I am just 21 years old. I finished my graduation from Himachal Pradesh University in June 2022. I shifted from Shimla to Delhi on 17th June and started preparing for PO exam. I gave IBPS clerk Pre in September which I missed by one and a half mark. Then I gave this exam and finally got slected. I was not eligible to give SBI PO exam because I was underage. Basically I studies 4 months and cracked this exam.
RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock – Attempt Now
RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock – Attempt Now
English Section Preparation Strategy
I love reading novels from my school days which has helped me a lot during my preparations. I also started reading The Hindu newspaper for enhancing my vocabulary skills. I did not took grammar section too seriously and just focused on my reading habits.
RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock – Attempt Now
Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy
I use to love solving arithmetic problems but I got to know that arithmetic is a vast area and it requires more time and I was not having that much time with me so then I started practicing speed maths and Data interpretation more and just focused on that part. 25 out of 35 marks in Preliminary examintaion was of speed maths and DI so I focused on that and just did selected questions of Arithmetic.
Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy
I use to solve 10-15 puzzles everyday which I later increased to 30 as exam got near because reasoning was my weakest area. I focused equally on puzzles and misclleanous questions as both are having almost equal weightage but for mains I completely left out puzzles and focused on miscleanous problems and logical reasoning because I was not having much time to improve my speed in Puzzles.
RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock – Attempt Now
General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy
To be honest I never gave much time to General Awareness during early days as I was just focused on clearing Pre examination but once I qualified Pre examination I read PracticeMock Bazooka thoroughly. They provide monthly pdf of current affairs for free, the quality of content is top notch and although I did not do that well in GA section in my mains because I was not regular with current affairs but I cleared sectional cutoff because of that.
RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock – Attempt Now
The biggest problem for me was time as is started preparing in June. I was just having 3-4 months with me. So I did not try to cover all the syllabus which was there. 71.25 was the cutoff out of 225 so If you calculate you just have to study the half of the syllabus and be very good at it. That’s what I did I left arithmetic, I left Puzzles for mains, I started GA after Pre. I just analyzed that which are the areas which are more scoring and I can target easily. I created my own strategy rather than following of any one else’s. I use to study 4-4 hours of Quants and reasoning daily and for English I use to read newspaper and novels. Almost every second or third day I try to figure out the lattern of paper and see what they generally ask from you. Accoridng to me Breaking down the paper is very important in Banking exams. You need to do a lot of smart work rather than hard work.
I am from Shimla and this was the first time I was leaving my home town so this was a big challenge. Delhi was completely new and I could not go along with the weather of Delhi. After one month I got Typhoid and I had to come back to Shimla and I was in hospital for a week. After that I did bed rest for next two weeks. That was a tough time. After 3 weeks I went back to Delhi and in 15-20 days I was having my IBPS clerk exam . I could not clear it and I got very disappointed. And then SBI PO notification came and I got to know I am underage as I was having my 21st birthday in July and they wanted candidates of 21 years before April. That was a big blow but then I made sure that I will crack IBPS PO and started preparing for it very seriously.
RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock – Attempt Now
I have already suggested PracticeMock to many and many of my friends. Like every aspirant I have given mock tests of different platforms but the quality , relevance and diversity of questions that we see in practice mock is far ahead of every one else. I use to get so many different and different types of questions in PracticeMock free quizzes and mock test. They provide subject wise analysis in their mock tests which helps in recognizing our weak and strong areas. Also for General Awareness I just and just read their Bazooka which I their monthly GA pdf. I did not followed any other source for General Awareness. The quality of content in practicemock is very relevant and diverse which makes you confident for the mains examination
Guys Do not listen to anyone’s advise, you are different, you have your own strengths and weaknesses so make a strategy what suits you the best. My friends laughed on me when I told them that I am not doing any puzzles in my mains exam but I still not did because I know myself better than anyone else. Make your own strategy, make you daily goals and make sure you achieve them because that will give you confidence. The most important thing is Chill and stay happy, don’t become mad for studies. The most important thing is to be happy and have a positive mindset, rest everything will fall into place.
RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock – Attempt Now
This is what Rajan Ranta has to say about his sucess strategy. For those who have cleared any exam and want to get featured on our blog can share his or her success story by filling in the details here bit.ly/PMSuccessStories.
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