An aspirant preparing for any competitive examination especially for banking, government and insurance exams knows the importance of hard work and also at the same time knows what dedication it takes to taste success. This platform is for those aspirants who have already tasted success and thus, would like to share their success and preparation journey in order to help other fellow aspirants. Keeping this in mind today we are sharing the success story of Prayash Raj who cleared IBPS PO-X. He was a civil services aspirant but the results were not in my favour and has an engineering background. He appeared in many examinations and finally cleared IBPS PO-X. Below is his success story for the aspirants to have a look.
IBPS Clerk Prelims – Take free mock test & know your weak areas
Prayash Raj’s Success Story
I was a civil services aspirant but the results were not in my favour. My father had an accident and due to which I had to come back in August 2020, saw the syllabus of the banking exams and was guided by my beloved friend Sri Utsav Srestha (IBPS-PO X PNB select) about how to prepare what to study what to leave. Being from engineering background the syllabus seemed fathomable worked extremely hard for 6 months and the results were in my favour.
I appeared for SBI PO cleared prelims mains but was tagged in the interview round. Appeared for IBPS clerk cleared prelims but didn’t appear for mains. Appeared for IBPS PO-X cleared with decent marks and was allotted my first preference i.e. PNB
Section-wise Preparation Strategy
English Section Preparation Strategy
Watching Tv series and listening to the conversations very carefully and solving the full mocks plus the sectional ones of PracticeMock.
Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy
Through Mocks
Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy
Through Mocks and solving puzzles. For critical reasoning I followed GMAT guide
General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy
Followed Gaurav Garg religiously.
RRB Clerk Prelims 2021 free mock test
Overall Strategy, Study Schedule & Challenges Faced
Banking exams are all about efficiency. Solving the mocks increases that efficiency. For example when a person conducts an experiment he takes multiple readings and identifies the reading in which the efficiency is maximum. Mocks serve the same purpose you get to know how to increase your efficiency. I used to solve 3-4 mocks daily. have a routine stick to the routine religiously no matter what you have to stick to that routine. Don’t study or solve mocks at night because you have to train your brain to give maximum efficiency in daytime.
Reasoning section was one of the biggest hurdle. I overcame it by practice solving the questions and puzzles twice not leaving any stones unturned.
How did PracticeMock help you?
PracticeMock is the best test series in the market. If you want a real time exam experience you have to appear for the mocks provided by PracticeMock. The interface mimics the exam interface and you become extremely comfortable while appearing in the exam. The questions are best. It prepares you for the unexpected. I highly recommend my fellow aspirants to solve the mocks and analyze it ,see the solutions provided in the test series, and solve all the mocks the marks will gradually improve be it for prelims or mains
Message to the Fellow Aspirants
The competition is between you and your potential best self. Always remember this and there is always scope of improvement. No one is infallible people commit mistakes you have to learn from them move past the barrier. Be energetic positive and success will come to you.
RRB Clerk Prelims 2021 free mock test
This is how Prayash Raj prepared for the examination and achieved success with his hard work and dedication. He worked extremely hard so that he could achieve what he desires. As he has mentioned Banking exams is about efficiency thus, the importance of giving mocks must not be ignored as it undoubtedly increases your efficiency. One thing which is common in all of these success stories is the importance that has been attributed to mock tests. So what are you waiting for? Start taking mock tests now.
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