
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 8th August 2024

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Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 8th August 2024

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 8th August 2024: Hindu editorial is an important factor to learn some new words daily so we are providing you a series of daily Hindu editorial daily for the candidates can check the Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 8th August 2024 including word meaning, synonyms and antonym. For more details candidates should read our article and satrt learning new words.

Hindu Editorial Vocab On Centre-Delhi Government Relations

The Supreme Court of India’s verdict holding that the Lieutenant Governor (L-G) of Delhi exercises independent authority while appointing (to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility) aldermen to the Delhi Municipal Corporation, underscores the utter vulnerability (the quality of being vulnerable (= able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked), or something that is vulnerable) of the elected Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi to central overlordship (His governorship was marked by fairness and prosperity.). The judgment by a three-judge Bench rightly relies on the letter of the law governing Centre-Delhi government relations, as well as earlier judgments that sought to strike a balance between the elected regime and the appointed administrator. The final outcome of the latest round of litigation (the process of taking a case to a court of law so that a judgment can be made) is not surprising, given that Delhi is a Union Territory, but it raises questions about the relevance of having an elected Assembly for Delhi. The Court held that the Lt. Governor’s power to appoint persons with special knowledge in municipal administration is his statutory (a law that has been formally approved and written down) duty, and is not one that he should exercise on the basis of advice from Delhi’s Council of Ministers. The power is an exception to the constitutional (allowed by or contained in a constitution) provision that says the L-G is bound by the aid and advice of Delhi’s Council of Ministers on all matters in the State and Concurrent (Happening or existing at the same time) Lists, except for the subjects of public order, police and land. The Court has rejected the Delhi government’s argument that municipal administration, being a State subject, the L-G could not have acted on his own.

Tracing the nature of the appointing power to the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957, as amended (To change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document) in 1993, a law enacted by Parliament, the Court noted that the Act identifies different authorities, each with distinct roles. While the Administrator was empowered to nominate 10 persons with special knowledge, the Speaker could nominate some legislators (A member of a group of people who together have the power to make laws) to serve on the Corporation by rotation. And that this showed that it was an independent statutory power. A Constitution Bench had sought in 2018 to lay down a framework to avoid escalation (to become or make something become greater or more serious) of issues arising from differences of opinion between the L-G and the Chief Minister. Such differences, as well as political acrimony ( anger, argument, and bad feeling) between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party at the Centre and the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi, have been the principal driving force behind multiple conflicts and legal tussles over governing Delhi. However, in the ultimate analysis, it is the Centre that enjoys the final say. As the latest verdict on aldermen shows, the Constitution allows Parliament power to enact laws in respect of any matter on which the Delhi Assembly has jurisdiction, unlike other States that have an exclusive legislative domain. Parliament can also amend or supersede any law made by the Delhi Assembly. As legislative and executive powers are coextensive, this effectively means that the Delhi government can be undermined in any way the Centre wants.

Hindu Vocab Wordlist 8th August 2024

Here we are porviding Hindu Vocab difficult Wordlist along with the word meaning. Candidates can checl all details in the section below.

Appointing: To choose someone officially for a job or responsibility

Vulnerability: The quality of being vulnerable (= able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked), or something that is vulnerable

Overlordship: His governorship was marked by fairness and prosperity.

Litigation: The process of taking a case to a court of law so that a judgment can be made

Statutory: A law that has been formally approved and written down

Constitutional: Allowed by or contained in a constitution

Concurrent: Happening or existing at the same time

Amended: To change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document

Legislators: A member of a group of people who together have the power to make laws

Escalation: To become or make something become greater or more serious

Acrimony: anger, argument, and bad feeling

Hindu Vocab Master 8th August with Synonyms & Antonyms

Candidates can check synonyms and antonyms of difficult words in Hindu Vocab on 8th August 2024.

Difficult WordsSynonyms & Antonyms
AppointingSynonyms: Elective, Appointive
VulnerabilitySynonyms: Susceptibility, Accountability
Antonyms: Help, Irresponsibility
OverlordshipSynonyms: Chief, Czar
LitigationSynonyms: Action, Case
StatutorySynonyms: Lawful, Legal
ConstitutionalSynonyms: Democratic, Lawful
Antonyms: Illegal, Illegitimate
ConcurrentSynonyms: Circumstantial, Coeval
Antonyms: Disagreeing, Divergent
AmendedSynonyms: Cooked, Corrected
Antonyms: Unqualified
EscalationSynonyms: Acceleration, Growth
Antonyms: Decrease, Diminishment
AcrimonySynonyms: Animosity, Antagonism
Antonyms: Good will, Love

Sweta Singh

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