IBPS Clerk

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 8, 2022; Day 306

Difficult Word/ PhraseContextual Sense
Conundrum A difficult problem
Strained Showing signs of mental and emotional tension
Allege Make an accusation or assertion without any proof
Friction A state of conflict between persons
Assent Agreement with a statement or proposal to do something
Underscore emphasizing the importance of something
Conferment the act of giving something (such as a degree, award, title, or right) to someone
Regime a form of government or rule; political system
Intent Purpose
Vest Place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons
Insulate Separate in order to protect or prevent interaction
Discretion Freedom to act or judge on one’s own
Forthcoming Frank, direct
Cease Put an end to a state or an activity
Presciently With foresight
Perpetuate continue
Autonomy The capacity of a system to make its own decisions about its actions
Undue Beyond normal limits

The Chancellor conundrum (A difficult problem): On West Bengal decision to make CM as Chancellor

The time may have come to reconsider having Governors as university Chancellors

The West Bengal government’s decision to make the Chief Minister the Chancellor of State-run universities, instead of the Governor, appears to be an outcome of the severely strained (Showing signs of mental and emotional tension) relations between Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. They have often differed on issues concerning the appointment of Vice-Chancellors and the functioning of universities. Mr. Dhankhar had alleged (Make an accusation or assertion without any proof) that VCs were appointed without the approval of the Chancellor, the appointing authority; on some occasions, VCs had not turned up for a meeting with the Governor-Chancellor. Friction (A state of conflict between persons) has arisen elsewhere too. Tamil Nadu recently passed Bills to empower the State government, instead of the Chancellor, to appoint VCs. It also passed a separate Bill to establish a new university for alternative systems of medicine with the Chief Minister as its Chancellor. The Bills are yet to receive the Governor’s assent (Agreement with a statement or proposal to do something). In Kerala, there is a different kind of controversy, with Governor Arif Mohammed Khan asking the Chief Minister to take over the Chancellor’s role in the light of alleged political interference in the functioning of universities. These developments underscore (emphasizing the importance of something) that the conferment (the act of giving something (such as a degree, award, title, or right) to someone) of statutory roles to Governors may be a source of friction between elected regimes (a form of government or rule; political system) and Governors who are seen as agents of the Centre.

The original intent (purpose) of making Governors hold the office of Chancellor and vesting (Place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons) some statutory powers on them was to insulate (Separate in order to protect or prevent interaction) universities from political influence. Even in the 1980s, as noted by the Justice R.S. Sarkaria Commission, the use of discretion (Freedom to act or judge on one’s own) by some Governors in some university appointments had come in for criticism. It acknowledged the distinction between the Governor’s constitutional role and the statutory role performed as a Chancellor, and also underlined that the Chancellor is not obliged to seek the government’s advice. However, it did say there was an obvious advantage in the Governor consulting the Chief Minister or the Minister concerned. The Justice M.M. Punchhi Commission, which examined Centre-State relations decades later, was quite forthcoming (Frank, direct) in its 2010 report. Noting that the Governor should not be “burdened with positions and powers… which may expose the office to controversies or public criticism”, it advised against conferring statutory powers on the Governor. It felt that the practice of making the Governor the Chancellor of universities ceased (Put an end to a state or an activity) to have relevance. Quite presciently (With foresight), it took note of the potential for friction: “… Ministers will naturally be interested in regulating university education, and there is no need to perpetuate (continue) a situation where there would be a clash of functions and powers.” The time may have come for all States to reconsider having the Governor as the Chancellor. However, they should also find alternative means of protecting university autonomy (The capacity of a system to make its own decisions about its actions) so that ruling parties do not exercise undue (Beyond normal limits) influence on the functioning of universities.

Want to improve your vocabulary further? Download the Lists of Word-Meanings of Previous Months here.

Nikunj Barnwal

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