Synonyms & Antonyms (Q to T)-Vocab Power for Banks Exams
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In this vocabulary-based article, we will continue our search for the most important Synonyms and Antonyms that make their way into the Bank Exams as Vocabulary based questions.

The word lists given below are useful for the candidates pursuing different competitive Bank exams, including but not limited to Bank PO/Clerk, NABARD, SBI Exams.

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Important Synonyms (Q to T)

Given below is a table with the most important Synonyms you must know:

S. No.WordSynonyms
 1.QuaintQueer, Odd, Singular, Whimsical
 2.QuirkFoible, Habit, Peculiarity
 3.QuipRetort, Repartee, Banter, Gag
 4.QuarantinedSeparated, Isolated, Restrained
 5.QualmAnxiety, Uncertainty, Suspicion
 6.QueerStrange, Odd, Crazy, Weird
 7.QuestionableDoubtful, Disputable, Controversial, Ambiguous
 8.QuestSearch, Pursuit, Chase, Crusade
 9.QuickActive, Swift, Keen, Fast
 1o.RadiantBrilliant, Bright, Glittering, Beaming
 11.RefinedElegant, Polished, Cultured, Sophisticated
 12.RebellionMutiny Revolt Struggle. Fight
 13.RemorseRepentance, Regret, Anguish, Grief
 14.RenownedReputed, Famed, Famous, Distinguished
 15.RejoiceExult, Delight, Revel, Celebrate
 16.RelevantRelated, Applicable, Pertinent, Suited
 17.ResistanceOpposition, Hindrance, Combat, Strug
 18.RefuteDisprove, Oppose, Deny, Contradict
 19.RicochetRebound, Deflect, Bounce, Carom
 20.RadicalThorough, Entire, Extreme, Rebellious
 21.RemoteFar, Distant, Faraway, Obscure
 22.StatuteLaw, Decree, Ordinance, Edict, Rule, Act, Bill
 23.StipulationPrerequisite, Condition, Provision, Clause
 24.SubterfugePloy, Sham, Stratagem, Deceit, Deception
 25.SubstantiateAuthenticate, Validate, Confirm, Verify, Corroborate
 26.SuccinctBrief, Concise, Terse, Abbreviated
 27.SordidUgly, Dirty, Squalid, Nasty
28. SpecimenPrototype, Model, Sample, Dummy
 29.SolitarySingle, Hermetic, Isolated, Desolate
 30.StaticStill, Stable, Fixed
 31.SterileUnproductive, Barren, Impotent, Disinfected
 32.SublimeExalted, Elevated, Imposing, Magnificent
 33.SuperficialShallow, Apparent, Outward
 34.TabooForbidden, Banned, Prohibited
 35.TenaciousResolute, Persistent, Dogged
 36.TherapeuticCurative, Restorative, Recuperative, Remedial
 37.TemperateModerate, Mild, Controlled, Sensible
 38.ThriveFlourish, Succeed, Grow
 39.TemporalWorldly, Materialistic, Earthly, Secular
 40.TentativeTemporary, Provisional, Hesitant
 41.TyrantAutocrat, Despot, Dictator, Oppressor
 42.TyroAmateur, Novice, Apprentice, Neophyte
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Important (opposites) Antonym (Q to T)

Given below is a table with the most important Antonyms you must know:

S. No.          Word   Antonym
2.QuietLoud, Noisy
 7.RightLeft, Wrong
 14.SevereMild, Lenient
24. SystemChaos
 26.TerseGentle, Lengthy
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A good vocabulary will always increase your chances of performing well in the English language section of the Exam, and will also increase your overall Exam score. Hence, you should memorize all the above-mentioned Antonyms and Synonyms, including the ones we collected in the previous articles, to be ready to answer vocabulary-related questions easily. A good vocabulary-building strategy is to learn at least 10 synonyms and 10 antonyms daily. It will also improve your reading comprehension ability. Practice these words by writing them down in a notebook with examples to memorize them forever. Use these words while writing Essays or Summaries.

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If you like to read more on Vocabulary Building for all Bank Exams, click on the links below!

S. No.Title
1.Synonyms & Antonyms (A to D)-SBI Clerk Mains 2021
2.Synonyms & Antonyms (E to H) for All Bank Exams-2021
3.Synonyms & Antonyms (I to L)-Vocab Builder for all Bank Exams 2021
4.Synonyms & Antonyms (M to P)-Word Power for all Bank Exams 2021
5.Synonyms & Antonyms (U to Z)-All Imp. Vocab for All Bank Exams

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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