Topper's Revision Strategy for RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam
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RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 exam is waiting to test your abilities on 7th August 2022. Hardly there are 3 days left for the exam right now. But a good revision and practice just before the exam will only improve your chances of cracking the upcoming exam. Practice is said to be King. One-time revision may not be sufficient for a major Bank exam like RRB PO Prelims 2022 due to the competition it involves. Hence, you should give your best to revise all the important concepts or topics at least 2-3 or until you gain confidence. The last-minute revisions not only help to gain confidence but also polish your knowledge of the concepts you already know.


Hence, be quick and follow this capsule plan to cover the RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 exam syllabus quickly and increase your attempt speed and accuracy with the best RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests which guarantee you success.

जल्दी से Latest RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests लगाये और अपनी सभी ग़लतियाँ सुधारें! Sign up to take 1 FREE Mock Test Quickly!

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Pattern (Office Assistant) for Prelims

The IBPS RRB prelims exam pattern for Office Assistant posts is the same as that of Officer Scale 1. The Prelims stage is of qualifying in nature and no marks will be added to the final result.

Name of TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksExam MediumTotal Duration
Reasoning Ability4040English/ HindiComposite time of 45 minutes
Numerical Ability4040English/ Hindi

IBPS RRB Clerk 3-Day Mock Tests for Ultimate Results

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Take 1 FREE RRB PO Prelims Mock Test with Analysis

*Take IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 2 & 3+Mock Tests Analysis
Take 1 FREE RRB PO Prelims Mock Test with Analysis

*Take IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 4+5 Mock Tests Analysis

How to Make Most of the 3 Days’ Time & crack the RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 exam?

As you have just 3 days for RRB Clerk Prelims revision, it is essential to make the most of this limited time you have with you. But how? Here are a few very easy and quick ways of speeding up your revision process along with testing your skills for better performance in the actual exam:

  1. Focus only on important and relevant topics, or if you have already mastered all the important topics then you must focus on the topics in which you are weak.
  2. Avoid wasting your time on the topics you have already mastered.
  3. Follow a well-drafted revision plan for the remaining 3 days and take RRB Prelims Mock Tests to maximize your efforts by keeping the syllabus in mind.
  4. A perfect 3 days revision strategy will aid you in channelizing your time and efforts in the most effective way.

Take the last Mock Tests right now & increase your chances of cracking the RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 exam!

Important Topics for IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam 2022

 Do you want to get ahead of all the competitors and crack the RRB Clerk exam in first attempt? And you’re serious about achieving your aim? Then, you must focus on the most Scoring & Important topics right now. They play a very important role in maximizing the overall score of the exam. Therefore, you must ensure that all the most important or scoring topics are quickly and smartly covered before the exams. Here are all the important topics for IBPS RRB Exam 2022 in detail.

I. Quantitative Aptitude/Numerical Ability

QA section of IBPS RRB officer scale 1 will test your mathematical skills with 40 questions. Each question carries equal marks i.e., one mark will be rewarded for each correct answer. You need to master the theories of the following important topics given below to fetch maximum marks in this section of the exam:

1. Simplification/Approximation:

  • You can expect 5 to 7 to 10 questions from these topics in the exam.
  • Good Calculation speed will help save time and increase accuracy.

How to increase your Calculation Speed?

Learn tables till 20, squares till 25, and cubes till 15. Also, remember the decimal value of fractions till 1/15. Practice using the BODMAS rule while solving questions of Simplification/ Approximation. Practice as much as you can via the latest IBPS RRB Clerk 2022 Mock Tests.

👉एक मुफ़्त IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Mock Test लें और जानें कि आप अपने कौशल में तेजी से सुधार कैसे कर सकते हैं और आगामी परीक्षा पास कर सकते हैं!👈

2. Number Series or Wrong number series:

  • Missing number series or Wrong number series are important and you can expect 4-5 questions on this topic in IBPS PO/Clerk 2022 exam.
S. No.Common patterns for Number series
1.Square pattern
2.Cube pattern
3.Prime Number pattern
4.Multiplication pattern   
5.Addition/Subtraction pattern     
6.Arithmetic Progression pattern
7.Combination of the above-mentioned pattern

How to master questions on Number Series or Wrong number series?

Practice as many questions as you can on number series and familiarize yourself with the common patterns given above in the box.

👉Revise all the important questions on Number Series or Wrong number series from the latest IBPS RRB Clerk 2022 Mock Tests and train your brain to solve such questions in less time. 👈

3. Quadratic Equations:

  • Pay heed to questions on Root comparison. This is a part of quadratic equations that keep appearing in the IBPS RRB exams and can well become the part of IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 too. 
  • You can expect questions consisting of 2 quadratic equations, where you have to get the roots (say X and Y) of the equations. Then, you will have to identify the relationship between these roots. 
  • You can expect 4-5 questions on this topic in the upcoming exam.

How to master the art of solving Quadratic Equations?

Learn the basics and tricks to solve these questions to counter this topic easily.

4. Data Interpretation:

Be ready to face 10-15 questions in the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 exam. Data Interpretation Questions are based on:

  • Pie Chart 
  • Line Chart
  • Bar Graph
  • Radar Graph
  • Tabulation
  • Caselet
  • Missing DI etc.

How you can master questions on Data Interpretation?

Go through the concepts of Average, Ratio, Percentage, profit, and loss, if you want to easily counter the Data Interpretation questions.  Questions on DI are mostly based on these concepts.

Also, take 1 FREE RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test to revise all the important topics from QA Section!

5. Arithmetic:

Arithmetic Questions based on topics like:

  • Age-based problems
  • Profit, Loss, and Discount
  • Time, Work, and Wages
  • Mixture and Allegation
  • Simple (SI) and Compound (CI) Interest
  • Time, Distance, and Speed
  • Pipes and Cisterns
  • Partnerships
  • Averages
  • Boat and Streams
  • Ratio and Averages

What to expect from Arithmetic?

Be ready to face around 8-10 questions with 1-2 questions from every topic mentioned above. 

II. Reasoning Ability

The reasoning section will test your brain with 40 questions in both IBPS RRB Officer Assistant Prelims exam.

Here are the most important and scoring topics that you should focus more on:

1. Inequality:

  • Practice questions on both direct inequalities and coded inequalities. 
  • Be ready to deal with 5 questions on this topic.  

2. Coding-Decoding:

  • Be ready to face a question in which a set of 3/4 statements will be given along with their coded form. You will have to decode the code for a specific word.
  • You can expect 5 questions on this topic.

3. Syllogism:

  • Questions on syllogisms will be based on Only/Only a few types of patterns. The questions may contain 2/3 statements followed by 2/3 conclusions. 
  • Be ready to face 4-5 questions on this topic.

4. Miscellaneous:

Given below are the miscellaneous topics in the reasoning section with the expected number of Questions:

Topic Expected Number of Questions 
Blood Relations2-3 
Direction and Distance 2-3
Alphanumeric Series / Alphabet Test5
Order and Ranking1-2

What to expect?

Around 10-12 Questions can be asked on these topics.

4. Seating Arrangements & Puzzles:

  • Puzzles form a major part of the reasoning section of the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims exam.
  • You can expect 10-15 questions from the puzzles and seating arrangement topic.
S. No.Expected Topics
1.Linear seating arrangement
2.Dual Row seating arrangement
3.Circular seating arrangement
4.Floor-based puzzles
5.Square seating arrangement
6.Scheduling – Day/Week/Year/Date/Time

1 मुफ़्त IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test लें और जानें कि आप अपने कौशल में तेजी से सुधार कैसे कर सकते हैं और आगामी परीक्षा पास कर सकते हैं!

Improve your Skills via the Latest Mock Tests

The revision strategy mentioned above along with Mock Tests will not only help you cover all the scoring topics that we have just discussed above, but will also help you increase your speed and accuracy. The latest IBPS RRB Clerk Mock Tests have been designed the latest IBPS RRB Prelims Clerk Mock Tests on the actual exam pattern to give you a feel of the real exam. Plus, the IBPS RRB Clerk Mock Tests will quickly help you revise the syllabus of every section and check your level of preparation. The perfect analysis will help you know where you went wrong and guide you for quick improvement. Consequently, the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Mock Tests will train your mind to manage time and be accurate while attempting questions during the actual IBPS RRB Clerk 2022 exam.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleep lover, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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