
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27th August 2024

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Hindu Editorial Vocab On No more delays: On holding the Census

-Caste enumeration should not hold the Census from being undertaken quickly

In what can only be a case of Muddying (causing confusion or making something unclear) the waters, the Union government is reportedly Mulling (thinking deeply about something) the expansion of data collection in the long-delayed Census to include caste enumeration. That caste may be one of the variables in the Census could be an outcome of the Strident (loud and harsh/forcefully expressing a point of view) demand for a caste census by several political parties. But considering the incomplete and poorly constructed nature of the Socio-Economic and Caste Census of 2011, which resulted in data that were Unwieldy (difficult to handle or manage due to size or complexity), inaccurate, and hence unusable, the government must not hurry into utilising the office of the Registrar General and other agencies to Tabulate (arrange data systematically in a table or chart) caste. There must first be a definite time frame to conduct the Census on a war footing. If the delay is deliberate, in order to allow for delimitation to be conducted first in 2026, this will be harmful not just to public policy but also to relations with States. As of June 2024, out of 233 countries, India was one of 44 not to have conducted the Census this decade. The Ostensible (stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so) reason provided by the Union Home Ministry was delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but 143 other countries conducted the Census after March 2020, which marked the onset of the pandemic. India shares this Dubious (doubtful or suspicious or not to be relied upon) distinction of not having a Census with countries affected by conflict, economic crises or turmoil such as Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Ukraine, Sri Lanka and in sub-Saharan Africa.

There remains little excuse to continually delay the Decennial (occurring every ten years) Census, an exercise that has been conducted without fail from 1881 to 2011. Yet, the deadline to freeze administrative boundaries of districts, tehsils, towns and municipal bodies — a Prerequisite (something required beforehand as a condition) before the conduct of the Census — Lapsed (no longer valid or expired) on June 30 this year. This deadline has been extended 10 times since 2019. Several public schemes such as the National Food Security Act, the National Social Assistance Programme and the delimitation of constituencies are dependent upon the Census being conducted. Besides, statistical surveys that go into setting policy such as those related to household and social consumption, the National Family Health Survey, the Periodic Labour Force Survey, and the Sample Registration System, among others, use the Census to set their sampling frames. With the 2011 Census data getting increasingly out-dated and phenomena such as migration across and within States, the urbanisation of Indian societies, and the suburbanisation of cities becoming increasingly prominent in recent years, the lack of a Census is telling. The reliance on a bevy of sample surveys to fill in the gap is only resulting in debates over methodology and conclusions based on cherry-picking according to one’s political choice. Clearly, the Union government must stop being Derelict (neglectful in one’s duties or failing in responsibility) in its duties and should proceed with the Census quickly.

Hindu Vocab Wordlist 27th August 2024

Upskill yourself and enhance your vocabulary knowledge. Candidates should begin learning new words daily with Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 27th August 2024.

  1. Muddying: Confusing or complicating the situation.
  2. Mulling: Carefully considering or thinking about a decision.
  3. Strident: Loudly or aggressively demanding.
  4. Unwieldy: An unwieldy object or thing is difficult to move or handle because it is heavy, large, or a strange shape
  5. Tabulate: To show information in the form of a table. An arrangement of facts and numbers in rows or blocks.
  6. Deliberate: Intentional and planned, often with a specific purpose.
  7. Ostensible: Appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is something else.
  8. Dubious: Thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted.
  9. Decennial: Happening every ten years.
  10. Prerequisite: Something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen.
  11. Derelict: Neglectful or failing in fulfilling a responsibility or a duty.

Hindu Vocab Master 27th August with Synonyms & Antonyms

Here are the synonyms and antonyms of all the difficult words in Hindu Vocab Master for 27th August 2024.

Difficult WordsSynonyms & Antonyms
MuddyingSynonyms: Confusing, Clouding, Obscuring, Blurring
Antonyms: Clarifying, Explaining, Illuminating, Simplifying
MullingSynonyms: Pondering, Considering, Reflecting, Contemplating
Antonyms: Ignoring, Overlooking, Disregarding, Rushing
StridentSynonyms: Harsh, Forceful, Blatant, Insistent
Antonyms: Soft, Gentle, Mild, Subdued
UnwieldySynonyms: Cumbersome, Awkward, Bulky, Inconvenient
Antonyms: Manageable, Convenient, Graceful, Easy
TabulateSynonyms: Arrange, Organize, Sort, Catalogue
Antonyms: Scatter, Confuse, Disorganize, Mix
OstensibleSynonyms: Alleged, Apparent, Supposed, Seeming
Antonyms: Genuine, Authentic, True, Real
DubiousSynonyms: Doubtful, Suspicious, Questionable, Uncertain
Antonyms: Certain, Reliable, Trustworthy, Convincing
DecennialSynonyms: Ten-yearly, Decade-based, Periodic, Cyclical
Antonyms: Infrequent, Random, Irregular, Sporadic
PrerequisiteSynonyms: Requirement, Obligation, Condition, Necessity
Antonyms: Optional, Unnecessary, Nonessential, Voluntary
LapsedSynonyms: Expired, Terminated, Invalid, Void
Antonyms: Active, Current, Valid, Enforced
DerelictSynonyms: Careless, Negligent, Abandoning, Irresponsible
Antonyms: Responsible, Committed, Dutiful, Attentive

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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