Are you excited about SBI PO Prelims which will be held in 2 days? Please bear in mind that a bit of nervousness is just fine as it keeps you alert and also helps you put all your efforts towards the preparation. After all, there are only 2,056 vacancies for which there will be tens of lakhs of aspirants appearing for Prelims. Please note that this exam’s score will only be used for the purpose of gaining entry in the Mains exam and will not be used for the final selection. So all that you need to keep in mind is to clear the sectional as well as overall cut-offs. Have a look at the previous cut-offs of this exam.
Category | Prelims Cut-Offs |
GEN | 58.5 |
SC | 50 |
ST | 43.75 |
OBC | 56 |
EWS | 56.75 |
Answering 100 questions in 60 minutes is undoubtedly a difficult task. Take a Free Mock Test to see how many of the questions can you answer correctly in the given time. Obviously, you have to skip some questions. Now, considering that all questions are of the same marks, it would be prudent to skip the difficult ones and solve the easy ones. You can try solving the difficult questions once all the easy ones have been done. This art of identification of easy questions come only by practice. For your convenience, we have broken the different topics of the 3 sections into 3 Rounds in this success strategy for SBI PO.
You should first solve questions from Round I. These questions are generally easy to solve and take less time. Once done, move to Round II. Questions from this round are a bit tricky and may take some time to solve. Put all your efforts to complete these rounds as soon as possible. If time permits, move to Round III. Try implementing this strategy in a Free Mock Test of SBI PO Prelims and see if there is a difference in the results.
Start with non-puzzle based questions like coding-decoding, syllogisms, questions related to direction sense, blood relations etc.
Move towards the critical reasoning questions and solve simple puzzles (may relate to blood relations, circular/linear seating arrangement, floor-based puzzle) and questions related to input-output.
Solve difficult puzzles/seating line arrangement (double line puzzles)
Start with number series, approximation, simplification, equations comparison, and easy data interpretation sets.
Tip: If you get stuck with one number series question and are unable to solve it within 30 seconds, skip it.
Solve word problems and easy data interpretation sets.
Move on to difficult data interpretation sets.
Prioritize Non-RC based questions like antonym/synonym and vocab based questions. You can also attempt vocab based RC questions.
Note: In synonym/antonym questions, try getting the sense of the word by reading the preceding/succeeding line.
Attempt grammar-based questions like Error detection, Sentence correction, Phrase correction etc. in this round.
Go for non-vocab RC based questions, para jumbles and para connectors.
In the past, SBI has been known for throwing surprises. What if it comes up with any surprise on November 20? Are you ready for that? Please bear in mind that any new type of question will be new for the majority of aspirants. Keep your cool and try understanding which concept(s) is the question trying to test. Sometimes, a new kind of question involves 2 different concepts. It is advisable that you keep the new kind of questions for Round II/III unless they are extremely easy.
Wishing You All the Best for Your SBI PO Prelims!
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