Reading comprehension is a very important topic for all competitive exam because you can easily find this topic in every exam even its Banking Exam, SSC Exam, Insurance Exam or any other competitive exam. So, you should prepare this topic very well for exam and attain good hold in this topic, after that you can easily score good marks in Reading Comprehension.
Tips and Tricks to Solve Reading Comprehension
Most of the students often confuse whether to attempt Reading Comprehension or not as it may sometime eat up all your time and leave you puzzled. If we analyse the exams conducted in 2018, 2019, 2020, we come through a new pattern of Short Reading Comprehensions with inference based question were asked. There were small passage to read followed by 4-5 questions each. In fact, Banking PO Mains exam held in 2018, 2019, 2020 were 80% based on these short reading comprehension. So, this shows how important this topic is for the examinations and one cannot skip this topic during one’s preparation time.
Now, we are going to share tips and trick to solve reading comprehension:-
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Develop Reading Habit
To get good marks in Reading Comprehension topic, one must improve reading skill and develop a habit of Reading regularly, may it be Editorials, Newspapers, Novels or any English content which one is comfortable with. Reading Newspapers is the best way to prepare your General Awareness and Current affairs section.
Read the Questions First:
Time plays a very important role in the exam. We give you a piece of advice, do not waste time in reading the whole passage. Always start from reading questions first. Once you read the question first, you will get a clue which line or key word you would have to focus in the Read Comprehension to answer the following question, after that compare it with the options given in the question. If you are unable to find an answer then move on to the next question, do not get stuck on any question. Through this approach, you will be able to answer the all questions in the short span of time.
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Solve Vocabulary Questions First:
There are 1-2 Questions based on antonyms and synonyms in every Reading Comprehension. Try to solve these questions first as these questions consume less time. To solve questions related to vocabulary, first read the line in which the word lies and also the line preceding or succeeding it, after reading these lines, you will get an idea about the meaning of the word. This trick will help you in getting the right synonym/antonym of the word asked.
Improve your Focus and Grasp:
Reading lengthy passages becomes boring for everybody and one cannot understand what’s the author want to convey. Try to improve your focus and also improve your reading speed, try to read main word of the passage during fast reading. Because fast reading help you to maintain your concentration and your focus will not disturb. One more thing while reading the passage, make sure that you understand the gist of the passage.
Always Read Opening and Closing Paragraphs:
One advice to you always read opening and closing paragraphs because from reading them you will get an idea about on which topic the reading comprehension is based on. There is one more benefit, question related to the main idea question is based on the overall subject of the passage, and most of the time the answer of this type question get from the first and last paragraph of the passage. Through this approach, you will be able to find the theme and flow of passage in the shortest span of time. Pick out the keywords and then go the passage and look for your answer. This reverse approach saves your time.
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Improve reading Speed:
Reading Comprehension need you to be very smart and smartness comes from lots of practice. Fast reading will help you to comprehend the passage quickly. While reading the passage collect data of random details in the form of keywords and jotting down main phrases and keywords, making memory maps and highlighting important facts help you speed up to the solve the entire reading comprehension.
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At last, we want to say, practice as much as possible because making excuses never brings success. Daily reading and practicing will help you to save your time in exam and also help you to score well and will definitely clear your exam.
Good Luck!
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