Time And Work For SSC CGL
Time And Work For SSC CGL: Time and Work is an important topic that can be asked in many Government Exams. It is one of those topics that candidates must have studied during his/her school time. Time and Work for SSC CGL consists of 1-2 questions at a moderate level. Candidates are advised that they should prepare for this topic because they have already knowledge about it. One can make it easy by just solving different types of questions and learning all the important formulas. In this blog, we have provided the basic concept of Time and Work for SSC CGL Exam, different types of questions along the answers with explanations.
Basic Concept of Time and Work
Time and work is a concept that deals with the time taken by a person and a group of people to complete a work or a piece of work and the efficiency of an individual or a group.
Work is defined as a task that is to be completed by a person or a group to achieve a goal or result.
Time and Work Important Formulas
Here, we have provided some important formulas to solve the questions related to Time and Work. Candidates are advised if they are making notes for formulas then add these formulas too into that notebook.
- Work Done by a person = Time Taken × Rate of Work
- Rate of Work of a person = 1 / Time Taken by him
- Time Taken by him = 1 / Rate of Work
- If a piece of work or a job is done in n number of days, then the work done in one day = 1/n
- Total Work Done = Number of Days × Efficiency
- The efficiency of work done and Time are inversely proportional to each other.
- M : W is the ratio of the number of men and women which are required to complete a piece of work, then the ratio of the time taken by them to complete the work will be W : M.
- If W1 work is done by M1 people in D1 days, working T1 hours in a day and W2 work is done by M2 people in D2 days, working T2 hours in a day, then the relation between them will be
- (M1 × D1 × T1 × W2) = (M2 × D2 × T2 × W1)
Important Questions on Time and Work with Solutions
In this section, candidates will find the important questions regarding the Time and Work in Hindi and English Language. They are suggested to try to solve the questions first and then check the solution for better improvement.
Time and Work Questions in the English Language
Question 1: Pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’, alone can fill a tank in 12 hours and 20 hours, respectively. Both the pipes are opened together but after 5 hours pipe ‘B’ was closed. How much extra time will be required to fill the tank now as compared to that if pipe ‘B’ has not been closed?
A) 1.8 hours
B) 1.5 hours
C) 1.2 hours
D) 1 hours
Question 2: Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 32 hours. Pipe ‘A’ is opened at 11:00 a.m. and pipe ‘B’ is opened at 4:00 p.m. on the same day such that the tank gets completely filled at 7:00 a.m. on the next day. If both pipes were opened together at 9:00 a.m., then at what time 81% of the tank would’ve been filled?
A) 11:24 p.m.
B) 11:40 p.m.
C) 11:12 p.m.
D) 11:20 p.m.
Question 3: Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’, alone can fill a tank in 30 hours and 20 hours, respectively. Pipe ‘C’ alone can empty the same tank in 15 hours. If pipe ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ are opened alternatively for 1 hour each in the same order, then find the time required to completely fill the given tank.
A) 60 hours
B) 57 hours
C) 180 hours
D) 167 hours
Question 4: Pipe ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ together can fill a tank in 20 hours. All the pipes are opened together and after 15 hours pipe ‘C’ is closed and the remaining tank is filled by pipe ‘B’ and pipe ‘A’ together in 7 hours. The efficiency of pipe ‘C’ is how much percent of the efficiency of pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ together.
A) 35%
B) 40%
C) 32%
D) 30%
Question 5: Pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ together can fill a tank in 7.5 hours whereas pipe ‘A’ and ‘C’ together can fill it in 6 hours. If pipe ‘C’ is 40% more efficient than pipe ‘B’, then find the time taken by pipe ‘A’ alone to fill the same tank.
A) 20 hours
B) 24 hours
C) 15 hours
D) 25 hours
Question 6: Pipe ‘A’ is twice as efficient as pipe ‘B’. Pipe ‘C’ which is half as efficient as pipe ‘B’, can fill a tank alone in 15 hours. Find difference between time taken by pipe ‘C’ to fill 30% of the tank and time taken by pipe ‘A’ to completely fill the tank.
A) 75 minutes
B) 45 minutes
C) 30 minutes
D) 90 minutes
Question 7: Pipe ‘Q’ and pipe ‘R’, alone can fill a water tank completely in 4 hours and 8 hours, respectively. Both the pipes are opened alternatively for 1 hour each, starting with pipe ‘Q’ first at 9 a.m. Find out the exact time at which tank will be completely filled.
A) 11:30 a.m.
B) 11:00 a.m.
C) 1:00 p.m.
D) 2:00 p.m.
Question 8: Pipe ‘A’ alone can fill a cistern in 14 minutes. If pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ are opened together, it takes 18 minutes to fill the cistern. Find the time taken by pipe ‘B’ alone to empty 50% of the cistern.
A) 31.5 minutes
B) 25 minutes
C) 35 minutes
D) 27.5 minutes
Question 9: Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 20 minutes. Pipe ‘B’ can fill the tank along with pipe ‘A’ in 15 minutes. If pipe ‘C’ drains same amount of water as filled by pipe ‘B’ in a given time then find the time taken to fill the tank by pipes ‘A’ and ‘C’ together.
A) 20 minutes
B) 30 minutes
C) 24 minutes
D) 36 minutes
Question 10: Pipe ‘B’ alone can empty a tank in 70 minutes while pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ can together fill a tank in 28 minutes. Find the time taken by pipe ‘A’ alone to fill half the tank.
A) 10 minutes
B) 8 minutes
C) 15 minutes
D) 12 minutes
Time and Work Questions in the Hindi Language
प्रश्न 1: पाइप ‘A’ और ‘B’ अकेले एक टैंक को क्रमशः 12 hours और 20 hours में भर सकते हैं। दोनों पाइपों को एक साथ खोला जाता है लेकिन 5 hours बाद पाइप ‘B’ को बंद कर दिया जाता है। यदि पाइप ‘B’ को बंद नहीं किया गया है तो उसकी तुलना में अब टैंक को भरने में कितना अतिरिक्त समय लगेगा?
A) 1.8 hours
B) 1.5 hours
C) 1.2 hours
D) 1 hours
प्रश्न 2: पाइप ‘A’ एक टैंक को 32 hours में भर सकता है। पाइप ‘A’ को 11:00 a.m. पर खोला जाता है और पाइप ‘B’ को 4:00 p.m. पर खोला जाता है ताकि अगले दिन 7:00 a.m. पर टैंक पूरी तरह से भर जाए। यदि दोनों पाइपों को एक साथ 9:00a.m.पर खोल दिया जाता है, तो टैंक का 81% भाग किस समय पर भर चुका होगा?
A) 11:24 p.m.
B) 11:40 p.m.
C) 11:12 p.m.
D) 11:20 p.m.
प्रश्न 3: पाइप ‘A’ और पाइप ‘B’ अकेले एक टैंक को क्रमशः 30 hours और 20 hours में भर सकते हैं। पाइप ‘C’ अकेले उसी टैंक को 15 hours में खाली कर सकता है। यदि पाइप ‘A’, ‘B’ और ‘C’ को समान क्रम में 1 hour के लिए एकांतर रूप से खोला जाता है, तो दिए गए टैंक को पूरी तरह से भरने के लिए आवश्यक समय ज्ञात करें।
A) 60 hours
B) 57 hours
C) 180 hours
D) 167 hours
प्रश्न 4: पाइप ‘A’, ‘B’ और ‘C’ मिलकर एक टैंक को 20 घंटे में भर सकते हैं। सभी पाइप एक साथ खोले जाते हैं और 15 घंटे बाद पाइप ‘C’ को बंद कर दिया जाता है और शेष टैंक को पाइप ‘B’ और पाइप ‘A’ मिलकर 7 घंटे में भरते हैं। पाइप ‘C’ की क्षमता पाइप ‘A’ और ‘B’ की क्षमता का कितना प्रतिशत है?
A) 35%
B) 40%
C) 32%
D) 30%
प्रश्न 5: पाइप ‘A’ और ‘B’ एक साथ एक टैंक को 7.5 hours में भर सकते हैं जबकि पाइप ‘A’ और ‘C’ मिलकर इसे 6 hours में भर सकते हैं। यदि पाइप ‘C’ पाइप ‘B’ से 40% अधिक कुशल है, तो अकेले पाइप ‘A’ द्वारा उसी टैंक को भरने में लिया गया समय ज्ञात करें।
A) 20 hours
B) 24 hours
C) 15 hours
D) 25 hours
प्रश्न 6: पाइप ‘A’ पाइप ‘B’ से दोगुना कुशल है। पाइप ‘C’, जो पाइप ‘B’ से आधा कुशल है, अकेले एक टैंक को 15 hours में भर सकता है। पाइप ‘C’ द्वारा टैंक का 30% भरने में लगने वाले समय और पाइप ‘A’ द्वारा टैंक को पूरी तरह से भरने में लिए गए समय के बीच का अंतर ज्ञात कीजिए।
A) 75 minutes
B) 45 minutes
C) 30 minutes
D) 90 minutes
प्रश्न 7: पाइप ‘Q’ और पाइप ‘R’ अकेले एक पानी की टैंक को क्रमशः 4 घंटे और 8 घंटे में पूरी तरह से भर सकते हैं। दोनों पाइपों को बारी-बारी से 1 घंटे के लिए खोला जाता है, जिसमें पहले पाइप ‘Q’ को सुबह 9 बजे खोला जाता है। ज्ञात करें कि टैंक पूरी तरह से किस समय भर जाएगी।
A) 11:30 a.m.
B) 11:00 a.m.
C) 1:00 p.m.
D) 2:00 p.m.
प्रश्न 8: पाइप ‘A’ अकेले एक टैंक को 14 minutes में भर सकता है। यदि पाइप ‘A’ और ‘B’ को एक साथ खोल दिया जाए, तो टैंक को भरने में 18 minutes का समय लगता है। अकेले पाइप ‘B’ द्वारा टैंक का 50% खाली करने में लिया गया समय ज्ञात कीजिए।
A) 31.5 minutes
B) 25 minutes
C) 35 minutes
D) 27.5 minutes
प्रश्न 9: पाइप ‘A’ एक टैंक को 20 minutes में भर सकता है। पाइप ‘B’ पाइप ‘A’ के साथ टैंक को 15 minutes में भर सकता है। यदि पाइप ‘C’ एक निश्चित समय में उतने ही समय में पाइप ‘B’ द्वारा भरे गए पानी की समान मात्रा को निकालता है, तो पाइप ‘A’ और ‘C’ द्वारा साथ में टैंक को भरने में लगने वाला समय ज्ञात कीजिए।
A) 20 minutes
B) 30 minutes
C) 24 minutes
D) 36 minutes
प्रश्न 10: पाइप ‘B’ अकेले एक टैंक को 70 minutes में खाली कर सकता है जबकि पाइप ‘A’ और ‘B’ साथ में एक टैंक को 28 minutes में भर सकते हैं। आधा टैंक भरने के लिए अकेले पाइप ‘A’ द्वारा लिया गया समय ज्ञात कीजिए।
A) 10 minutes
B) 8 minutes
C) 15 minutes
D) 12 minutes
Solutions of the Above Questions with Explanation
Solution 1: 2)
Let the total capacity of the tank = 60 units {L.C.M of 12 & 20}
Efficiency of ‘A’ = (60/12) = 5 units/hour
Efficiency of ‘B’ = (60/20) = 3 units/hour
Time taken by pipe ‘A’ and ‘B’ together to fill the tank = 60/(5 + 3) = 7.5 hours
Quantity filled by pipe ‘A’ and ‘B’ together in 5 hours = (5 + 3) X 8 = 40 units
Remaining tank to be filled = 60 – 40 = 20 units
Time taken by pipe ‘A’ to fill the remaining part = (20/5) = 4 hours
Total time taken to fill the tank = 5 + 4 = 9 hours
Therefore, extra time taken = 9 – 7.5 = 1.5 hours
Hence, option b.
Solution 2: 1)
Let the capacity of the tank be ’32x’ litres.
Efficiency of pipe ‘A’ = (32x/32) = ‘x’ litres/hour
Let the efficiency of pipe ‘B’ be ‘y’ litres/hour
Total time taken to fill the tank = 20 hours
(20 X x) + (15 X y) = 32x
Or, 15y = 12x
Or, y = 0.8x
So, total time taken by pipe ‘A’ and ‘B’ to fill 81% of the tank together = {(32 X 0.81)/(x + 0.8x)} = 14.40 hours
14.40 hours = 14 hours + (0.4 X 60) minutes = 14 hours 24 minutes
So, the tank would’ve been 81% full at 11:24 p.m.
Hence, option a.
Solution 3: 4)
Let the capacity of the tank be 60 litres. {LCM of 30, 20, 15}
Efficiency of inlet pipe ‘A’ = (60/30) = 2 litres/hour
Efficiency of inlet pipe ‘B’ = (60/20) = 3 litres/hour
Efficiency of outlet pipe ‘C’ = (60/15) = 4 litres/hour
In 3 hours, pipe ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ together will fill 2 + 3 – 4 = 1 litres in the tank.
So, 55 litres will be filled in (3 X 55) = 165 hours
In next two hours pipe ‘A’ and ‘B’ together will fill the remaining 5 litres.
So, total time required to fill the tank= (165 + 2) = 167 hours
Hence, option d.
Solution 4: 2)
Let efficiencies of pipes ‘A’,’B’ and ‘C’ be ‘p’ litres/hour, ‘q’ litres/hour and ‘r’ litres/hour, respectively
(p + q + r) X 20 = (p + q + r) X 15 + (p + q) X 7
Or, (p + q + r) X 5 = (p + q) X 7
Or, 5(p + q) + 5r = 5(p + q) + 2(p + q)
Or, 5 X r = 2 X (p + q)
So, required percentage = (2/5) X 100 = 40%
Hence, option b.
Solution 5: 1)
Let the capacity of the tank be 30 litres. {LCM (7.5 and 6)}
So, efficiency of pipe ‘A’ and ‘B’ together = (30/7.5) = 4 litres/hour
And, efficiency of pipe ‘A’ and ‘C’ together = (30/6) = 5 litres/hour
Let the efficiency of pipe ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ be ‘x’ litres/hour, ‘y’ litres/hour and ‘z’ litres/hour, respectively.
(x + y) = 4 …… (I)
(x + z) = 5 ……. (II)
Subtracting equation (I) from equation (II), we have;
(z – y) = 1
Also, z = 1.40 X y = 1.4y
Or, 1.4y – y = 1
Or, 0.4y = 1
So, y = 2.5
So, efficiency of pipe ‘A’ = 4 – 2.5 = 1.5 litres/hour
So, required time taken = (30/1.5) = 20 hours.
Hence, option a.
Solution 6: 2)
Let the efficiency of pipe ‘C’ be ‘x’ litres/hour.
So, total capacity of the tank = ’15x’ litres.
Efficiency of pipe ‘A’ = x X 2 X 2 = ‘4x’ litres/hour
So, time taken by pipe ‘A’ to fill the tank = {15x/4x} = 3.75 hours
And, time taken by pipe ‘C’ to fill 30% of the tank = {(15x X 0.3)/x} = 4.5 hours
So, required difference = 4.5 – 3.75 = 0.75 hours = 0.75 X 60 = 45 minutes
Hence, option b.
Solution 7: 4)
Let capacity of the tank be 8 units (LCM of 4 and 8)
Q’s efficiency = (8/4) = 2 units per hour
R’s efficiency = (8/8) = 1 unit per hour
2 hours work for ‘Q’ and ‘R’ = (2 + 1) = 3 units
Therefore, work done by pipes ‘Q’ and ‘R’ in 4 hours = 2 X 3 = 6 units
Remaining capacity of tank to be filled = 8 – 6 = 2 units which will be filled by pipe ‘Q’ in next hour.
Therefore, tank will be filled in 5 hours i.e. at 2 p.m.
Hence, option d.
Solution 8: 1)
Let the total capacity of the tank = L.C.M of 14 and 18 = 126 units
So, efficiency of pipe ‘A’ alone = 126 ÷ 14 = 9 units/minute
Combined efficiency of pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ = 126 ÷ 18 = 7 units/minute
So, efficiency of pipe ‘B’ alone = 7 – 9 = -2 units/minute (outlet)
So, time taken by pipe ‘B’ alone to empty 50% of the cistern = (126 X 0.5) ÷ 2 = 31.5 minutes.
Hence, option a.
Solution 9: 2)
Let the capacity of the tank be 60 litres. {LCM (15 and 20)}
Efficiency of pipe ‘A’ = 60 ÷ 20 = 3 litres/minute
Efficiency of pipe ‘A’ and ‘B’ together = 60 ÷ 15 = 4 litres/minute
Efficiency of pipe ‘B’ alone = 4 – 3 = 1 litres/minute = efficiency of pipe ‘C’
Combined efficiency of pipes ‘A’ and ‘C’ = 3 – 1 = 2 litres/minute
Required time = 60 ÷ 2 = 30 minutes
Hence, option b.
Solution 10: 1)
Let the total capacity of tank = L.C.M of 70 and 28 = 140 units
Then, efficiency of pipe ‘B’ alone = 140 ÷ 70 = 2 units/minute (outlet)
Combined efficiency of pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ = 140 ÷ 28 = 5 units/minute
So, efficiency of pipe ‘A’ alone = 5 + 2 = 7 units/minute
Therefore, time taken by pipe ‘A’ alone to fill half the tank = (140/2) ÷ 7 = 10 minutes
Hence, option a.
Time and Work For SSC CGL FAQs
You can expect 1-2 questions from Time and Work for SSC CGL.
Time and work is a concept that deals with the time taken by a person and a group of people to complete a work or a piece of work. Refer to the above blog for more details.
Yes, we have provided the questions by analyzing the previous year’s question papers and with the help of experts.
You can find the formulas for Time and Work in this blog.
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