Tips for IBPS PO based on SBI PO Prelims 2021
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Tips for IBPS PO: SBI PO prelims are more or less over. Some would be thrilled and are waiting eagerly for the results and at the same time, many must have had a bad day. Despite efforts and adequate preparation exam performance can be poor for many reasons.

Holi Sale

Tips for IBPS PO based on SBI PO Prelims 2021

It must be a bad day… that’s all

Don’t feel disheartened and hopeless if your SBI PO exam didn’t go well. Despite good preparation, it can happen to anyone. Try to diagnose if there were any causes involved which you can work upon and if there aren’t any and it was just a bad day… then move on and focus on the next upcoming exam.

Did you give mocks regularly in the few last days and specifically at the shift timings?

You should be regular with mocks ideally in the last few days. And giving mocks specifically at your shift’s timings prepares your mind to be in that time zone of the day.

Were your attempts misguided by previous year’s cut-offs?

It’s alright to look at previous year cut-offs but you can’t follow them for the current year exam in any way. With multiple shifts and a highly competitive exam, anything can happen. An aspirant’s practice of mocks ultimately guides them in making the best judgment about the overall good attempts on the exam day. So, be very careful with your attempt strategy this time around.

We hope these tips help you with the upcoming IBPS PO exam.

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