SSC CPO Last Minute Tips
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SSC CPO is just around the corner and it is scheduled for 9th November thereby leaving 6 days in hands of the aspirants to prepare for it. Though, its no time to start with anything new including any fresh topic, but its time to revise the ones which you have already done and make sure that those concepts of you are rock solid and very well prepared. Here in this article we would be providing a little help or guidance to the aspirants by telling them the subject wise SSC CPO last minute preparation tips. More than calling them last minute tips we would like to call it few quick tips for the aspirants to take a look at. These tips will help you attempt the exam in the right manner. So, here we are with some section wise SSC CPO last minute tips:


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Subject-wise SSC CPO Last Minute Preparation Tips

English Language

  • Reading Comprehension as we all know is one prominent part of the english section that one has to prepare well
  • Next comes grammar & vocabulary that needs to be strengthened
  • Revise the list of synonyms and antonyms
  • Make sure that you prepare/revise well the tenses their rules along with phrasal verbs

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Quantitative Aptitude

  • The most scoring topics include Data Interpretation, Mensuration, Arithmetic and Geometry. Make sure these are well prepared
  • Go through all relevant math formulae & revise them
  • Revise all short cut methods used for solving different types of questions
  • Try to practice as many new questions as possible so as to gain speed and accuracy at the same time
  • Go through the square roots and tables

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Reasoning Section

  • This section is all about problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • The questions are of set pattern, however any random questions can be asked, thus the best way to win over this section is by practicing
  • Try to attempt those questions in the first place which you find easy and keep the tricky ones for later
  • Avoid spending too much time on one single question
  • Keep a focus on your speed and accuracy

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General Knowledge Section

  • Prepare questions from static GK and current affairs over the last six months
  • Go through the timeline of some important recent events
  • Cramming in GA does not work, however to study this section should be an on-going process as and when you stat your exam preparation
  • Revise all your GA notes that you must have created during your preparation

Other than this Subject-wise SSC CPO last minute preparation tips which are to be kept in mind while taking the exam.

  1. Do not forget carrying your Admit Card to the examination centre and also other important documents if any.
  2. Read the instructions carefully before starting to attempt the exam.
  3. Start attempting the exam with those questions you are sure of and do not spend much time on a single question.
  4. Try not to make any guesses as this may fetch you negative marks.
  5. Always attempt your strongest section first as this will build your confidence and if you are facing any issue then move onto the next section.
  6. Attempt SSC CPO free mock test if you still haven’t and know your weak areas. Practice as many mock tests as possible before the exam.

Last but not the least, follow this revision strategy or Subject-wise SSC CPO Last Minute Preparation Tips and give it your best shot in the actual examination.

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