Difficult Word/ PhraseContextual Sense
Absurd Inconsistent with reason, logic or common sense
Vile extremely unpleasant or bad
Embarrassment feeling ashamed or shy
Incite Provoke or stir up
Enmity A state of deep-seated ill-will
Pseudonymous using a name that is not their real name
Vengeance The act of taking revenge
Resentment A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
Antipathy A feeling of intense dislike
Bigotry ​the state of feeling, or the act of expressing, strong, unreasonable beliefs or opinions
Conjure up Summon into action or bring into existence
Flagrant that shocks you because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect for people, laws, etc.
Rant Pompous or pretentious talk or writing
Slur A disparaging remark
Breath-taking Very surprising or shocking
Insinuation An indirect (and usually malicious) implication
Deity a god or goddess
Unwittingly Without knowledge or intention
Odium Hate coupled with disgust
Hounding Pursue or chase relentlessly
Travesty A comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations
Spiteful Showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt

Theatre of the absurd (Inconsistent with reason, logic or common sense): On Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair’s arrest

Zubair’s arrest is another instance of the Centre’s characteristic intolerance

Mohammed Zubair, co-founder of fact-checking website Alt News, is being made to pay for his role in drawing wide attention to the vile (extremely unpleasant or bad ) remarks made on live television by a ruling party spokesperson that caused international embarrassment (feeling ashamed or shy) to the Government. The inherent absurdity of the charge — that he sought to incite (Provoke or stir up) enmity (A state of deep-seated ill-will`) between groups and insult religious feelings by sharing four years ago an image from a 40-year-old film — and that the complainant is a pseudonymous (using a name that is not their real name) Twitter handle — make it clear that this is nothing but the establishment’s vengeance (The act of taking revenge) playing out as a criminal case. Mr. Zubair’s arrest is yet another instance of the regime’s characteristic intolerance, and its resentment (A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will) towards fact-checkers who frequently expose its claims. This reflects its well-demonstrated antipathy (A feeling of intense dislike) to anyone seeking to counter majoritarian bigotry (​the state of feeling, or the act of expressing, strong, unreasonable beliefs or opinions). It is also consistent with the ongoing trend of targeting minority activists, ranging from administrative excesses such as demolition of houses of protesters and imprisonment of activists based on charges conjured up (Summon into action or bring into existence) by the police and investigative agencies. Mr. Zubair and his website have been active in highlighting flagrant (that shocks you because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect for people, laws, etc.) instances of hate speech, and the genocidal tenor of some rants (Pompous or pretentious talk or writing) at anti-minority conclaves. The objective, it appears, is not merely his prosecution for an alleged slur (A disparaging remark) against the Hindu god Hanuman, but to embark on a lengthy spell of persecution.

The case itself will be seen in most jurisdictions as a prank rather than a prosecution. The image he had shared is from a film sequence that shows a couple finding to their dismay that ‘Honeymoon Hotel’ had been revised to ‘Hanuman Hotel’, apparently conveying a message that it is not open to couples. The idea that this is an insult to Lord Hanuman is breath-taking (Very surprising or shocking) in its absurdity, as there is no insinuation (An indirect (and usually malicious) implication) against the deity (a god or goddess). That a magistrate entertained the FIR as well as granted police custody might seem shocking. But in times when even constitutional courts are seen as cooperating with the executive when it comes to restrictions on the freedom of citizens, it would have been a miracle if the magistracy had not followed suit. However, any judicial examination of the FIR would show that neither Section 153A nor Section 295A is attracted. How something said four years ago will incite enmity is beyond anyone’s comprehension. The Supreme Court has laid down that Section 295A punishes only insults to religion that are made with deliberate and malicious intention, and anything said unwittingly (Without knowledge or intention) or without malice is not an offence. Mr. Zubair’s arrest has invited condemnation even beyond India. It is unfortunate that the Government wants to be seen as protective of free speech and democratic values abroad, but does not mind the odium (Hate coupled with disgust) that the hounding (Pursue or chase relentlessly) of or crackdown on activists and journalists invites. Instead of perpetuating this travesty (A comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations) of justice, the Government should see reason, drop the spiteful (Showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt) case and release him.

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Nikunj Barnwal

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