The Vocabulary section plays a vital role in government exams. Aspirants have realized the importance of keeping a strong command of learning new words. Good vocabulary knowledge is useful to attempt comprehension questions quickly and accurately in competitive exams. We provide a free resource to learn new words for candidates in The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary. Learn new words daily without spending a single penny. We provide 10-12 difficult words daily with contextual meanings in The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary. Get the downloadable PDF files of monthly Hindu Vocabulary to easily understand new words with their contextual meanings.
Here, we have compiled the list of Daily Hindu Vocabulary covering difficult words with contextual meanings. Our purpose is to explain difficult words in context with articles. This helps to know new words regularly improving your banking and current awareness knowledge for government exams.
November 25, 2024:
November 26, 2024:
November 20, 2024:
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 15th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Impunity | Exemption or freedom from punishment or harmful consequences of an action. |
Punitive | Intended as punishment. |
Subversion | The act of undermining or overthrowing an established system or institution. |
Proponents | People who advocate or support a particular idea, theory, or cause. |
Spurt | A sudden increase or burst of activity, speed, or growth. |
Separation of Powers | The division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to prevent concentration of power. |
Penal | Relating to or used for punishment under the law. |
Underpinned | Supported, justified, or strengthened. |
Unscrupulous | Without moral principles; unethical. |
Adhere | To stick firmly or remain loyal to something. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 15th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 14th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Momentum | The force that keeps an object moving or an event developing after it has started. |
Rendering | Causing something to become a particular way. |
Fleeting | Lasting for a very short time. |
Reprieve | A temporary relief or delay. |
Surge | A sudden large increase. |
Stoked | Encouraged or increased the intensity of something. |
Bugbear | A particular thing that annoys or worries someone. |
Bout | A short period of intense activity of a specified kind. |
Alleviate | To make something less severe. |
Gauge | A device or standard for measuring something. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 14th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 13th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Diplomatic | Involving the work of maintaining good relations between governments |
Row | A serious dispute or argument |
Derail | To cause a process to fail or go off course |
Allegation | A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, often without proof |
Premises | The land and buildings owned or used by someone, especially for business or official purposes |
Deliberate | Done consciously and intentionally |
Intimidate | To frighten or overawe someone, especially to make them do what one wants |
Mobilisation | The act of organizing or preparing something for a purpose |
Bilateral | Involving or affecting two sides, often referring to two countries or parties |
Fractious | Difficult to control; likely to cause trouble or disagreement |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 13th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 12th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Quantum | A specified amount or portion. |
Quota | A fixed limit on the amount of something. |
Affirmative action | Policies designed to favor disadvantaged groups. |
Downtrodden | People who are treated badly and without respect by those in power. |
Submission | The action of presenting something for consideration or judgment. |
Prelude | An event that happens before and leads to something more important. |
Ceiling | An upper limit, especially a financial one. |
Envisaging | Imagining or expecting that something may happen in the future. |
Antiquated | Old-fashioned or outdated. |
Compilation | The action of collecting information from different sources. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 12th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 11th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Entitlement | The right to have something |
Precedent | An earlier event or action regarded as an example or guide |
Indicia | Signs or indications |
Vindicate | To clear of blame or suspicion |
Dilute | To make something weaker by modifying its elements |
Dispensation | Exemption from a rule or usual requirement |
Statute | A written law passed by a legislative body |
Affirm | To declare support or validity |
Surrender | To give up possession or control |
Ambit | The scope or extent of something |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 11th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 9th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Churn | Continuous movement or agitation, often used to describe instability in situations or markets. |
Sectional | Relating to a distinct group or section, typically emphasizing division. |
Conclave | A private or secret meeting, especially a gathering of influential figures. |
Division | A separation or split, often creating difference or discord. |
Undermining | Weakening or damaging gradually, often subtly or indirectly. |
Narrative | A story or account of events or experiences, sometimes with a particular viewpoint. |
Iconic | Widely recognized and admired; symbolic or emblematic. |
Fealty | Loyalty or allegiance, typically to a leader, cause, or principle. |
Demography | The study or composition of populations, often analyzing statistics like age or ethnicity. |
Polity | A form of government or political organization within a specific area. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 9th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 8th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Verdict | A decision made by a court. |
Bandwidth | The capacity to handle tasks or demands. |
Concentration | The gathering or accumulation of something. |
Directive | An official or authoritative instruction. |
Judicial | Related to courts or judges. |
Subserve | To serve or assist. |
Detriment | Harm or damage. |
Ambit | The scope, extent, or bounds of something. |
Expansive | Extensive or wide-ranging. |
Regime | A government, especially an authoritarian one. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 8th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 7th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Rein | Control or guide |
Reckon | Consider or regard |
Fray | An intense situation or contest |
Impeached | Charged with misconduct |
Electoral | Relating to elections |
Stronghold | A place where a particular belief is dominant |
Seizing | Taking control by force or authority |
Trifecta | A combination of three wins |
Polarising | Causing division in opinion |
Disenchantment | Disappointment or loss of belief |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 7th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 6th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Lieutenant Governor | A high-ranking official representing the head of state or governor in a jurisdiction. |
Reiteration | The act of repeating something for emphasis or clarity. |
Customary | According to the usual practices or traditions of a group or society. |
Dispensation | A special allowance or arrangement, particularly by an authority. |
Solemn | Serious and dignified, often relating to a promise or commitment. |
Abrogating | Formally ending or canceling something, often a law or agreement. |
Reorganisation | The act of restructuring or changing the organization of something. |
Faith reposed | Trust placed in someone or something. |
Rankle | To cause persistent annoyance or resentment. |
Brooks no delay | Allows no delay or tolerance for postponement. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 6th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 5th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Escalation | An increase in intensity or seriousness. |
Disproportionate | Too large or too small in comparison to something else. |
Conflict-prone | Likely to experience conflict frequently. |
Ploy | A cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s advantage. |
Harbouring | Protecting or sheltering, especially in secrecy. |
Disenchantment | Disappointment about someone or something previously respected. |
Despondency | A state of low spirits due to loss of hope or courage. |
Rampant | Widespread, usually in an unchecked manner. |
Insurgency | A rebellion against authority, often with armed resistance. |
Forbearance | Patient self-control or restraint. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 5th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 4th November 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Repercussions | Results or effects |
Wobbly | Unsteady or shaky |
Indirect tax | Tax on goods or services, not income |
Receipts | Money collected |
Bolstered | Made stronger |
Filings | Submitted documents |
Refunds | Money returned |
Spikes | Sharp increases |
Punctuated | Broken up with pauses or interruptions |
Underwhelming | Not very impressive or below expectations |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 4th November 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 30th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Incoherence | Lack of clarity or logical organization. |
Stymie | To prevent or hinder progress. |
Vindictive | Having or showing a strong desire for revenge. |
Cohesion | The action or fact of forming a united whole. |
Discontent | A feeling of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. |
Consolidate | To combine or strengthen into a single, effective whole. |
Affirmation | Positive support or approval. |
Plaudits | Praise or approval. |
Divisive | Causing disagreement or hostility. |
Mobilisation | The act of preparing or organizing resources for action. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 30th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 29th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Granular | Detailed, focusing on small parts. |
Ripple effects | Outcomes that spread from a central influence, affecting a larger area. |
Handicrafts | Items made skillfully by hand, often reflecting cultural artistry. |
Alliance partners | Groups in a cooperative agreement, often for shared goals. |
Edged out | To surpass or replace subtly or gradually. |
Buoyed | Lifted or encouraged in spirits or status. |
Subaltern | Relating to groups that are marginalized or lower in social status. |
Polarisation | Division into contrasting groups or views. |
Communalism | Strong allegiance to one’s community, often in a divisive way. |
Bickering | Petty, ongoing arguments or disputes. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 29th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 28th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Intoxicating | Causing excitement or loss of control, often due to alcohol or drugs |
Federal | Related to a system where power is divided between a central authority and constituent regions |
Potable | Safe and suitable for drinking |
Gamut | The full range or extent of something |
Bone of contention | A point of dispute or disagreement |
Fermentation | The chemical breakdown of substances, often by bacteria or yeast |
Denuded | Stripped of something valuable or necessary |
Feedstock | Raw material for industrial processes |
Liquid fuel | Combustible liquid used as a fuel |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 28th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 24th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Ominous | Suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen. |
Pertains | To relate to or have a connection with something. |
Averted | To prevent something bad from happening. |
Anticipated | Expected or predicted. |
Downgraded | To reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position. |
Offset | To balance one influence against an opposing influence. |
Attributed | To say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing. |
Unwinding | The process of undoing or reversing something. |
Crucial | Extremely important or necessary. |
Pivoting | To turn or change direction. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 24th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 23rd October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Transgressed | To go beyond a limit or boundary, typically in a negative or unlawful way. |
Counter-deployment | The action of placing military forces in response to an opposing force’s deployment. |
Disengagement | The process of stopping fighting or a military conflict; withdrawal of troops. |
Friction points | Areas or situations where tension or conflict arises. |
Status quo ante | The state of affairs that existed previously, particularly before a conflict or change. |
Patrolling | The act of soldiers or law enforcement regularly moving through an area to maintain order or control. |
Bilateral ties | Relations or dealings between two nations. |
Perception | A belief or opinion formed about something, especially based on how things seem. |
Vacated | To leave a place that was previously occupied. |
Modus vivendi | A practical arrangement or agreement between parties that allows them to coexist peacefully. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 23rd October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 22nd October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Upholding | Supporting or defending something, especially in law. |
Regime | A system or set of rules, especially one governing a country. |
Conferred | To give someone an official title, honor, or advantage. |
Erstwhile | Former or in the past. |
Tribunal | A special court or group of people officially chosen to examine problems of a particular type. |
Concurrence | Agreement in opinion or decision. |
Demographic | Relating to the study of populations and the different groups that make them up. |
Erosion | The gradual destruction or diminution of something. |
Guise | The appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive. |
Invalidating | To make something no longer legally or officially acceptable. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 22nd October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 21st October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Indictment | A formal statement of accusing someone of a serious crime. |
Linkages | The existence or forming of connections between things. |
Reek | To have a strong unpleasant smell; to give a strong impression of something negative. |
Delude | To make someone believe something that is not true. |
Stark | Empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary. |
Untenable | Not able to be supported or defended against criticism, or no longer able to continue. |
Contract killings | An arrangement in which someone hires another person to kill someone for money. |
Incompetence | Lack of ability or skill to do something successfully. |
Complicity | Involvement in a crime or some activity that is wrong. |
Morale | The amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc., that a person or a group has at a particular time. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 21st October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 19th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Institutions | (noun) Established laws, practices, or customs in society or a community. |
Abject | (adjective) Extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading; showing no pride or respect. |
Colonialism | (noun) The practice of acquiring control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. |
Property rights | (noun) The legal right to own, use, and dispose of property. |
Incentive | (noun) Something that encourages or motivates a person to do something. |
Extractive | (adjective) Taking resources or value from something without giving much back, often used in a context where something is exploited. |
Concentration of power | (noun phrase) The control of authority or decision-making in a few hands or a single group. |
Brutality | (noun) Savage physical violence; great cruelty. |
Salience | (noun) The quality of being particularly noticeable or important; prominence. |
Expropriation | (noun) The act of a government taking away private property for public use, often without fair compensation. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 19th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 18th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Injunction | An official order given by a court, usually to stop someone from doing something. |
Juncture | A particular point in an event or time. |
Antitrust | Relating to efforts to prevent companies from working together to control prices or limit competition. |
Implications | The effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future. |
Competition | A situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else. |
Mandates | To give official permission for something to happen. |
Commission | An amount of money paid to someone according to the value of goods sold or work done. |
Fuelled | To make something, especially something bad, increase or become stronger. |
Dominance | The situation in which one company, product, etc., has more power, influence, or success than others. |
Dismantle | To take a machine apart or to come apart into separate pieces. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 18th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 17th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Abject | Extremely bad or severe; showing no pride or respect. |
Undernourished | Not having enough food to maintain health and proper growth. |
Staggering | Very shocking and surprising. |
Stark | Very plain and obvious, often harsh or severe. |
Systemic | Affecting the whole system or body, rather than just a part. |
Per capita | For each person; in relation to people taken individually. |
Income inequality | The unequal distribution of income among a population. |
Pertinent | Relevant or applicable to a particular matter; appropriate. |
Bumper | Exceptionally large in amount or size. |
Stunting | The condition of being shorter than expected for age due to poor nutrition. |
Wasting | A condition where a person is too thin for their height, often due to malnutrition. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 17th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 16th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Unprecedented | Never having happened or existed in the past. |
Steadfastly | In a firm and determined way, without wavering or changing. |
Abolition | The act of ending an activity or custom officially. |
Radioactivity | The sending out of radiation when the nucleus of an atom has broken apart. |
Inaction | The lack of action or activity, especially when something should be happening. |
Censorship | The practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and removing things considered offensive. |
Aver | To state or assert something to be the case. |
Discourse | Written or spoken communication or debate. |
Doctrine | A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group. |
Surreptitiously | Done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 16th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 15th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Trajectory | The curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or shot into the air, or of an object that is traveling through space. |
Projection | A calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have. |
Hawkish | Supporting the use of force in political relationships rather than discussion or other more peaceful solutions. |
Unambiguously | In a way that makes completely clear what is meant. |
Bottomed out | To have reached the lowest point in a continuously changing situation and to be about to improve. |
Fret | To be nervous or worried. |
Plausible | Seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed. |
Instructive | Giving useful or interesting information. |
Tangential | (of a subject or activity) different from or not directly connected with the one you are talking about or doing. |
Bullish | (in business) Confident and positive about the future. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 15th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 14th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Spate | A large number of things, usually unpleasant, happening suddenly within a short period of time. |
Precarious | Not safe or certain; dangerous. |
Capex | Money that a company spends on buildings, equipment, etc. |
Naive | Lacking experience of life, knowledge, or good judgment; willing to believe that people always tell the truth. |
Precarity | The state of being uncertain or unstable. |
Overhauling | To examine and repair a machine or system thoroughly. |
Deplorable | Very bad and deserving strong disapproval. |
Vigilance | Great care taken to notice any signs of danger or trouble. |
Consonance | Agreement or harmony between people or things. |
Decarbonise | To reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) released from something. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 14th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 11th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Embarks | To begin or start something important. |
Electorate | All the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in elections. |
Fragmented | Broken into small, disconnected parts. |
Delimitation | The act of fixing or defining the boundaries or limits of something. |
Disenchanted | Disappointed with something once admired. |
Steadfast | Firm and unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve. |
Reconciliation | The restoration of friendly relations after a disagreement. |
Mandate | An official order or authorization to do something. |
Imperative | Of vital importance; crucial. |
Autocratic | Relating to a ruler who has absolute power. |
Palpable | So obvious that it can easily be noticed or felt. |
Despondency | A state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or confidence. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 11th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 10th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Polarisation | Division into two opposite groups or opinions. |
Incumbent | Currently holding a particular position or office. |
Mobilisation | The act of organizing people or resources for action. |
Marginalised | Treated as insignificant or peripheral. |
Eclipse | A loss of significance or power in comparison to something else. |
Disparate | Completely different and not allowing comparison. |
Consolidation | The process of making something stronger or more effective. |
Spectrum | A wide range or variety of things or ideas. |
Setback | A problem that delays or prevents progress. |
Anti-incumbency | Opposition or negative sentiment toward the current officeholder. |
Constituency | A group of voters in a specific area who elect a representative. |
Counter-mobilisation | Organizing a group of people or resources in opposition to another group. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 10th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 9th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Foundational | Relating to the basic part of something, on which other things depend. |
Statistical | Relating to statistics, which is the study of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, presenting, and organizing data. |
Disparate | Different in every way; not allowing comparison. |
Preferential | Giving an advantage to one over others. |
Analogous | Similar in some way, which makes it possible to compare them. |
Anti-aligned | Not in line with; opposing alignment. |
Frustrated | Feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. |
Cognitive | Connected with mental processes of understanding, learning, and thinking. |
Ubiquity | The fact that something or someone seems to be everywhere. |
Transient | Lasting only for a short time; temporary. |
Robust | Strong and healthy; not likely to fail or become weak. |
Consolidation | The process of making something stronger or more solid; the act of combining several things into a single, more effective whole. |
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 8th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Regulation | The control of an activity or process. |
Transcription | The process of making an RNA copy of a gene’s DNA sequence. |
Seminal | Containing important new ideas that influence later developments. |
Peculiar | Unusual and strange. |
Invertebrates | Animals without a backbone. |
Vertebrates | Animals with a backbone. |
Conserved | Kept the same over time. |
Dysregulated | Controlled in an abnormal way. |
Proliferative | Growing or reproducing rapidly. |
Perturbing | Making someone feel worried or upset. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 8th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 7th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Fanfare | A large amount of activity and discussion on television, radio, or in newspapers. |
Unemployable | Not having the skills or qualifications to be employed. |
Operationalises | To make something operational or functional. |
Spur | To encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster. |
Stints | A fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job. |
Distressing | Causing worry, sadness, or pain. |
Bridging | To connect two things or to make a difference smaller. |
Certification | Official approval to do something. |
Prospective | Expected to happen or likely to happen in the future. |
Trajectory | The path followed by an object or something over time. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 7th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 4th October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Defection | The act of leaving a political party to join an opposing one |
Impending | About to happen soon |
Rift | A serious disagreement or break in relations |
Revolted | To oppose or refuse to accept something |
Coalition | A group of people or political parties working together |
Recognition | Official acceptance or acknowledgment of something |
Faction | A small, organized group within a larger one, especially in politics |
Rebellion | Action against authority, often involving conflict |
Organisational | Related to the structure or arrangement of a group |
Majority | The larger number or part of a whole |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 4th October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 3rd October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word/Phrase | Meaning |
Inflection point | A time of significant change in a situation. |
Escalation | An increase in the intensity or seriousness of something; a rise or growth. |
Provocations | Actions or statements that cause someone to become angry or upset. |
Retaliation | The act of harming someone because they have harmed oneself; revenge. |
Restraint | The action of holding back or controlling something; moderation. |
Deterring | To discourage someone from doing something through fear or doubt. |
Abdication | The act of giving up power, responsibility, or control. |
Breach | A violation or infraction of a law, duty, or obligation. |
Catastrophic | Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering; disastrous. |
Leverage | The power to influence a situation or person to achieve a desired outcome. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 3rd October 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 1st October 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Volatiles | Substances that can easily change into a gas. |
Beset | To cause difficulty or suffering over a period of time. |
Ballooned | To increase rapidly. |
Dismayed | Feeling shocked and disappointed. |
Lander | A spacecraft designed to land on the surface of a planet or moon. |
Cadence | The regular rise and fall of sound, rhythm, or movement. |
Manoeuvring | The act of moving or handling something skillfully. |
Prospecting | The search for mineral deposits, especially by drilling and excavation. |
Proclamations | Public or official announcements. |
Offing | Likely to happen soon. |
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 27th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Portents | (noun) Signs or warnings that something significant or disastrous is likely to happen. |
Consumption | (noun) The act of using, eating, or buying goods and services. |
Spur | (verb) To encourage an activity or increase it quickly. |
Virtuous | (adjective) Having or showing high moral standards. |
Fatigue | (noun) Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion. |
Temper | (verb) To moderate or soften something. |
Barometer | (noun) Something that reflects changes in circumstances or opinions. |
Stuttering | (verb) Happening in fits and starts, or not smoothly. |
Fervour | (noun) Intense and passionate feeling. |
Benign | (adjective) Gentle, not harmful or severe. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 30th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 27th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Spike | A sudden large increase in something. |
Functionary | A person who has official duties, especially in a government or political organization. |
Convene | To bring together a group of people for a meeting, or to meet for a meeting. |
Catastrophically | Causing sudden and very great harm or destruction. |
Emissions | The production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation. |
Comply | To act according to an order, set of rules, or request. |
Incentives | Something that encourages a person to do something. |
Punitive | Intended as punishment. |
Co-fired | The act of burning two types of fuel at the same time, such as straw and coal. |
Multi-layered | Having many different parts or aspects. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 28th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 27th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Refrain | To stop yourself from doing something, especially something that you want to do. |
Suo motu | A Latin legal term meaning ‘on its own motion’; used when a court takes action without a formal request. |
Bias | The action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence judgment. |
Cognisance | Knowledge or awareness of something. |
Contrite | Feeling very sorry and guilty for something bad that you have done. |
Stereotyping | Having a set idea that people or things with particular characteristics are the same. |
Perpetuate | To cause something to continue, especially something harmful or undesirable. |
Unwarranted | Not having a good reason and therefore causing annoyance or offense. |
Fraternity | A group of people who have the same job or interest. |
Adversely | In a way that has a negative or harmful effect. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 27th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 26th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Bombardment | A continuous attack on a place with guns or bombs. |
Militant | Active, determined, and often willing to use force. |
Invasion | An occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country. |
Solidarity | Agreement between and support for the members of a group, especially a political group. |
Stronghold | A building or position that is strongly defended. |
Militia | A military force that operates only some of the time and is often made up of people not professional soldiers. |
Displaced | Forced to leave their home, typically because of war, persecution, or natural disaster. |
Retaliation | The act of hurting someone or doing something harmful to someone because they have done something harmful to you. |
Guerrillas | A member of an unofficial military group trying to change the government by making sudden attacks. |
Ceasefire | An agreement, usually between two armies, to stop fighting, allowing discussions about peace. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 26th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 25th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Delineation | The action of describing or marking the edge of something (especially in detail). |
Culpable | Deserving blame or being responsible for something bad. |
Enormity | The great size or seriousness of something bad or morally wrong. |
Constructive possession | Legal possession inferred by law even when there is no physical possession. |
Ramifications | The possible results of an action, especially when they are complex or unwelcome. |
Proliferation | The rapid increase in the number or amount of something. |
Perversion | The changing of something that is natural and good into something that is unnatural and bad. |
Enlightened | Having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook. |
Legislative | Relating to laws or the making of laws. |
Apex | The top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 25th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 24th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Adulteration | The action of making something poorer in quality by adding another substance. |
Prasadam | A devotional offering made to a deity, especially in South India. |
Snowballed | To increase rapidly in size, intensity, or importance. |
Arduous | Involving or requiring a lot of effort; very difficult and tiring. |
Apex | The highest point or top of something, especially in power or importance. |
Caveats | Warnings or provisos of specific conditions or limitations. |
Contamination | The action of making something impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance. |
Hereditary | Passed down from parent to child or ancestor to descendant, often referring to titles, rights, or property. |
Purview | The scope or range of responsibility or authority. |
Muck-raking | The action of searching out and publicizing scandalous information about famous people. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 24th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 23rd September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Unwarranted | Lacking justification or adequate support; not necessary or appropriate |
Aggrieved | Feeling resentment due to unfair treatment; upset or unhappy |
Remedy | A solution or means of correcting a problem |
Unconstitutional | Not in accordance with a country’s constitution or laws; illegal |
Redress | Compensation for a wrong or grievance; an act of correcting or making right |
Prevalence | The fact or condition of being widespread or common |
Misinformation | False or inaccurate information, typically spread unintentionally |
Sole | Being the only one; exclusive |
Arbiter | A person who has the authority to settle a dispute or decide on matters |
Chilling | Causing fear or discouragement, often with an intimidating effect |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 23rd September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 20th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Optics | The way in which a situation is perceived or presented. |
Conceal | To hide something or prevent it from being seen or known. |
Dynamics | The forces or properties that stimulate growth, development, or change within a system. |
Seamless | Smooth and continuous; without any gaps or interruptions. |
Arbitrary | Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. |
Milestone | An important event or point in progress. |
Endorse | To declare one’s public approval or support of something. |
Partisan | Strongly supporting one political party or cause, often without considering the other side. |
Rigid | Not able to be changed or adapted; inflexible. |
Bombast | High-sounding language with little meaning; inflated or pretentious speech. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 20th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 19th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Divisible | Capable of being divided; pertaining to the portion of taxes that can be distributed among states. |
Apportionment | The act of distributing something according to a plan or system; allocation. |
Cesses | Additional taxes or levies imposed by the government for specific purposes. |
Ambit | The scope, extent, or bounds of something; range of influence. |
Infringement | The act of violating or encroaching upon rights, laws, or regulations. |
Paltry | Insignificant or meager; lacking in value or amount. |
Devolution | The transfer or delegation of power or authority from a central government to local or regional governments. |
Tailor-made | Specifically designed or customized to meet particular needs or requirements. |
Contingency | A future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty; often relates to emergency planning. |
Participatory | Involving or allowing participation; engaging stakeholders in decision-making processes. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 19th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 18th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Conceding | To admit, often unwillingly, that something is true or correct. |
Cease work agitation | A protest or movement where work is stopped. |
Morphed | Gradually changed into a different form. |
Laid siege | To surround and prevent access to a place, often as a form of protest. |
Pelting | Falling quickly and heavily, often used to describe rain. |
Clamour | A loud demand or request. |
Impasse | A situation where no progress can be made. |
Acute | Severe or intense. |
Whiff | A slight sign or small amount of something. |
Alienated | Made someone feel isolated or estranged. |
Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 18th September 2024 to Learn Difficult Words & Their Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 17th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Psyche | The mind, or the deepest thoughts, feelings, or beliefs |
Knife’s edge | A difficult situation where the outcome is uncertain |
Shock | A sudden and powerful upset or surprise |
Adage | A wise saying or proverb |
Wicket | A situation or condition, often used figuratively for advantage |
Unfounded | Not based on fact or reason |
Thorny | Difficult to deal with or complex |
Derogatory | Showing strong disapproval or disrespect |
Nativism | The policy of protecting the interests of native-born people |
Rational | Based on reason or logic |
Palpable | So obvious that it can easily be seen or known |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 17th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 16th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Suspect | Possibly false, illegal, or dishonest. |
Urgency | The need for fast action. |
Cusp | The dividing line between two very different things. |
Precedent | An action or decision that can be used as an example or rule to be followed in the future. |
Dispel | To remove fears, doubts, or false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary. |
High-handed | Using power or authority more forcefully than is needed, without considering others’ feelings. |
Decried | To criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary. |
Propensity | A natural tendency to behave in a particular way. |
Evasive | Avoiding giving a clear answer. |
Obligation | Something that you must do because of a law, rule, or promise. |
Subtle | Not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way. |
Threshold | The level at which something starts to happen. |
Incarceration | The act of putting or keeping someone in prison. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 16th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 13th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Modicum | A small amount of something good such as truth or honesty. |
Laudable | Deserving praise, even if not completely successful. |
Fulfil | To do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen. |
Chronic | (Especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time. |
Penetration | The act of moving into or through something. |
Neglected | Not receiving enough care or attention. |
Robust | (Of a person or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail. |
Curative | Able to cure or cause recovery from an illness. |
Waning | Becoming less strong, powerful, popular, etc. |
Modality | A particular way of doing or experiencing something. |
Appropriate | Suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion. |
Incomplete | Not finished, or lacking some parts. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 13th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 12th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Oversight | The action of overseeing something or someone. |
Deliberations | Long and careful discussions or considerations. |
Suo motu | (Latin) On its own motion or initiative. |
Regulatory | Relating to the control or supervision of something. |
Economy | The careful management of available resources to avoid waste. |
Unmistakable | Clear and easy to understand; not able to be mistaken. |
Envisages | To imagine or expect something in the future. |
Sanction | Official permission or approval for an action. |
Significant | Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention. |
Crony capitalism | A system where businesses succeed based on their relationships with officials. |
Posturing | Behavior intended to impress or influence others. |
Accountability | The state of being accountable, responsible, or answerable. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 12th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 11th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Clamour | A loud complaint, especially by a lot of people. |
Notable | Important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting. |
Reconsideration | The act of thinking again about a decision or opinion and deciding if you want to change it. |
Aegis | With the protection or support of someone or something, especially an organization. |
Plausibly | Seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed. |
Averred | To say that something is certainly true. |
Tantamount | Being almost the same or having the same effect as something, usually something bad. |
Rollback | The act of reducing or reversing the effect of something. |
Tom-tomming | To talk about something publicly in a way that makes it sound as if it is especially important. |
Inadequate | Not good enough or too low in quality. |
Malaise | A general feeling of being ill or having no energy, or an uncomfortable feeling that something is wrong. |
Guise | The appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive. |
Benign | Pleasant and kind; not harmful or severe. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 11th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 10th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Contextual Meaning |
Essence | The basic or most important idea or quality of something. |
Regimen | Any set of rules about food and exercise that some people follow, especially to improve their health. |
Proven | Shown to be true. |
Multidrug-resistant | Refers to a condition where a disease is resistant to treatment with multiple drugs. |
Hitherto | Until now or until a particular time. |
Elimination | The process of removing something completely. |
Endorse | To make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone. |
Conventional | Traditional and ordinary. |
Sensitivity | The quality of being easily influenced, changed, or damaged, especially by a physical activity or effect. |
Detection | The fact of noticing or discovering something. |
Mortality | The number of deaths within a particular society and within a particular period of time. |
Pioneer | A person who is one of the first people to do something. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 10th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 9th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Deliberate | Intentional or planned, often with careful thought. |
Red carpet | Special treatment that is given to an important person when they visit a place. |
Reconnect | To join or be joined with something else again after becoming separated. |
Forge | To make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive; to make or produce something, especially with difficulty. |
Neglect | To not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility. |
Strategic | Helping to achieve a plan, for example in business or politics. |
Telling | Showing the truth about a situation or showing what someone really thinks. |
Ramp up | To increase the speed, power, or cost of something. |
Veiled | Hidden or unclear, often used to describe something that is expressed indirectly. |
Defray | To provide money to pay for something. |
De-risking | The process of reducing the possibility of something bad happening. |
Predatory | (Of a person or organization) using someone’s weakness to get advantages for yourself; exploiting others’ weaknesses. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 9th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 5th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Uptick | A small increase or improvement in the number or level of something. |
Subdued | Not very bright, loud, or noticeable, or not as strong as usual. |
Dissipation | The process of gradually disappearing or becoming less. |
Resurgence | A new increase of activity or interest in a particular subject or idea that had been forgotten. |
Anaemic | Lacking force, power, or spirit. |
Moderation | The quality of doing something within reasonable limits. |
Bolster | To support or improve something or make it stronger. |
Imperative | Extremely important or urgent. |
Rethink | To think again about a plan, idea, or system in order to change or improve it. |
Capitalize | To use a situation to your own advantage. |
Vaunted | Praised too frequently or excessively. |
Pursuit | The act of trying to achieve a plan, activity, or situation, usually over a long period of time. |
Reluctance | An unwillingness to do something. |
Prescription | A piece of advice or a recommendation for action. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 5th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 4th September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Retribution | Deserved and severe punishment. |
Impunity | Freedom from punishment or from the unpleasant results of something that has been done. |
Wholesome | Good for you, and likely to improve your life either physically, morally, or emotionally. |
Oblivious | Not conscious of something, especially what is happening around you. |
Correlation | A connection or relationship between two or more facts, numbers, etc. |
Trickery | The activity of using tricks to deceive or cheat people. |
Gloating | If someone is gloating, they are showing pleasure at their own success or at other people’s failure in an unpleasant way. |
Grapple | To fight, especially in order to win something. |
Egregious | Extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable. |
Blatant | Very obvious and intentional when this is a bad thing. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 4th September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 3rd September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Overseeing | A method of observing or planning a task or a process to ensure it is being done properly. |
Slated | To be anticipated to occur or take place in the future or to be or do something in the future. |
Parleys | A dialogue between two parties, or persons especially when the aim is to settle the issue at hand. |
Steered | In one’s view to determine how a car or a certain situation will turn out to be or to steer it in a particular way. |
Deliberate | To consider something earnestly and seriously and discuss it with due concern. |
Arduous | Challenging that requires a lot of work and strength to accomplish. |
Aversion | A compulsive uneasiness and the desire to avoid a place or thing, or a reluctance to engage in a particular activity. |
Nudge | To prod, shove, or nudge something or someone, especially when you use your elbow to do so to get the attention of that particular person. |
Revamp | To alter or reposition once more to make it better. |
Feasibility | The achievable probability, can be accomplished, or is rational. |
Advocating | To endorse or recommend an idea, a development, or how something is done in the public domain. |
Amenable | Ready to follow somebody’s advice or suggestion. |
Acrimonious | Full of anger, arguments, and bad feelings. |
Instructive | Telling something that is beneficial or provides some entertainment. |
Nitty-gritty | Plain and straightforward facts of a case. |
Obscure | Not recognized by many or vague and hardly recognizable or distinguishable. |
Ungainly | Lacking refined bodily movements. |
Spectre | An unpleasant situation that may occur in the future. |
Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 3rd September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
Given below are some difficult words with their meanings from The Hindu Editorial of 2nd September 2024. Click the link below to read the entire editorial.
Word | Meaning |
Inherent | Existing as a natural or basic part of something. |
Setback | Something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing. |
Trigger | Something that causes something else to happen, especially something bad. |
Discord | The state of not agreeing or sharing opinions. |
Inopportune | Happening or done at a time that is not suitable or convenient. |
Strife | Angry or violent disagreement between two people or groups of people. |
Flagship | The best or most important product, idea, building, etc., that an organization owns or produces. |
Embarrassed | To cause someone to feel nervous, worried, or uncomfortable. |
Apologized | To tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused problems or unhappiness for them. |
Immense | Extremely large in size or degree. |
Patriarch | The male leader of a family or tribe. |
Tussle | A difficult disagreement or violent argument. |
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Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 2nd September 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings
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