5 Tips and Tricks to Crack SSC CGL Exam 2022 in First Attempt
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Cracking SSC CGL in first attempt:  Many students keep searching for the answer to this question on Google to find the easiest way to clear the exam. But there is only one answer to this question. And that is, months of hard work backed by dedication and regular practice. We’ll discuss this in detail today.

Holi Sale

The first tier of the examination is scheduled to take place in the month of December 2022, and the official date for Tier 2 of the examination is still to be announced. Therefore, the perfect time to prepare for the exam is now.

*अब की तैयारी हुआ आसान! SSC CGL Tier 1 Mock Tests लीजिये और अपनी छमता में बढ़ोतरी पाइये अभी से!

SSC CGL Exam 2022 (Tier-I)-60 Days of Mock Test Challenge for Success

SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1 Exam Pattern

The Combined Graduate Level exam, commonly known as the SSC CGL, is conducted annually by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for the recruitment of Grade “B” and “C” category posts. This gives a golden opportunity to students to apply for various positions in ministries and departments of the Government of India and in its Subordinate Offices. The official SSC CGL 2022 notification along with complete details about the recruitment process were recently out on September 17, 2022. Amazingly In the past, SSC CGL would allow for recruitment of 10,000 posts. However, as per the official notification, this year 20,000 posts will be available for recruitment.

Take a look at the Tier-1 Exam Pattern and begin your preparation journey:

SectionSubjectNo of QuestionsMax MarksExam Duration
    1General Intelligence and Reasoning255060 minutes
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550
Total100   200
5 Tips and Tricks to Crack SSC CGL Exam 2022 in First Attempt

Latest Changes in SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern and Recruitment Process

Before beginning your preparation, you must keep in mind all the important changes that have taken place in the exam pattern and the recruitment process recently. Here are the changes:

  • The SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam is for screening and qualifying in nature and the final Selection will be based on SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam.
  • There will be 3 papers i.e., Paper 1, 2, and 3 in the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam.
  • Paper I is Compulsory for all posts, whereas Paper II is for candidates who apply for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. And Paper III is for those candidates who will be competing for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer.
  • There will be 3 Sections in SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper 1 and each section will have 2 Modules.
  • Section 1 of Paper 1 will test your skills with Mathematics Abilities & Reasoning. Section 2 of Paper 1 will have English Language and Comprehension & General Awareness. And, Section 3 will be qualifying in nature having Computer Knowledge Test & DEST.

The detailed SSC CGL 2022 Tier 2 Exam Pattern has been discussed below along with the changes made by SSC this year.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper 1 Exam Pattern
SectionsModuleSubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksWeightageDuration
Section IModule-IMathematical Abilities309023%1 hour
Module-IIReasoning and General Intelligence309023%
Section IIModule-IEnglish Language and Comprehension4513535%1 hour
Module-IIGeneral Awareness257519%
Section IIIModule-IComputer Knowledge Test2060Qualifying15 minutes
Module-IIData Entry Speed TestOne Data Entry TaskQualifying15 minutes
SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper 2 & 3 Exam Pattern
PaperSectionNo. of questionMaximum MarksDuration
Paper IIStatistics1002002 hours
Paper IIIGeneral Studies (Finance and Economics)1002002 hours

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5 Tips and Tricks to Crack SSC CGL Exam 2022 in First Attempt

Here are some tips that will help you jump-start your preparation:

1. Prepare as per the Changed format

WE have already thoroughly discussed about the changes in the exam format of CGL 2022 exam. The recruitment process will now include Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams excluding the Tier 3 exam. Done to smoothen the lengthy procedure of the exam, the Data Entry Speed Test will now take place under Tier 2 exam. Plus, Maths section will now test you with 30 questions instead of 100 and the English section will be a test of 45 questions instead of 200. You need to keep in mind that the first paper of the SSC CGL will be compulsory and will be conducted in 2 sessions, whereas the Tier 1 of the exam will be of a qualifying nature. So, start your preparation accordingly and start taking exam-like Mock Tests to enhance your speed and accuracy.

2. Know the syllabus well

In order to gain a clear understanding of where the aspirants stand in terms of preparation, it is vital to acquaint yourself with the patterns and syllabus of the examination, keeping the weightage of each subject in mind. Aspirants must also make a note of subject-wise cut-offs in order to create a strategy that will help boost their preparation for the exam.

3. Enhance your Time management skills

Any study plan will fail if you’re not good at managing your time well. When you’re good at managing your time well, you automatically avoid stress and get more efficient. Similar is the case while preparing for a competitive exam as challenging as SSC CGL. But it is not a tough task to be efficient in managing your time. It’s all about taking control of your day. This asks you to Identify weak and strong areas and invest time accordingly on the SSC CGL 2022 syllabus dividing it into subject/topic needing more or less time. It will help you secure maximum marks. Therefore, you can learn to manage your time wisely by:

  1. Setting weekly priorities by thoroughly prioritize your time.
  2. Prioritizing the order in which the topics need to be completed.
  3. Setting goals that are specific, achievable, relevant, and timely.
  4. Taking regular breaks.
  5. Avoiding multitasking (like covering 2 or more than 2 topics at a time).

4. Choose your study material and other resources smartly

The resources you choose can either direct you to the right path or lead you to the wrong one. To avoid the wrong path, you must go for the best books, test series and other resources smartly. YouTube videos and blogs can help you clarify concepts and well-written blogs with tips and tricks will surely motivate you to keep going. Here are the section-wise books you can rely on:

a. Best books for General Awareness preparation:

  • General Knowledge by Arihant Publications
  • Lucent’s General Knowledge by Binary Karn
  • Manorama Yearbook 2022
  • NCERT books of history, geography, polity, economics, etc.

b. Best books for General Awareness preparation:

  • Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal
  • Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey
  • Previous Year Questions by Kiran Publications

c. Best books for General Awareness preparation:

  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R. S. Aggarwal
  • Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M Tyra
  • Previous Year Questions by Kiran Publication
  • Quantitative Aptitude for CAT(to practice high-level questions) by Arun Sharma
  • Arithmetic, Advanced Maths by Rakesh Yadav

d. Best books for English preparation:

  • High School English Grammar and Composition – Wren & Martin
  • Competitive General English – Kiran Prakashan
  • Objective General English – S P Bakshi
  • From Plinth to Paramount – Neetu Singh
  • Quick Learning Objective General English – R S Aggarwal and Vikas Aggarwald

e. Best books for Computer Knowledge preparation:

  • Objective Computer Awareness- R. Pillai
  • Objective Question Bank of Computer Awareness for General Competition- Arihant Experts
  • Computer Knowledge- Shikha Agarwal

f. Latest Mock Tests for SSC CGL Tier 1 and SSC CGL Tier 2 Preparation:

Note: If you are preparing without coaching, you’re recommended to go for Online/Videos tutorials to improve your understanding of specific topics. Plus, attempt as many Mock Tests as you can to help clear doubts and revise important concepts and increase your speed and accuracy.

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SSC CGL Exam 2022 (Tier-I)-60 Days of Mock Test Challenge for Success

Self-Study Mantra to Crack SSC CGL 2022 Exam in First Attempt?

If you want to crack the SSC CGL 2022 in the first attempt you should go through the tips and strategies given below, we assure you that these tips and strategies are going to be very helpful for you in the upcoming SSC CGL 2022 examination.

  1. Go through the Complete Syllabus.
  2. Attempt Previous Years’ Question Papers.
  3. Create a Study Plan that suits you best.
  4. Choose the Right Study Materials and Resources.
  5. Mock Test is the Key to Success.
  6. Analyze Your Performance Through Mock Tests.
  7. Work on Your Weak Areas via latest SSC CGL 2022 Mock Tests.
  8. Revise Regularly.
  9. Be Stressless.
  10. Keep yourself healthy and motivated
5 Tips and Tricks to Crack SSC CGL Exam 2022 in First Attempt

FAQs on cracking SSC CGL recruitment exam 2022 in first attempt

Q1. Is SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2022 qualifying in nature or not?

Ans. Yes, SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2022 is qualifying in nature.

Q2. What is the Selection process for SSC CGL 2022?

Ans. As per the latest notification, the SSC CGL 2022 Selection Process now consists of 2 Tiers i.e., Tier 1 & Tier 2 (3 Papers).

Q3. How can i crack SSC CGL 2022 in first attempt?

Ans. Yes, you can. But for that you’ll have to go through the complete Syllabus, craft a sensible, well-planned study plan, attempt Previous Years’ Question Papers, keep Analyzing Your Performance through Mock Tests, Work on your weak areas via latest SSC CGL 2022 Mock Tests and Revise Regularly.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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