम (Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns, Pronouns)
  9. संधि और समास (Sandhi and Samas)
  10. उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय (Prefixes and Suffixes)
  11. मिश्र और संयुक्त वाक्य (Compound and Complex sentence)
  12. हिन्दी निबन्ध (Hindi Essay)

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UPPSC APS 2023-24 Syllabus: Computer Knowledge

The syllabus of UPPSC APS 2023-24 for computer knowledge are as follows:

  • Introduction to Computers: Basic understanding of computer architecture, components, and functions.
  • Operating Systems: Knowledge of popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and their basic operations.
  • Computer Hardware: Understanding of computer hardware components, peripherals, and their functions.
  • Software and Applications: Familiarity with common software applications, including word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software.
  • Internet and Networking: Basic knowledge of internet concepts, web browsers, and networking fundamentals.
  • Database Management Systems (DBMS): Introduction to database concepts, relational databases, and basic SQL queries.
  • Computer Security: Awareness of computer security measures, antivirus software, and best practices for online safety.
  • Computer Abbreviations: Knowledge of commonly used computer-related abbreviations.
  • Microsoft Office Suite: Proficiency in using Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Email and Communication: Understanding of email systems, protocols, and effective communication methods.
  • Cyber Laws and Regulations: Basic awareness of cyber laws and regulations pertaining to computer usage and online activities.
  • Recent Technological Developments: Awareness of recent trends and advancements in the field of information technology.

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UPPSC APS 2023-24: Salary

The pay scale for Additional Private Secretary is Rs. 47600 to Rs. 151100/- as per Matrix Level-8. 

UPPSC APS 2023-24 Salary Structure
Post NamePost ClassMatrixPay Scale
Additional Private Secretary (अपर निजी सचिव)IILevel 8Rs. 47600 to Rs. 151100/- 

The job profile of Additional Private Secretary is Class-II, Non-Gazetted posts with numerous perks and benefits along with the basic salary. The additional perks and allowances granted to APS personnel are:

UPPSC APS 2023-24: Preparation Strategy

Preparing for the UPPSC Additional Private Secretary (APS) exam requires a systematic and comprehensive strategy. Here is a general guide to help you prepare effectively:

Understand the Syllabus:

Familiarize yourself with the UPPSC APS exam syllabus. This will give you a clear idea of the topics you need to cover.

Create a Study Plan:

Develop a realistic study plan that covers all subjects and allows for thorough revision. Allocate specific time slots for each subject based on your strengths and weaknesses.

Study Material:

Use official UPPSC APS exam study material and recommended books. Additionally, refer to standard reference books for topics covered in the syllabus.

Current Affairs:

Stay updated on current affairs, especially those related to Uttar Pradesh. Read newspapers, magazines, and online sources regularly.

Practice Previous Papers:

Solve previous years’ question papers and sample papers to understand the exam pattern and improve time management skills.

Mock Tests:

Take regular PracticeMock mock tests to assess your UPPSC APS preparation. This will help you identify weak areas and improve your overall performance.


Regularly revise what you have studied. Create concise notes for quick review closer to the UPPSC APS exam date.

Focus on General Studies:

Give special attention to General Studies, including topics related to Uttar Pradesh. Stay informed about national and international events.

Improve Writing Skills:

Practice writing answers in a structured and concise manner. Work on improving your writing speed and clarity.

Current Affairs:

Stay updated on current affairs, especially those related to Uttar Pradesh. Read newspapers, magazines, and online sources regularly.

Legal and Constitutional Knowledge:

As the APS position involves legal and administrative tasks, focus on enhancing your knowledge of constitutional provisions, laws, and legal affairs.

Time Management:

Develop effective time management skills. Allocate sufficient time to each UPPSC APS section during the exam.

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Remember that consistent and focused preparation is key. Tailor your strategy according to your strengths and weaknesses, and stay disciplined throughout your UPPSC APS exam preparation journey.

Good Luck for your UPPSC APS 2023-24 Journey

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By Abhishek Jatariya

Hello Guys, I am Abhishek Jatariya (B.Tech (IT), HBTU Kanpur). At Practicemock I am a dedicated Government Job aspirant turned passionate Content writer & Content creator. My blogs are a one-stop destination for accurate and comprehensive information on exams like SSC, Railways, and Other PSU Jobs. I am on a mission to provide you with all the details about these exams you need, conveniently in one place. I hope you will like my writing.

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