Sutapa Roy has cleared 3 exams including SBI PO , IBPS PO and IBPS RRB PO. She started preparing since 2018 for banking exam and just like other candidates her journey also had many ups & downs. Mention below is the success story if Sutapa Roy for the fellow aspirants to read.
IBPS Clerk Prelims free mock test
Hi friends, I started my preparing since 2018 for banking exams. My journey was filled with many ups and downs. I used to miss the cutoff by (.25) or (.75) marks. I did lot of hard work and finally I got my dream job. The exams I have appeared in till date are:
2018 –
1. SBI Clerk missed in pre by 6 marks.
2. IBPS Clerk missed in mains by 0.75 marks.
2019 –
1. IBPS RRB PO missed in final result by 1 marks (after interview).
2. IBPS RRB Clerk missed in mains by 1 marks.
3. IBPS Clerk missed in mains by 1 marks.
4. IBPS PO missed in final selection by 0.30 marks and was in reserve list.
English Section Preparation Strategy
Basically I am from a bengali medium school and english was my weakness. But I worked hard on this. Read and watch editorial daily l( I followed Yashi Pandey on gradeup YouTube banking channel) and make a note for vocabulary (with examples which is made by me). I followed a grammar book and cover this whole book again and again. Takes mini mocks for improving my vocabulary.
SBI Clerk mains free mock 2021
Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy
I used to dedicate 3 hours daily for math(coz I am coming from arts background). First you have to clear your basic then practice (easy – moderate – high levels) one by one( I cleared basics from Ashish Arora sir’s classes). Give mock and analyze this. For mains exam mainly I focused on DI and Arithmetic.
Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy
I was very fond of puzzles and sitting arrangements. I used to solve 5-6 easy 2-3 moderate and 2 hard level puzzles and sitting arrangements daily. I practiced from mocks.
Practice Reasoning Topic Wise Quizzes
General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy
Basically GA is the main reason behind my failures till date. I was very weak in this section but from May 2020 I started preparing on this subject. For GA i follow affairscloud monthly capsule and this one is really very helpful and read daily GA this one will help you a lot to improve your GA section.
Firstly I sincerely suggest everyone to make a proper daily schedule covering all subjects. Trust me the schedule you prepare will remind you what you have to do next and definitely push you close to your dream. I used to attempt mocks daily & analysis this properly. I used to prepare for 8-9 hrs everyday giving priority to each and every section.
All negative results used to demotivate me a lot but after every failure I became more strong and optimist, tried again and again until I got success. I too fell in trap the of depression 2018-2019 but my parents , my friends , my teachers always helped me to overcome these problems. Today I would like to thanks all of my school teachers , College teachers , my parents , my friends for always supported me.
Thank you PracticeMock for providing such amazing questions for preliminary and mains. All free mocks are really very helpful for all banking aspirants.
Finally I just want to say Just keep patience and never give up. I sincerely suggested everyone to make a proper schedule and try to gave Mocks regularly , analysis these properly. Try to celebrate your small wins , surrounded yourself with motivational peoples. Just remember this – If you believe it’ll work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you don’t believe it’ll work out, you’ll see obstacles. All the best everyone for your future life.
SBI Clerk mains free mock 2021
This is what Sutapa has to say about her journey and she has said very well that every failure made her strong and she keep becoming optimistic. Also, she suggested to give mocks on a daily basis and keep analyzing the mocks well. This is all from us in this article. You can also submit your success story if you have cleared any exam.
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