The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 13th February 2025
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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 13th February 2025 is an effective tool for regularly learning new words and their contextual meanings. Candidates can utilize this free resource daily to improve their vocabulary knowledge, especially those preparing for government exams like the IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, SSC, and Others.

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Averting (preventing) Engels’ pause: On the AI Action Summit in Paris

Energy sustainability and labour markets emerge as key priorities in AI Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted India’s stance on the evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape at the AI Action Summit in Paris on February 11, stressing the need for “governance and standards that uphold our shared values, address risks, and build trust”. This perspective is also reflected in the joint statement signed by India and over 50 other countries. Commitments to trust, safety, and universal access align well with India’s efforts to advance AI technologies while mitigating (reducing) risks. The nation’s approach to AI will be crucial as the technology progresses and costs decline. Innovations such as Chinese firm DeepSeek’s breakthrough (important) reasoning models underscore the growing risks to labour markets. The IT and services sector constitutes a significant portion of India’s economy but employs a relatively smaller workforce. AI-driven efficiency gains present an attractive business proposition, yet the potential for job losses or stagnant (not growing) wage growth in this sector poses serious risks. The Prime Minister rightly pointed out that technological advancements historically create new employment opportunities. However, as noted in the Economic Survey, there is a valid concern regarding an Engels’ pause (economic stagnation phase), a phase where firms reap the benefits of new technology while real wages stagnate. India cannot afford even a brief period of such economic strain, making proactive (taking action in advance) policy responses essential.

The summit’s emphasis on sustainable AI growth and energy efficiency is equally timely, given global climate imperatives (necessities). The United States produces more than twice the electricity of India, despite having just a quarter of its population. A growing share of this energy is now consumed by data centres, which power AI training and deployment. As AI-driven energy demand surges (increases), ensuring that this growth is powered by renewable (sustainable) sources is critical. Commercial AI success remains elusive (difficult to achieve), with substantial investments flowing into top market players but offering limited financial returns. While India may not replicate this high-investment, low-return model, developing foundational AI models that are tailored to Indian needs is imperative (necessary). Leveraging (utilising) emerging efficiencies and maximising (making the most of) AI’s potential must remain central to India’s strategy. The IndiaAI Mission’s initiatives, such as subsidised (financially supported) access to Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) clusters and funding for promising projects, are encouraging steps toward this goal. Looking ahead, integrating AI education and skills training at scale will be essential. Even if a significant share of top AI talent moves abroad, India must ensure that its domestic industry retains sufficient expertise (knowledge) to remain competitive. AI will undoubtedly reshape (transform) industries, and preparing a robust (strong) talent pipeline will be key to ensuring that India not only adapts but also thrives (flourishes) in this transformation.

Hindu Vocab Wordlist 13th February 2025

Upskill yourself and enhance your vocabulary February. Candidates should begin learning new words daily with Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 13th February 2025.

  1. Averting: Preventing something from happening.
  2. Mitigating: Making something less severe or less unpleasant.
  3. Breakthrough: An important development or discovery that helps solve a problem.
  4. Stagnant: Not developing, changing, or progressing.
  5. Imperatives: A command or an urgent requirement.
  6. Surges: Increases suddenly and powerfully.
  7. Renewable: A resource that is naturally replenished and cannot be exhausted.
  8. Elusive: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
  9. Imperative: Very important or necessary.
  10. Robust: Strong and healthy; able to withstand or recover from difficult conditions.

Hindu Vocab Master 13th February 2025 with Synonyms & Antonyms

Here are the synonyms and antonyms of all the difficult words in Hindu Vocab Master Hindi equivalents for all the words for 13th February 2025:

AvertingPreventing, avoiding, stopping, hinderingAllowing, permitting, encouraging, fostering
MitigatingAlleviating, easing, lessening, reducingWorsening, aggravating, intensifying, exacerbating
BreakthroughAdvancement, discovery, innovation, developmentSetback, failure, regression, obstruction
StagnantStatic, motionless, inert, dormantDynamic, active, evolving, flowing
ImperativesRequirements, necessities, obligations, demandsOptional, unnecessary, voluntary, dispensable
SurgesRises, increases, escalates, swellsDecreases, declines, falls, drops
RenewableSustainable, inexhaustible, eco-friendly, greenNonrenewable, finite, exhaustible, unsustainable
ElusiveEvasive, intangible, slippery, fleetingObvious, clear, straightforward, attainable
ImperativeCrucial, essential, vital, urgentUnimportant, trivial, optional, unnecessary
RobustStrong, resilient, sturdy, toughWeak, fragile, delicate, frail

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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