Garima Agarwal who started preparing for banking exams since 2018 cleared many prelims exams, however according to her she was not following the right strategy. Since a year she started following PracticeMock app that helped her then in her overall pre and mains development. She has mentioned her entire journey as how she managed to get success. Read her success story below and know her strengths and weaknesses.
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Hello friends, I am Garima Agarwal and I would like to share my success story with you all. I Started preparing for banking exams since 2018 , cleared many pre but it was not the right strategy which I used to follow then I started following PM app since one year and saw a lot of chances. It helps in overall pre and mains development. The content of di and puzzles are amazing which is just like exam level look.. One should definitely go for it. 👍
I appeared all the ibps exams and sbi exams of 2019 cleared pre but not mains. Cleared rbi assistant pre cleared rrb po pre and secured 8.5 marks more than cut off in mains but missed ga sectional by 0.75 And finally cleared rrb clerk.
English Section Preparation Strategy
Through sectional and full mocks of pm. And ready daily the Hindu articles.
Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy
Through sectional and full mocks of pm.
Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy
Through sectional and full mocks.
General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy
On daily basis by making notes and following weekly quiz of pm.
Take free Current Affairs Quizzes
There was no such thing as strategy for me coz I hardly able to implement it. I used to take only two subjects a day like one day maths, reasoning other day eng and maths and two mocks in one week, and revise gk on daily basis or download bazooka and practice through weekly mocks of PM..
Hurdles are a part of success, it makes you more strong in winning the race, so perseverance is an important key for success. Don’t loose hope have faith in you, one day you will definitely achieve it
100% help I got from practicemock’s test series.
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I just want to say that don’t loose hope just keep on doing your best without thinking of result and practise by attempting mocks and analyzing your mistakes and work on that.. One day you will finally have a job in your pocket.
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This brings us to the end of Garima Agarwal’s success story. For lot of other inspiring success stories, visit here.
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