Time Management for IBPS RRB PO
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Time Management for IBPS RRB PO 2022: One of the best strategy to do well in IBPS RRB PO 2022 is to manage your time well. Because there are more questions and the time allotted is half of that number, i.e. Questions Asked are 80 and time is 45 minutes, it is critical for every candidate to understand how to manage time in the exam. As the level of competition rises year after year, candidates may find it difficult to pass the RRB PO exam. However, time management may be of great assistance to you in passing the exam with flying colors. Here are few Time Management Tips to score high in IBPS RRB PO:-

Holi Sale

  1. The candidate must devote 22 minutes of the total 45 minutes to the reasoning section. We have provided a rough estimate of the time supposed to cover the topics in the Reasoning Section; you should plan your preparation accordingly. As there is negative marking for each incorrect answer, answer questions calmly and correctly.
Inequalities7-9 Minutes (From Inequalities to miscellaneous)
Blood Relations
Distance & Direction
Alphanumerical Series
Word and number based questions
Puzzles/ Sitting Arrangement13-15 Minutes (*For varying puzzles)
-Box based puzzles
-Floor based puzzles
-Comparison based puzzles
– Month/ week
Reasoning Strategy- Time Management for IBPS RRB PO

2. Candidates should set aside 23 minutes for Quant section and begin with the topic on which they are most confident. Do not get stuck on any question that takes up more time than you anticipated because it will detract from the next question, which you may know very well. Prepare for your exam using the table below.

Speed 7 Minutes
DI8 Minutes
Arithmetic8 Minutes
Quant Strategy- Time Management for IBPS RRB PO

Now, We all are aware of the ideal strategy for IBPS RRB PO exams, since we all know that as per the IBPS notification, not even a month is left for the preparation. So, to get a 20 day schedule for RRB PO 2022, click here.

If this strategy seems scary, then don’t worry we are here to tell you how to Crack IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 In First Attempt.

Time Management- IBPS RRB PO
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