Those who are in the pursuit of building their vocabulary, we have come up with the edition of July 2022. Have a look and improve upon your word power.
List of Words appearing in Hindu Editorial in July 2022
Difficult Word/ Phrase | Contextual Sense |
Draconian | Of or relating to harsh code of laws |
Fall short of | fail to meet an expectation or standard |
Undergirding | Lend support to |
Inviolable | never to be broken, infringed, or dishonoured |
Downplay | Represent as less significant or important |
Curb | Lessen the intensity of |
Menace | Something that is a source of danger |
Launder | Convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones |
Adversely | In a manner which is contrary to your interests or welfare |
Malefic | evil |
Narcotics | A drug that produces numbness or stupor |
Illicit | Contrary to or forbidden by law |
Funnel | to concentrate, channel, or focus |
Bloodstream | a mainstream of power or vitality |
Stringent | Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures |
Apposite | Being of striking appropriateness and pertinence |
Grave | Dignified and sombre in manner or character and committed to keeping promises |
Predicate | that which is affirmed or denied concerning the subject of a proposition |
Evasion | The deliberate act of failing to pay money |
Manifestly | Unmistakably; visibly clear; in an evident manner |
Vulnerable | Susceptible to attack |
Whim | An odd, fanciful or capricious idea |
Symbolism | the use of symbols to represent things |
Stint | An unbroken period of time during which you do something |
Colonial | connected with or belonging to a country that controls another country (colony) |
Cognisant | having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception |
Articulate | Express or state clearly |
Milestone | A significant event in a project |
Triumph | A successful ending of a struggle or contest |
Pave the way | to make it easier for (something to happen or someone to do something |
Invigorating | Imparting strength and vitality |
Gauge | Measure precisely |
Enlist | Hire for work or assistance |
Elate | Fill with high spirits |
Split | Separate into parts or portions |
Erosion | A gradual decline of something |
Intolerance | Unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in opinions or beliefs |
Autonomy | Personal independence |
Leeway | political independence |
Champion a cause | If you champion a person, a cause, or a principle, you support or defend them |
Stinging | harsh or hurtful in tone or character |
Indictment | An accusation of wrongdoing |
Scapegoat | to blame somebody publicly for something bad that has happened, even though it was not his/her fault |
Ploy | A tactic or manoeuvre intended to gain an advantage |
Acquittal | a judgment of not guilty |
Ambush | The act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise |
Draconian | Very or overly harsh or strict |
Proscribe | Command against |
Utter | Complete and absolute |
Massacre | The savage and excessive killing of many people |
Upend | turn upside down |
Dubious | Open to doubt or suspicion |
Imposition | the act of imposing something |
Credence | The mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true |
Apprehend | Take into custody |
Ponder | Think deeply about a subject or question over a period of time |
Round up | The systematic gathering up of suspects by the police |
Hapless | Deserving or inciting pity |
Setback | An unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes |
Disenchantment | Disappointment on finding out that something is not as good as hoped |
Cart before the horse | something is done contrary to the natural or normally effective sequence of events |
Fish | Seek indirectly |
Pronouncement | An authoritative declaration |
Bemoan | Regret strongly |
Hasty | Done with very great haste and without due deliberation |
Incarceration | The state of being imprisoned |
Crack down | to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way |
Bat for | Support |
Lament | Regret strongly |
Reiterate | To say, state, or perform again |
Standing order | an instruction or prescribed procedure in force permanently or until changed or canceled |
Underscore | emphasizing the importance of something |
Flee | Run away quickly |
Moot | Think about carefully |
Glaring | Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible |
Inconsistency | a self-contradictory proposition (statement) |
Overhaul | The act of improving by renewing and restoring |
Condition | Habituate |
Reflexively | By reflex, automatically, without conscious thought |
Appease | gain the good will of |
Stack | Arrange the order of so as to increase one’s winning chances |
Stint | An unbroken period of time during which you do something |
Confrontation | A hostile disagreement face-to-face |
Partisan | Devoted to a cause or party |
In tandem | alongside each other |
Cliched | Repeated regularly without thought or originality |
Hail | Be a native of |
Landowning | Having property in land; of or pertaining to landowners |
Stiff | Marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable |
Elevation | the highest stage of development |
Mobilise | Make ready for action or use |
Unfailingly | Without fail |
Strive | Attempt by employing effort |
Temperament | Excessive emotionalism or irritability and excitability (especially when displayed openly) |
Bridge the gap | to make the difference between two different things smaller |
Fare | Perform over a period of time |
Benchmark | Evaluate relative to some benchmark standard or scale |
Parity | Equality |
Stagnation | Inactivity |
Falter | Be weak |
Shrink | Become smaller |
Anaemic | a medical condition in which there are not enough red cells in the blood |
Abysmal | Very bad |
Imperative | Of greatest importance |
Tokenism | A policy of formally complying with efforts to achieve a goal by making small, token gestures |
Staggering | So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm |
Laxity | lack of strictness or care |
Cut corner | to do something quickly and not as well as you should |
Diversion | the act of changing the direction or purpose of something, especially in order to solve or avoid a problem |
Severe | extremely bad or unpleasant |
Turbulence | A state of violent disturbance and disorder |
Crest | The highest or extreme point of something |
Tersely | In a short and concise manner |
Fleet | Group of aircraft operating together under the same ownership |
Invocation | the act of asking for help |
Aberration | A state or condition markedly different from the norm |
Feebly | In a manner which lacks strength |
Concur | be in agreement |
Root cause | the basic cause of something |
Snag | An unforeseen obstacle |
Red flag | A sign used to indicate danger |
Ecosystem | A system or an environment |
Tier | Arranged in layers |
Nimble | Moving quickly and lightly |
Gross over | try and make a problem seem unimportant by ignoring it or by dealing with it very quickly |
Dispense | Give or provide in small portions |
Safeguard | Make safe |
Cornerstone | the most important part of something that the rest depends on |
Wantonly | being without check or limitation |
Apprehend | Get the meaning of something |
Contravention | Coming into conflict with |
Weed out | Remove unwanted elements |
Grave | Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm |
Deterrent | Something that acts to discourage certain behaviour or action |
Proponent | A person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea |
Substantial | Of considerable importance, size, or worth |
Penal | subject to punishment by law |
Woefully | In an unfortunate or deplorable manner |
Redress | Act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil |
Backlog | Something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose |
Tardy | After the expected or usual time |
Equitably | dealing fairly and equally with all concerned |
Tinker | Try to fix or mend |
Foreboding | A feeling of evil to come |
Offence | The team that is trying to score |
Pulsating | Exciting |
Climax | A decisive moment |
Gallop | run somewhere very quickly |
Centurion | an officer in the army of ancient Rome who was responsible for 100 soldiers |
Draw | Finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc. |
Comeback | Even the score, in sports |
Scare | Sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events |
Intervening | Occurring or falling between events or points in time |
Linger | Remain present although waning or gradually dying |
Bow out | Retire gracefully |
Hold the reins | to be in control |
Indifferent | Marked by a lack of interest |
Marauding | raiding |
Aggression | A feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack |
Shed | Get rid of |
Improbable | Not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred |
Bludgeoning | to hit them several times with a heavy object |
Deflating | take away somebody’s confidence or make somebody seem less important |
Fallout | Any adverse and unwanted secondary effect |
Humanely | characterized by kindness, mercy, sympathy, etc |
Lethal | Of an instrument of certain death |
Grim | Shockingly repellent |
Peril | A source of danger |
Asylum | A shelter from danger or hardship |
Lacunae | A blank gap or missing part |
Searing | Severely critical |
Stubbornly | difficult to handle |
Lock horn | argue about something |
Multitude | A large indefinite number |
Bipartisan | Supported by both sides |
Collaborative | Accomplished by working jointly |
Glimmer | a faint indication |
dig in one’s heels | resist stubbornly; refuse to give in |
Hammer out | Discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement |
Cede | Give over |
Melting pot | a place where a lot of different cultures, ideas, etc. come together |
Coterminous | Being of equal extent, scope or duration |
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