
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 31st August 2024

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 31st August 2024 is an effective tool for learning new words and their contextual meanings regularly. Candidates can fully utilize this free resource daily to improve their vocabulary knowledge, especially those preparing for government exams like the IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, SSC, and Others.

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Growth matrix: On the economy’s performance

-Economic outlook is evenly poised but reforms need acceleration

The first official gauge (measure) of the economy’s performance so far in 2024-25 pegs (fixes or keeps something at a particular level or rate) real GDP growth at 6.7% between April and June, a five-quarter low and below the central bank’s projection. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which expects a 7.2% GDP growth through 2024-25 following last year’s 8.2% surge (a sudden and great increase), had revised its estimate for Q1 from 7.2% to 7.1%, earlier this month. The actual numbers are underwhelming (disappointing or failing to make an impact or impress; not causing excitement or interest) and mark a clear cooling (slowing down) in the economic momentum, although some base effects are in play. Growth in the Gross Value Added (GVA) in the economy came in higher at 6.8%, after a year of widening divergences (differences) with the GDP print. At the onset (beginning) of this fiscal year, major hopes hinged (depended) on a normal monsoon boosting farm sector output and easing inflation, which could lift the weak rural demand and private consumption witnessed last year. Higher demand would bolster (support) private firms’ propensity (inclination) to invest in new capacities, and ease the pressure on public spending to prop up (support) growth. That the government would still ramp up capital expenditure by 17% to ₹11.11 lakh crore this year, while it waited for this narrative to unfold, was the other pillar underpinning (supporting) this year’s growth aspirations.

As things stand, this script is yet to fully play out. The stretched general election has sharply scuppered (hindered) public capex, and the government will need to redouble efforts to meet its spending goals. The good news is that private consumption spends bounced to a six-quarter peak of 7.4%, partly thanks to easing headline inflation. But food prices remain elevated (high). The monsoon has been better than last year but a tad erratic (irregular) and uneven, temporally as well as spatially. Farm GVA growth has moved up to a four-quarter high of 2% but the next few weeks will determine whether the sector rebounds (recovers) in earnest (seriously) and food inflation cools. Projections of above normal downpours in September may well affect standing kharif crops. This is a key monitorable (something to be watched) for the RBI, whose independent monetary policy panel members have flagged (warned) a 1% GDP growth loss this year and next, if interest rate cuts are delayed. India may still grow 6.5% to 7% this year, but most expect growth to slip to 6.5% in 2025-26, with the medium-term potential hovering (remaining around) around that number. This is too slow for comfort. As top IMF official Gita Gopinath pointed out recently, policymakers need to urgently pursue meaningful reforms across all aspects of the economy, and improve the efficiency of its institutions and the judiciary. This is critical to lift its growth potential and fulfil hopes of creating gainful (profitable) employment for its young, fast enough for India’s demographics to yield a dividend.

Hindu Vocab Wordlist 31st August 2024

Upskill yourself and enhance your vocabulary knowledge. Candidates should begin learning new words daily with Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 31st August 2024.

  • Gauge: A device for measuring the amount or size of something.
  • Pegs: To fix or keep something at a particular level or rate.
  • Surge: A sudden and great increase.
  • Underwhelming: Failing to make an impact or impress; not causing excitement or interest.
  • Cooling: Becoming less intense or decreasing in temperature.
  • Divergences: The situation in which two things become different, or the difference between them increases.
  • Onset: The moment at which something unpleasant begins.
  • Hinged: To depend on something, or to need something in order to be successful.
  • Bolster: To support or improve something or make it stronger.
  • Propensity: The fact that someone is likely to behave in a particular way, especially a bad way.
  • Underpinning: Something that supports or forms the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.
  • Scuppered: To cause something such as a plan or an opportunity to fail.

Hindu Vocab Master 31st August with Synonyms & Antonyms

Here are the synonyms and antonyms of all the difficult words in Hindu Vocab Master for 31st August 2024.

Difficult WordSynonymsAntonyms
GaugeMeasure, Standard, Indicator, ScaleGuess, Estimate, Approximation, Hunch
PegFixe, Attache, Pin, SecureUnfixe, Loosen, Detache, Free
SurgeIncrease, Rise, Growth, UpsurgeDecline, Decrease, Drop, Fall
UnderwhelmingDisappointing, Unsatisfactory, Mediocre, LacklusterImpressive, Outstanding, Exceptional, Remarkable
CoolingSlowing, Easing, Moderating, ReducingHeating, Intensifying, Increasing, Accelerating
DivergencesDifferences, Variations, Deviations, DiscrepanciesSimilarities, Convergences, Agreements, Uniformities
OnsetBeginning, Start, Commencement, InitiationEnd, Conclusion, Termination, Finish
HingedDepended, Rested, Relied, LinkedDetached, Separated, Unrelated, Disconnected
BolsterSupport, Strengthen, Reinforce, FortifyWeaken, Undermine, Diminish, Impair
PropensityInclination, Tendency, Predisposition, DispositionDisinclination, Aversion, Reluctance, Resistance
UnderpinningSupporting, Upholding, Sustaining, ButtressingUndermining, Weakening, Opposing, Dislodging
ScupperedHindered, Thwarted, Foiled, ImpededFacilitated, Aided, Supported, Encouraged

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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