RBI Grade B 2022 notification Exam Dates, Vacancy, Cut-Off
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RBI Grade B 2022 notification: RBI Grade B examination is the most reputed government-level examination in India. Aspirants who wish to contribute to the Indian financial setup and enjoy the benefits of a high salary should never miss out on this particular job opportunity. There are so many people out there who don’t even know that such an opportunity exists for them.  

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Here is the possible and tentative schedule for RBI Grade B 2022 notification: 

RBI Grade-B 2022: Important Dates
Release of RBI Grade B Notification21st March 2022
Online Application Form Starts28th March 
Online Payment of Application Fees / Intimation Charges till18th April 2022
Phase-I Exam DateTo be notified
Phase-I ResultTo be notified
Phase-I Cut-OffTo be notified
Phase-II Call LetterTo be notified
Phase-II Exam DateTo be notified

Now obviously these dates are tentative and are highly subjected to changes. However, it does give an idea that aspirants can start their preparations beginning today. It’s not that RBI Grade B will be conducted by the RBI for the first time. The exam pattern, syllabus, eligibility criteria, and all other co-factors are available for all the aspirants to look at. 

RBI Grade B 2022 Eligibility Criteria: 

You need to check them before filling out the forms. 

Qualification details: A candidate should be a graduate from a recognized university or college with at least 60% marks (General category) and 50% marks for aspirants who belong to the category of SC, ST, and PWD category.  

60% or more marks in both 10th and 12th standard for general category and 50% or more for SCT, ST, and PWD category.  

Age Limit 

  • The candidate should be of age from 21 to 30 years. 
  • People pursuing Ph.D. and M.Phil. will have an age limit of 32 and 34 (lower and upper limit) 
  • The upper age limit is for the people who have work experience of commercial banks or financial institutions. The age relaxation goes along with the years of work experience you have. The upper limit for them is 33 years.  
  • 5 years of age relaxation is given to Ex-serviceman 
  • SC and ST category will also get 5 years of relaxation 
  • 3 years for OBC, and 10 years for the physically handicapped category 
  • Defense personnel who got disabled is given three years of relaxation 

Number of Attempts: Six attempts are the most you can give for the RBI Grade B exam.  

Syllabus for Phase-I Examination: 

Reasoning: Syllogism, Circular Arrangement, Verbal Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, inequality, Coding-Decoding, Arrangement and Pattern, Blood Relations, Ordering & Ranking, Direction and Distance, Machine Input-Output, Linear Arrangement. 

Quantitative Aptitude: Ratio and Proportion, Algebra, Time and Work, Average, Trigonometry, Percentage, Set Theory, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, Permutation & Combination, Speed, Probability, Distance and Time. 

English Language: Vocabulary, Grammar, Error Spotting, Passage Making, Jumble Words, Sentence Framing, Fill in the Blanks, Reading Comprehension. 

General Awareness: Indian Financial System, Indian Banking System, Banking Terms, National Institution, Monetary Plans, Current Affairs. 

Exam Pattern 

Phase I: Multiple choice-based questions will be asked. 1 mark for the right answer and 0.25 negative marking for the wrong answer. The total duration of the exam will be 120 minutes. 

Sections in Phase I 

  • General Awareness – 80 questions for 80 marks each 
  • English Language – 30 questions for 30 marks each 
  • Quantitative Aptitude – 30 questions for 30 marks each 
  • Reasoning – 60 questions for 60 marks each  

Phase II 

This phase includes both subjective and objective-type questions. It consists of three papers of 100 marks each for a duration of 1.5 hours.  

Other Information: 

  • Economic and Social Issues paper will have objective-type questions for 100 marks with a duration of 90 minutes.  
  • Finance and Management/Economics/Statistics paper will also have objective type questions for the duration of 90 minutes for 100 marks 
  • English language paper will be subjective for 100 marks with a total time of 90 minutes 

Still, got some questions? Tell us in the comments below.  

A Beginner’s Approach to RBI Grade B Exam preparation

Life of an RBI Grade B Officer: Lifestyle, Salary, Career Growth

Also, follow us on Facebook for daily updates regarding the RBI Grade B exam.  

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