IBPS Clerk

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 7, 2022; Day 305

Difficult Word/ PhraseContextual Sense
Stern Very serious
Assert State categorically
Inflection point a time of significant change in a situation
Communalisation act or process of making related to a small community
Alacrity great willingness, eagerness or enthusiasm
Sensitivity a tendency to have a strong emotional reaction, esp to be offended or upset
Slam Strongly criticize
Offending Responsible for causing difficulty, displeasure, disgust, etc.
Accord to grant; bestow
Introspection The contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct
Draw the lineto put a limit on what you will do or allow to happen, esp. because you feel something is wrong
Adhere Be compatible or in accordance with
Prime time The hours between 7 and 11 p.m. when the largest tv audience is available
Radical (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm
Spar Fight verbally
Blatantly very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing
Snowball Increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate

Delayed response: On govt.’s stern action against hate speech

The Government could have avoided the hate speech issue if the BJP had acted early

The Government’s decision to take a stern view of hate speech targeting religious beliefs, to distance itself from comments made by two spokespersons of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and to assert (State categorically) India’s traditional values of tolerance and respect for all religions is both welcome and reassuring for those within the country increasingly concerned about the increase in such speech. The ruling BJP’s move to suspend the spokespersons for comments made on a television channel and Twitter, respectively, is also a significant departure from the past, and would represent an inflection point (a time of significant change in a situation) in the debate over growing communalisation (act or process of making related to a small community), if it were not for two factors. The first, that the Government chose to react to the hate speech, targeting Islam and the Prophet Muhammed, more than a week after these were first broadcast. The second, that its reactions, and the BJP’s action appeared to follow statements made by foreign governments, beginning with Qatar, and then Kuwait, Iran, Pakistan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Jordan, the Maldives as well as by the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the powerful six-member Gulf Cooperation Council. However, the Government continues to ignore Indian organisations and groups that have expressed concerns about the statements made. It is possible that the Government chose to respond to Qatar with more alacrity (great willingness, eagerness or enthusiasm) as the Vice-President of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu, was beginning a three-day visit to the country. It is also significant that the Government was moved to act with sensitivity (a tendency to have a strong emotional reaction, esp to be offended or upset) in this case, unlike its reaction just a week ago to the United States government’s release of a report on religious freedom in India, where it slammed (Strongly criticize) the U.S. for playing “vote bank politics”. Some concern about a possible “street reaction” across West Asia, where more than eight million Indians live and work, may have also prompted the reaction, particularly after social media users shared the offending (Responsible for causing difficulty, displeasure, disgust, etc.) comments widely across the region.

Regardless of the reasoning, the statement issued by the Embassies in Doha and Kuwait, which said that the Government accords (to grant; bestow) the highest respect to all religions “in line with our civilisational heritage and strong cultural traditions of unity in diversity” reflects some introspection (The contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct) within the establishment and the ruling party, and the line that has been drawn (Draw the line means to put a limit on what you will do or allow to happen, esp. because you feel something is wrong) must be adhered (Be compatible or in accordance with) to across society. There is also a case for similar introspection to be made within the media, particularly news television channels that appear to have turned prime time (The hours between 7 and 11 p.m. when the largest tv audience is available) viewing into a prize-fight, encouraging the most radical ((used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm) voices to spar (Fight verbally) verbally every evening and engage in blatantly extremist hate speech. While the right to free speech must be upheld, and nobody should be allowed to threaten violence, the Government would have avoided the entire controversy if it had acted according to the law, and immediately engaged with the issue before it snowballed (Increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate) into an international incident.

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Nikunj Barnwal

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