The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– August 21, 2023; Day 454_21-8-2023 (1)
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Difficult Word/ PhraseContextual Sense
Viable Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are
Draw up Make up plans or basic details for
Diversity The condition or result of being changeable
Commendable Worthy of high praise
Sceptic Someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
Account for Be the reason or explanation for
Tilt to direct (a discussion, policy, etc.) so as to favor a particular opinion or side
Rung a stage or degree in a scale, as of social acceptance
give (someone) a free hand)unrestricted freedom to act
Assuage Cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will of
Expanse A wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky
Disenchantment Disappointment on finding out that something is not as good as hoped, or that previous beliefs were false

Election and selection: On the new Congress Working Committee  

Congress needs to be truly representative to make a viable (Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are) bid for power 

Achieving the ambitious goals of social representation in the Congress Working Committee (CWC) that the Congress set for itself at its brainstorming session in Udaipur, in May 2022 was never going to be easy. It took party president Mallikarjun Kharge nearly six months after he was authorised by the Raipur session of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) in February 2023 to finally announce the new CWC on Sunday, which also happened to be the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. While combining experience and youth, Mr. Kharge has drawn up (Make up plans or basic details for) a list that significantly enhances diversity (The condition or result of being changeable) in the party’s highest decision-making body. His opponent in the 2022 election for the top post, Shashi Tharoor, finds a place, in a commendable (Worthy of high praise) appreciation of internal democracy, and an encouraging signal to many sceptics (Someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs) of the party. Half the CWC, excluding invitees, are from Scheduled Castes, Other Backward Classes, tribals, and minority communities or women, which meets the Udaipur ambition. But when invitees are accounted for (Be the reason or explanation for), the social composition tilts (to direct (a discussion, policy, etc.) so as to favor a particular opinion or side) in favour of upper castes and minorities, even as it meets the ‘50 under 50’ age criteria. A number of fresh faces from the middle rungs (a stage or degree in a scale, as of social acceptance) have made it to the list — former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi, a Dalit leader at 60 and Kamleshwar Patel, the 49-year-old OBC leader from the election-bound Madhya Pradesh, are in, while Damodar Raja Narasimha, 64, from Telangana is a permanent invitee.

Mr. Kharge has the unenviable task of exercising his authority while three members of the Gandhi family — Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka — remain active, but he appears to be up to it. The list reflects the party’s keen attention to the upcoming Assembly elections in the heartland. Chhattisgarh Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu, an influential OBC leader, is expected to play a crucial role. In Rajasthan, while Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot is given a free hand (give (someone) a free hand) means unrestricted freedom to act) to lead the charge, the induction of his challenger Sachin Pilot and tribal leader Mahendrajeet Singh Malviya to the CWC is expected to reinforce party unity. The party has tried to reassure discontented social groups and assuage (Cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will of) rebellious leaders in various States, and the constitution of the new body is largely representative of the geographical and social expanse (A wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky) of India. Though some disenchantment (Disappointment on finding out that something is not as good as hoped, or that previous beliefs were false) might surface in the days ahead, the new CWC reflects both imagination and compromise. While this is a good start, there is more that the Congress needs to do to be truly representative of this diverse nation, besides strategising for elections and improving political communication and becoming the centre of gravity of Opposition politics in the run-up to 2024.

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