
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 22nd November 2024

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 22nd November 2024 is an effective tool for regularly learning new words and their contextual meanings. Candidates can utilize this free resource daily to improve their vocabulary knowledge, especially those preparing for government exams like the IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, SSC, and Others.

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Ending the tragedy: On the Manipur crisis, a solution

Manipur requires a leadership change for a political solution

The adage “Insanity (the state of being mentally ill or acting irrationally) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” holds true for Manipur. It has been more than a year and a half since ethnic violence erupted between the Meitei and Kuki-Zo communities in the State. The initial clashes resulted in scores of deaths, and, since then, parts of the State, many of which are under the effective control of security forces, have witnessed sporadic (occurring irregularly) but intense incidents of violence. Despite this, there has been little effort toward peace or reconciliation. Even areas such as Jiribam, which initially escaped the violence, are now engulfed (surrounded or overwhelmed) in conflict, as recent events have shown. The situation in Manipur is no longer just about identifying who triggered the violence or what administrative (relating to the management of public affairs) steps are needed to stop it. The violence has spiralled (increased rapidly and uncontrollably) to the point where ethnic divisions have become entrenched (established firmly) in the social fabric of the State. Every act of violence now leads to calls for retribution (punishment or revenge) against entire communities, from both the Meitei and Kuki-Zo sides. Armed non-state actors (individuals or groups that are not part of the government or official state military), some of whom are openly or covertly (secretly or hidden) supported by elected representatives, seem to control the situation, while civil society groups are marginalised (treated as unimportant or peripheral).

This descent (a downward movement) into chaos in one of India’s most culturally rich and diverse border States has unfolded rapidly under the watch of an incompetent (lacking skill or ability) and indifferent (not caring) government, which has failed to take responsibility or implement any meaningful solutions. Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh and his cabinet have long lost credibility (the quality of being trusted and believed in) due to their mishandling (handling something poorly) of the crisis. The Union government, too, shares the blame for allowing the situation to persist. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has remained largely silent on the issue, while Union Home Minister Amit Shah has avoided taking any decisive (having the power to decide) action to address the crisis, presumably (supposedly, based on assumption) to avoid upsetting the political balance in the State. The role of security forces, while important, cannot be the sole solution to an ethnic conflict of this nature. What is required is political will and the ability to advance meaningful dialogue that can bring the community representatives closer to finding a compromise. The Union government’s refusal to even consider a change in leadership, as suggested by the Bharatiya Janata Party’s ally, the National People’s Party (NPP), has only allowed the situation to fester (become worse or more intense). The NPP’s withdrawal (the act of pulling back) of support from the government signals a growing recognition that the current leadership is not capable of addressing the crisis. It is now clear that a leadership change is necessary to chart (plan or map out) a new course for Manipur. A political solution can be based only on consensus (general agreement) and compromise and these are impossible with a government headed by a partisan (biased toward one side) politician who is hoping to benefit from a polarisation (division into two sharply opposed groups) of people on communal lines.

Hindu Vocab Wordlist 22nd November 2024

Upskill yourself and enhance your vocabulary knowledge. Candidates should begin learning new words daily with Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 22nd November 2024.

  • Adage: A saying or proverb that is generally accepted as wise or true.
  • Sporadic: Happening occasionally or at intervals that are irregular or random.
  • Engulfed: To cover or surround something completely.
  • Administrative: Relating to the activities or work of managing or organizing something, especially a business or government.
  • Spiralled: To increase, decrease, or move in a way that is continuous and gets more extreme.
  • Entrenched: Fixed firmly or securely.
  • Retribution: Punishment for something wrong that has been done.
  • Marginalised: To treat someone or something as if they are not important.
  • Incompetent: Not having the ability or skills to do something successfully or to the required standard.
  • Decisive: Able to make decisions quickly and effectively.

Hindu Vocab Master 22nd November 2024 with Synonyms & Antonyms

Here are the synonyms and antonyms of all the difficult words in Hindu Vocab Master for 22nd November 2024:

AdageProverb, saying, maxim, axiomLie, myth, falsehood, untruth
SporadicIntermittent, irregular, occasional, periodicalConstant, continuous, regular, steady
EngulfedSubmerged, overwhelmed, immersed, surroundedExposed, uncovered, revealed, unprotected
AdministrativeManagerial, executive, organizational, bureaucraticOperational, nonmanagerial, unorganized, unsystematic
SpiralledEscalated, intensified, surged, expandedStabilized, leveled, reduced, decreased
EntrenchedEstablished, ingrained, entrenched, rootedUnsettled, temporary, flexible, vulnerable
RetributionRevenge, vengeance, payback, reprisalForgiveness, pardon, mercy, acquittal
MarginalisedExcluded, sidelined, ignored, overlookedIncluded, embraced, accepted, welcomed
IncompetentInept, unskilled, incapable, inefficientCompetent, capable, proficient, skilled
DecisiveDetermined, resolute, firm, conclusiveIndecisive, hesitant, uncertain, wavering

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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