Samidha Agrawal’s Success Story
I started preparing for SSC CGL in Mar 2021. I cleared my basic concepts first and made proper personal notes. Then I gave SSC CGL prelims in Aug 2021 but I thought maybe it was not upto the mark. So I also gave NIACL AO, SBI PO and IBPS PO as notifications were lined up then subsequently SSC CGL prelims was also cleared so I gave tier-2 as well as tier. Till date SBI PO and IBPS PO is cleared. Yesterday I gave NIACL AO interview and SSC CGL final results are awaited.
Which exams did you appear in till date and what were their results?
- SBI PO results -> Prelims=70.25, Mains=134.83, Interview=44, Final=62.45
- IBPS PO results -> Prelims=67.5, Mains=100.25, Final=51.24
- NIACL AO -> Prelims=83, Mains & Interview = Awaited
- SSC CGL -> Tier-1=148.61, Tier-2 = Eng – 173.5 / Maths – 137.5, Tier-3 = Awaited
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Section-wise Preparation Strategy
English Section Preparation Strategy
I referred Neetu Singh for grammar and made a separate diary for words. I used to write words everyday and now have a decent collection of words which I revise regularly. Apart from that I sufficed it with Practicemock English tests.
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Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy
I cleared my basic concepts from Sahil sir YouTube channel and made my own notes. Then during SSC CGL preparation I solved Kiran book thoroughly. Also I used to practice daily quizzes from Adda and Gradeup(Byju’s). And lastly lot of mocks including sectional from Practicemock.
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Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy
For reasoning I relied only on mocks and googled set of questions.Here also I used to practice daily quizzes from Adda and Gradeup(Byju’s). I did not refer any book exclusively. Only timed mock tests and proper analysis can give you speed.
General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy
I referred Banker Adda’s monthly magazines and practiced a lot of quizzes. But these days a single source wouldn’t be effective so affairscloud is also required for a good hold over current affairs. Revision plays a vital role here as we have to complete atleast 6 months CA for our exams.
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Overall Strategy, Study Schedule & Challenges Faced
Yes I’m a morning person so I used to wake up early and start by giving a mock which is not theory so you’ll not feel sleepy. Then I used to revise vocab words and maths formulae if any. Then hourly I used to give time to every subject and current affairs most of the times I would prepare it regularly. Planning is of utmost importance. I had my weekly and monthly timetables prepared on what would I complete everyday. After clearing basics daily I would solve a mock and complete it’s analysis. I maintained a copy of questions in Quants which I was not comfortable with so that I can revise any concept which is not clear to me. For reasoning also if there’s some new trick you can jot it down for remembering it easily later on. Give free live tests. Helps you analyse where you stand currently and in which areas you need to work upon. As far as challenges are conerned Yes I’m married woman so definitely you’ve to manage with a lot of responsibilities. But again my husband and my family were very supportive which made this achievement possible. So I would say that people clear the exams in various difficult circumstances. Just have a basic aim in your mind with a purpose. Keep yourself engrossed in your studies only. While cooking or doing any household chores also I used to just play YouTube videos of let say toppers or current affairs etc. Keep discussing your daily goals with someone to keep track of yourself. I got COVID in between but then you have to manage to not leave studies entirely. Atleast try to be in touch. As I gave 4 papers of different patterns. Switching planning strategy was also difficult but then you have to stay calm and remember that it’s just the initial year then you have to strive harder for much more once you sail through.
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How did PracticeMock help you?
PracticeMock was the only test series I sticked to through my entire journey. And I’m really very grateful to have crossed through it at first. Initially it was very difficult and sometimes I was a lot frustrated also that I get good marks in other test series like testbook or gradeuo then why not in this one. Then my husband explained me that may be you’ll get momentary happiness here on seeing your All india rank here but what matters is your actually performance on D-day and maybe you’ll cry till the last day but on the main day you’ll be so confident because the level of questions you’ll be prepared for will make your exam time very smooth. So I’m really thankful to PraticeMock and their efforts for the question set.
Message for the Fellow Aspirants
I would say that be your own competitor. Ignore the society and please don’t give them the authority to set your goals. Know your worth/potential and be ambitious. We’ve got one life and there’s so much to strive for. Let’s just work hard for the best. Do not worry about vacancies competition n all. Make your preparation so worthwhile that these things won’t matter at all in the end. Have faith and confidence in yourself because solely your state of mind in the exam centre would be the ultimate deciding factor.
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This is what Samidha has to say about her clearing of the SBI PO & IBPS PO exams. She relied on PracticeMock’s test series and she suggests everyone to be your own competitor and ignore the society. And also she suggested to prepare well. We at PracticeMock provides free topic wise quants quizzes for all major exams. Candidates can attempt these for free. Read his success journey & stay inspired. You can also submit your success story if you have cleared any examination.
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