Topper’s Success Strategy for RRB PO 2022 Prelims

RRB PO Prelims is just 3 days away. We hope you are prepared for the exam. All the concepts, shortcuts, tricks etc. which you have learned until now will be put to test. Whatever questions you have practised, will be useful in the coming 3 days. Remember that there is going to be a lot of competition for these RRB PO Prelims vacancies. So you need to make the complete utilization of these remaining 2 days. If you get bored while practising, keep in mind the fact that you will get a government job if you clear Prelims & Mains.

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If Exam Interface is Changed

RRB PO aspirants faced a changed exam interface when taking the exam 2 years back. This change included the display of more than 1 language on the screen. English will be there by default and there will be another language which you have chosen. Because 2 languages take more space, aspirants have to scroll the screen more which consumed more time and energy on the aspirants’ end. It’s extremely likely that the same interface will be there in RRB PO Prelims exam as well. Don’t panic if you see the new interface. Keep in mind that this change is there for all the aspirants. Only those aspirants who react positively to this change and will put their best efforts into the exam will be able to clear it.

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IBPS RRB PO 2022 Prelims Exam Pattern

SectionMediumNo. of QuestionsMinimum Marks
ReasoningEnglish/ Hindi4040
Quantitative AptitudeEnglish/ Hindi4040
Total 8080


  • Total duration is 45 minutes.
  • Candidates (for both posts) have to qualify in both the tests by securing minimum cut-off marks.
  • Adequate number of candidates in each category, depending upon requirements, will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.
  • Negative marking of 0.25 mark is applicable on each incorrectly answered questions.

There isn’t any sectional time-limit in this exam implying that you will have 80 questions and 45 minutes. You get 33 seconds to solve one question. And therefore it is obvious that within 12-15 seconds of seeing a question you have to take a call of going ahead and solving it or skipping it. The absence of sectional time-limit means that you have to be active enough on switching sections. You need to clear the sectional cut-offs in both the sections along with a really good overall score. For a good overall score, you need to identify the section(s) which can be your strength.

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A strategy to help you maximize your score

There will be a lot of easy, moderate and difficult questions in RRB PO Prelims exam. Difficult questions take a lot of time and therefore it is advisable that you attempt the difficult questions at the last. Also, keep in mind that all the questions marks are more or less equal. So you should solve the easy & moderate questions first and then if time permits you, move to the moderate & difficult questions. Solving mock tests will give you a fair idea of which topics are easy, moderate or difficult. Also, in this article we will be segregating the different topics of reasoning & quantitative aptitude into 3 rounds. Since there isn’t any sectional time-limit, you should start with round 1 of both the sections then go ahead with round 2 and finally, round 3.

To be well-versed with this strategy, and more importantly, to check how much benefit this strategy brings to you, you should try this strategy on different mock tests and see how much more you are able to score.

Toppers’ Strategy


No. of questions and suggested time: As per our mock tests’ data, at least 20-23 questions should be solved in 23 minutes.

  • Round 1: Start with non-puzzle based questions like coding-decoding, syllogisms, questions related to direction sense, blood relations etc.
  • Round 2: Move towards simple puzzles (may relate to blood relations, circular/linear seating arrangement, floor-based puzzle) and questions related to input-output.
  • Round 3: Solve difficult puzzles/seating line arrangement (double line puzzles)

Quantitative Aptitude

No. of questions and suggested time: As per our mock tests’ data, at least 22-25 questions should be solved in 22 minutes.

  • Round 1: Start with number series, approximation, simplification, equations comparison, and easy data interpretation sets.
    Tip: If you get stuck with one number series question and unable to solve it within 60 seconds, skip it.
  • Round 2: Solve word problems and easy data interpretation sets.
  • Round 3: Move on to difficult data interpretation sets.

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To implement the above strategy, you need to be really quick in switching between questions. And sometimes, a simplification or a number series question may take much of your precious time. You need to skip if a question takes more than 60 seconds. The best approach is to use this strategy in different mock tests and learn from the analysis of your weak areas. Once you get to know your weak areas, work on it for further improvements. Since the analysis of mock tests also provides you with your All India Ranking, you will also get a fair idea on how much more effort you need to put to be in the top slot. We hope that the above strategy will be helpful to you. Let us know in the comments section below if this strategy worked for you.

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming exam!

Nikunj Barnwal

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