If you are preparing for banking exams like RRB PO, RRB Clerk, SBI Clerk, IDBI AM etc. you are at the right place. In this series of articles, we publish the preparation experience of successful candidates who have cleared these banking exams. There is a lot to learn in terms of preparation strategy, study plan, attitude etc. Today, we have come up with the success story of Rashi Mishra who was not only able to clear IBPS Clerk but she also cleared IBPS PO. Do you also have the same goal in mind? Do you also want to clear banking exams like RRB Clerk, IDBI AM, RRB PO, SBI Clerk etc.? Follow the strategies Rashi mentioned below on how she was able to convert her weaknesses into strengths.
Congratulations on your success! Which exams did you appear in till date and what were their results?
I started my preparation for banking exams back in December 2018.The first exam which I appeared for was SBI PO 2019 but I could not clear even prelims that time.Though,I was able to clear prelims of SBI clerk 2019 with good Marks but I missed mains by a margin of 3.5 marks.The reason for my failure in SBI clerk mains was my weak general awareness which I later converted into my strength because of which I cleared other mains examination back to back. I got selected in RRB clerk and lic assistant as well.
How did you prepare for the English section?
English questions which are being asked in banking examinations is just to check one’s comprehending skills.I don’t believe in mugging up grammar rules for this and I never did so.The only thing on which I was dependent for english was reading,reading and reading.I used to practice mocks of mains level daily for this section especially of Reading comprehension.

What was your strategy for the Reasoning section?
This section needs regular practice.Also ,One needs to be wise while picking up the questions he is going to attempt first during exams and that will come with practice.I used to solve puzzles,input output and other new type of questions daily.Practicing these kind of questions helps you to enhance Your thought process for solving questions.
How did you prepare for the Quantitative Aptitude section?
First of all,I completed my syllabus of quants and learnt all the basic concepts of arithmetic.One can easily tackle quants in prelims if he has done enough practice but to tackle this section in mains examination you will have to be very good with concepts of arithmetic because mains is full of date interpretation which are fully arithmetic based.I used to search tough questions of arithmetic on Google and used to practice daily.
Finally, How did you prepare for the General Awareness section?
This section is the one which actually ensures your final selection.I used to study current affairs on daily basis through various platforms.Also,I used to revise my pdfs on weekly basis.Trust me,Having a good command over this section will enable you to take a lead in mains examinations and I have felt this.Also,Complete your banking and financial awareness too as this will not only help you in general awareness but also during your interview.Solve daily quizzes of current affairs through various platforms.
What was your overall strategy? Did you follow a study schedule? If yes, please share the details.
I cleared all the concepts and started practicing.The only thing that will you success in this exam is your continuous efforts.I used to study for atleast 9-10 hours daily.I used to practice from mock tests and analyse it.I was not good in general awareness section so I started revising it on weekly basis and made it my strength and that helped me alot in all the mains examinations.
Did PracticeMock help you in your success?
The questions in the test series of practice mock are of the same level as asked in exams be it prelims or mains.I used to attempt mocks first and then analyse it that where am I still lagging.I believe that a good quality mock test provides you a good source of questions for practice.Also,You can compare yourself with your competitors that where do you actually stand through Practice mock tests.
What’s your message for the fellow aspirants who are preparing for competitive exams?
There is no substitute for hardwork and Your hardwork and continuous efforts will ultimately pay off.So,find your weaknesses ,work on them and achieve your goal.This is the path that I followed.
Good luck to all the aspirants for future examinations like IDBI AM, SBI Clerk, RRB Clerk, RRB PO.
This was all Rashi had to say about her preparation of banking exams. Apply her strategies and clear exams like RRB PO, SBI Clerk, RRB Clerk, IDBI AM etc. Remember: there is no alternative to practice and there is no shortcut to success. Start your preparation with the tips mentioned above and you can also land with a government job in the banking sector.
If you have a success story to share, click here.
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