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Notification is out! NABARD Grade A Exam held on September 2022, NABARD Grade A is the most awaited exam in India about one month is left for this exam. It has a wide audience of aspirants. So we are providing you best strategy and study plan for your preparation + exam level mock test created by professionals. don’t waste your time on unuseful material.

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NABARD Grade A Strategy and Study plan
NABARD Grade A Strategy and Study plan

Grab NABARD Grade A Free Mock test + Analyze Yourself

Strategy For NABARD Grade A

  1. Firstly look at the Exam pattern: Check the detailed exam pattern to obtain a good sense of the marking scheme, the time given, the names and numbers of sections, the total amount of questions, etc. before you start your preparation. This will assist you in managing your study time effectively so that you can ace the test.
  2. Check Proper Syllabus: To be ready and ensure that no significant item is overlooked, develop a list of all the relevant topics from each part after the exam pattern. Once you’ve written down the Topics, you can order them according to what has to be covered first.
  3. Attempt Previous years Question Paper Check what type of questions have been asked in real exams as well as what level of difficulties in each topic. Practice on a daily basis to score well.
  4. Pick out the important topics: After looking through the papers from prior years, you can choose which subjects are Strengths and which parts need more work. The most crucial thing to choose an important topic for NABARD Grade A.
  5. Make a plan: Make a plan and follow it from the first day you begin preparing for the job you want. This plan must include everything you need to memorize in order to complete each section. You should not skip any topics or chapters as doing. Follow the Plan properly because the ESI and ARD areas of the syllabus are the most important.
  6. Divide time equally for each section: The syllabus is difficult because there are a total of 7 Sections. Time management skills are necessary to prepare for each section. You can allocate your time accordingly, giving priority to your weak portion, depending on how well or poorly you perform in each section.
  7. Time Management: It is recommended to keep track of how much time you spend on each Topic because the Reasoning and Quantitative sections will take up most of your time. The remaining stages would involve tests of your reading and knowledge.
  8. Study material: The best study materials with high-quality questions + exam-level mock tests of the banking exam is a blessing for candidates. In addition to the study materials, free quizzes, and other free resources offered by Practicemock.
  9. Mock Test: Mock tests are the replica of the real exam, they also help to know your weakness & strength

Grab NABARD Grade A Free Mock test + Analyze Yourself

Best 30 Days Study Plan For NABARD Grade A

DateReasoningQuantitative AptitudeEnglishComputer Knowledge/ ARD/ ESIGeneral Awareness
Day 1*Take a FREE NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test with Complete AnalysisSimplification and Missing SeriesSingle fillersESI Quiz 1Banking & Finacial affairs of June (part-1)
Day 2Coding-DecodingQuadratic InequalitiesError correctionARD Quiz 1Banking & Finacial affairs of June (part-2) +Business News
Day 3
*Take NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test 2+Complete Analysis

Day 4Direction SenseArithmeticvocabulary +sentence rearrangementESI Quiz 2 +Computer Quiz 1Agreements & MoUs
Day 5Puzzles & Seating ArrangementApproximation and Wrong Seriesword rearrangementARD Quiz 2Economic affairs of June
Day 6SyllogismTable DI and Bar Graph DIRevisionComputer Quiz 2International Affairs of June
Day 7*Take NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test 3+Complete Analysis
Day 8Blood RelationSimplificationword swapESI Quiz 3Awards & Recognition
Day 9SeriesLine Graph DI and Pie Chart DIsentence improvementARD Quiz 3National Affairs (part-1)
Day 10Input-OutputMissing Seriessentence based errorComputer Quiz 3National Affairs (part-2)
Day 11Puzzles & Seating ArrangementArithmeticidioms and phrasesESI Quiz 4Schemes & Committees of June
Day 12Data SufficiencyMix DI and Caseletcloze testARD Quiz 4Appointments & Resignation of June
Day 13*Take NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test 4+Complete Analysis
Day 14Puzzle, Coding-Decoding, Order-rankingData Interpretationidioms and phrasesComputer Quiz 4State affairs of June (part-1) + Ranks & Reports
Day 15InequalitiesApproximationcolumn based sentencesESI Quiz 5 State affairs of June (part-2)
Day 16Coding-DecodingData Sufficiency and Quantity Basedword swapARD Quiz 5Defence News of June
Day 17SyllogismArithmeticconnectorsComputer Quiz 5Sports News of June
Day 18Puzzles & Seating ArrangementData InterpretationError correctionESI Quiz 6Important Days of June (part-1)
Day 19Blood Relation & Direction SenseWrong Seriesphrase rearrangementARD Quiz 6Important Days of June (part-2)
Day 20*Take NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test 5+Complete Analysis
Day 21Practice SetPractice Setpractice setComputer Quiz 6Books & Authors + Science & Technology
Day 22Seating Arrangement, Input-Output, MiscellaneousQuadratic Inequalitiessentence improvementESI Quiz 7Miscellaneous news of June (part-1)
Day 23Puzzle, syllogism, InequalitiesArithmeticdouble fillersMiscellaneous news of June (part-2)
Day 24*Take NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test 6+Complete AnalysisData Interpretationword swapComputer Quiz 7Obituaries of June
Day 25Puzzle, Direction Sense, Blood RelationSimplification and Wrong Seriesphrase rearrangementESI Quiz 8Revision Test of June (part-1)
Day 26Puzzle, Inequality, MiscellaneousArithmeticreading comprehension

ARD Quiz 7Revision Test of June (part-2)Banking Affairs of July +
Day 27Seating Arrangement, Data sufficiency, Coding-DecodingData Interpretationsingle fillersComputer Quiz 8Economic affairs of July
Day 28*Take NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test 7+Complete Analysis
Day 29Seating Arrangement, Input-Output, Direction senseApproximation and Missing SEriescloze testESI Quiz 9 + ARD Quiz 8Business News + Schemes & Committees of July
Day 30*Take NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test 8+Complete Analysis
NABARD Grade A Strategy and Study plan NABARD Grade A Strategy and Study plan

Grab NABARD Grade A Free Mock test + Analyze Yourself

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