I have been preparing for banking since 2014 and I have appeared almost every year’s IBPS SBI exams. Got selected for all the prelim papers but never made it to mains cause of a few marks. In 2017 I made it to LIC HFL assistant main but could not clear interview. Later I scored 110 in RRB clerk 2017 cut off was 117. In 2019 right after ibps clerk result I was so much devastated because I could not make it, then I started picking out my loopholes and during that time I found out about practicemock . Then in 2019 I appeared IDBI executive and assistant manager but could not make it to merit list.(I am in the waiting list ) I did not give up though. And after giving all the main papers of this year finally made it to SBI clerk.
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English Section Preparation Strategy
You have to read as many articles as you can .Get acquainted yourself to reading.I am a bibliophile and I always love reading novels so for me this was an advantage,I had attempted 34 out of 40 this year in sbi clerk.This is the power of reading,it gives you a good understanding. Now this will help you in RC also.
Coming to grammar part,get your basics clear first and for that you will get a lot of genuine videos on different sites.Go for the genuine ones,I watched Anchal Ma’am ‘ s videos.Now that I was done with basics I started solving all the grammar questions from old BSC magazines, old Practicemock tests that were left ,some valuable PDFs I found on telegram groups,these small but important things helped me boost up my preparation.Then it was only mock that helped me find out what I was missing out and Practicemock already knows the level of exams so it was easier for me in real exam.
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Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy
I followed Sumit Sir’s videos only and I have Arun Sharma’s Quant book. You don’t have to be an expert in maths but you have to know everything. So I didn’t leave any topic ,I won’t say I am a champ now but I can score a decent mark. This is all you need, you are not giving exam to become a topper ,you just need to score an average mark to clear it. So give Practicemock quiz daily, do solve adda , gradeup quiz daily.Solve questions with a given time limit,that will help you to choose right questions during exam.
Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy
This is something everyone is good at and this is something IBPS has brought a lot many changes in past two years. So, I just solved a lot of puzzles and questions from different sources of new patterns. There are so many new pattern questions still left in your mock series just go through them and revise. This is the only key to excel in reasoning.
GK & Banking Awareness
I have made my own notes for banking awareness from N S Toor Banking book. It is best for main and interview. And for daily GK I follow affairs cloud blindly, they have a very good content then I add extra bits from adda and gradeup too. It doesn’t matter from where you read just do as many mcqs as you can.And right before one week of the exam I always complete Studyiq’s best 200 series of last 6 months. This is enough to score 28+. Just do not be dependant on a single site for current affairs,surf as many as you can but write only what is necessary and revise it.
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Right after last year’s clerk result I realized one thing that success lies beyond my comfort zone.So I joined a library .And then I realised people tell us how to read but no body tells us where to.Those who live outside their homes in hostels n all they don’t always get a good atmosphere for this immense practice.So my schedule starts at 6 am in the morning ,I cover up GK first then at Library I always attempt one mock test daily after that I do analysis.This takes the whole morning,later in the afternoon I start individual subjects starting from English, first the newspaper then 3 RC ,10-15 error correction,2-3 quizzes. For maths I start from DI,at least 3-4 DI a day then at least 10-20 number series, if I feel like I couldn’t attend this particular chapter in mock then I try to solve it individually.Just remember these numbers of solving questions may seem less but the consistency is all that matters. I repeat the same for reasoning,10 puzzles for prelim and main,then previous mock test questions, Practicemock and adda quiz. You make your own list on what areas you should work for,I couldn’t solve syllogs once so I dedicated my whole time for syllogs that day,just get the concept clear for once and all.
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Practicemock has that level of question which are actually asked in exams these days ,be it prelim or main. It doesn’t have the level to demoralise or to boost overconfidence, because it lies exactly where a mock test series level should be. It always maintained the difficulty level same as we face in real exams and that helped me a lot. It never felt new to me while giving sbi clerk, it was of same level as practicemock had given in the mock series. And coming to the explanation after mock, from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you guys for giving such simple yet less time taking solutions. This is the level of your mock only that started building the confidence in me that I can do it and I did it. Thanks a lot and I mean it.
P.S.- The support team is always on their toes to help us, Kudos to you. You guys are so sincere to your work. Hats off! I am glad I found a genuine site that actually helps people to make their dreams come true.
The one thing I have learned all these years is nothing worth having comes easy. And it may take time but it is worth waiting for. Always remember good things take time. And if somewhere you feel like giving up then remind yourself that “You have not come this far to come only this far.” Shine on!
RBI Assistant Prelims free mock test
This is what Prajnashree Rath has to say regarding her success strategy. She did a very extensive preparation for each and every section. For those who have cleared any exam and want to get featured on our blog can share his or her success story by filling in the details here bit.ly/PMSuccessStories.
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