
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 24th May 2024

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 24th May 2024 is a perfect way to learn new words daily with meanings. Candidates preparing for government exams should know spellings, difficult words, and meanings to attempt English questions.

Hindu Vocab On The Recognition Of Palestine

The announcement by Ireland, Norway, and Spain, of their intent (giving all your attention to something) to formally recognise the state of Palestine, next week, is one more important sign of the changing tide of international opinion that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cannot afford (to allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary) to ignore. In just the past month, in the UN General Assembly, 143 countries, including India, passed a resolution calling for the recognition (agreement that something is true or legal) of the Palestinian state by the UN Security Council, where the U.S. has vetoed such a move. Earlier this week, the International Criminal Court Prosecutor moved applications for arrest warrants for Mr. Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant for operations after October 7 in Gaza as well as the Hamas leadership for the terror attack that killed 1,200 in Israel, terming these as “war crimes”. On May 24, the International Court of Justice will pronounce (to say something officially or certainly) another verdict in the petition (a document signed by a large number of people demanding or asking for some action from the government or another authority) by South Africa calling for additional measures in the prosecution of Israel for “genocide”. The latest decision by the three countries, that have been vocal in their criticism of Israel — they join eight EU members that have already recognised Palestinian statehood — may not materially change the situation on the ground. But it is meant to be what the Irish Taoiseach Simon Harris referred to as an “act of powerful political and symbolic value” to Israel, especially as it essays what could be the “final assault” on Rafah. While practically every country has condemned Hamas’s terror attacks, Mr. Harris said it would be a mistake to ignore the legitimate (reasonable and acceptable) Palestinian government in the West Bank, saying that “Hamas is not the Palestinian people”. Norway’s Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said that the move aimed to support “moderate forces that are on a retreating (to go away from a place or person in order to escape from fighting or danger) front in a protracted and cruel conflict”. Spain’s action followed its denial of port facilities to a Danish-flagged ship with explosive material from India meant for Israel, which it said was a firm policy now. Israel’s response, however, has been to recall its envoys and summon the envoys of all three countries for a dressing down.

In the immediate future, the multiple messages of near-global consensus (a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people) are meant to push Israel’s government to rethink its plans for Rafah, to stop more civilian losses, and to allow humanitarian (a person who is) involved in or connected with improving people’s lives and reducing suffering) aid free access into Gaza. But in the longer term, they are meant to remind Mr. Netanyahu that even if he has disassociated himself from the “two-state solution”, this is something the world believes is the road map to peace. By turning deaf to these messages, Mr. Netanyahu is only furthering his isolation (to separate something from other things with which it is connected or mixed), especially from an international community that came out in full sympathy on October 7, but has grown increasingly horrified by the military campaign since then.

Hindu Editorial Vocab Wordlist 24th May 2024

You can learn new words and meanings daily with Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 24th May 2024. PracticeMock provides vocabulary with difficult words and meanings daily to improve your learning journey.

  • Intent: Giving all your attention to something.
  • Afford: To allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary.
  • Recognition: Agreement that something is true or legal.
  • Pronounce: To say something officially or certainly.
  • Petition: A document signed by a large number of people demanding or asking for some action from the government or another authority.
  • Legitimate: Reasonable and Acceptable.
  • Retreating: To go away from a place or person in order to escape from fighting or danger.
  • Consensus: A generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people.
  • Isolation: To separate something from other things with which it is connected or mixed.
  • Humanitarian: (a person who is) involved in or connected with improving people’s lives and reducing suffering.

The Hindu Vocab Master 24th May with Synonyms & Antonyms

Know synonyms and antonyms of difficult words in Hindu Vocab Master on 24th May 2024.

Difficult WordsSynonyms & Antonyms
IntentSynonym: Decided, Resolved
Antonym: Flexible, Indefinite
AffordSynonym: Manage, Allow
Antonym: Refuse, Reject
RecognitionSynonym: Admission, Acceptance
Antonym: Denial, Disagreement
PronounceSynonym: Utter, Speak
Antonym: Conceal, Hide
PetitionSynonym: Application, Prayer
Antonym: Misuse
LegitimateSynonym: Certain, Appropriate
Antonym: Affected, Abnormal
RetreatingSynonym: Exodus, Break
Antonym: Arrival, Coming
ConsensusSynonym: Accord, Consent
Antonym: Opposition, Refusal
IsolationSynonym: Confinement, Desolation
Antonym: Liberation, Freedom
HumanitarianSynonym: Charitable, Humane
Antonym: Inhumane, Uncharitable

Divya Sharma

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