SSC MTS 2023 Tier-1 exam: Best 18-Day Study Plan

The SSC MTS exam is just around the corner. Are you ready to take it from 02nd May to 19th May 2023 and 13th to 20th June 2023? If you need a quick and easy way to revise the syllabus, we have the perfect solution! We have designed an 18-day revision plan that covers all the topics and helps you boost your speed and accuracy. You can customize it to suit your needs and schedule. Whether you are a working professional or a first-time aspirant, this plan will work for you.

Holi SaleHoli Sale

So, don’t waste any more time and follow this capsule plan to crack the SSC MTS Tier 1 exam with confidence. Also, don’t forget to practice with the best SSC MTS Tier 1 2023 Mock Tests that guarantee your successful revision.

SSC MTS 2023 Free Mock Test👈

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​SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2023: Highlights

The major highlights of the exam pattern are given in the table below. The candidates must refer to this before moving on to the rest of the article.

Objective Multiple ChoiceComputer-Based Exam90 minutes

SSC MTS CBE Exam Pattern 2023

The commission has released the new exam pattern of the SSC MTS Computer-Based Test. The changes made by the commission for the SSC MTS Computer-Based Exam 2023 are given below:

SessionsSubjectNumber of Questions/ Maximum MarksTime Duration (For all four Parts)
Session-1I. Numerical and Mathematical Ability20/6045 Minutes (60 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes)
II. Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving20/60
Session-2I. General Awareness25/7545 Minutes (60 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes)
II. English Language and Comprehension25/75


The PET/ PST standards for the post of Havaldar are given below:

SSC Havaldar Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

The following is the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for the post of Havaldar:

Walking1600 meters in 15 minutes1 Km in 20 minutes

SSC MTS Physical Standard Test (PST)

The minimum physical standards for the post of Havaldar in CBIC and CBN are as follows:

Male157.5 cms. (relaxable by 5 cm in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas, and members of Schedule Tribes)Unexpanded: 76 cmsMinimum expansion: 5 cms
Female152 cms. (relaxable by 2.5 Cms in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas, and members of Schedule Tribes)48 kg (relaxable by 2 Kg in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas, and members of Schedule Tribes)

SSC MTS Marking Scheme

Check the marking scheme of the SSC MTS exam below:

  • Paper 1 consists of 100 questions; each question will carry 1 mark.
  • Negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
  • Paper 2 is of qualifying nature and will only test candidates’ elementary skills. It will have a maximum mark of 50. Only those who qualify the Paper 1 will be eligible to write Paper 2.

SSC MTS Formula to Calculate Marks

Total Score= (Number of correct answers*1) – (Number of correct answers*0.25)

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023

Below is a topic-wise break up of all the sections that will be covered in the SSC MTS 2022 Exam:

SectionsSSC MTS Topics
General Intelligence and ReasoningSimilarities and Differences, Space Visualization, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Arithmetical Number Series, Observation, Relationship Concepts, Figure Classification, Non-Verbal Series, Arithmetical Computation, Analytical Functions, etc.
Numerical Aptitude Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Relationship between Numbers, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Percentages, Use Of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Time And Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.
General AwarenessQuestions will be designed to test the candidate’s general awareness ability of the world around him and of the political environment of the country. The test will also include questions on current events and India’s recent economic and social policies. Candidates should also keep themselves updated on India’s relations/agreements with the neighboring countries. In addition, candidates should cover the following topics:
Indian Constitution, Booker, and Nationa, Award-Winning Books, History, Culture, Awards and Honors, Current Affairs, Science – Inventions & Discoveries. Important Financial & Economic News
English LanguageThis section will test the Candidates’ basic understanding of the English Language, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, and their correct usage. Along with that, candidates will be tested on his/her writing ability.

SSC MTS Tier 1 2023-Best 18 days Study Plan

Here is a 18-day study plan that will help you cover all the important topics from the SSC MTS Tier 1 2022 exam:

DayTask 1Task 2
Day 1Take 1 FREE SSC MTS Tier 1 Mock Test with Analysis

Fill in the blanks, Alphanumeric Series, Data Interpretation, Active/Passive Voice
Semantic Analogy, Medieval India, Basic Grammar Rules, Biology
Day 2Cloze Test, Number Analogy, Relationship between numbersFill in the Blanks, Symbolic operations, Whole Numbers, Geography
Day 3Spot the Error, Gupta Empire, Chola Dynasty, Reading Comprehension, PhysicsTake SSC MTS Tier 1 01 Mock Test with Analysis
Day 4Percentages, Figural Analogy, Synonyms, Periodic TableMisspelt words, Physiography of India, States of India, Venn Diagram
Day 5Tabulation, Data Interpretation, Chemical Reactions, Reading ComprehensionRevise all the topics covered till now, Weekly current affairs, Articles of Indian Constitution
Day 6Weekly Current Affairs, Major Ports in India

Take SSC MTS Tier 1 02 Mock Test with Analysis
Fill in the blanks, Cloze Test, Chief Minister and Governor of Indian States
Day 7Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement, Para Jumbles, Types of Vitamins, LCM HCFMajor Crops of India, Climate and Soil Types of India, Profit and Loss, Direction Sense
Day 8Lakes and Rivers of India, Major Passes of India, Cloze Test, Simple and Compound InterestReading Comprehension, Time and Distance, Seating Arrangement, Weekly current affairs
Day 9Problem on Trains, Height and Distance, Misspelt Words Seating Arrangement, Spot the error, Periodic Table, Surds and Indices
Day 10 Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement, Para Jumble, Blood Relations, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Para jumblesCloze Test, List of essential Drugs and Chemicals, Classification of Animal Kingdom, Economic Policies, Trigonometric Ratios
Day 11Take SSC MTS Tier 1 03 Mock Test with AnalysisCoded Inequalities, Mensuration, One Word Substitution, Economic Policies
Day 12Syllogism, Ratio & Proportion, Active/Passive Voice, Economic PoliciesUnits & Dimensions, Spot the error, Percentage, Coding-Decoding, Weekly current affairs
Day 13Reading Comprehension, Blood Relations, Number Systems, Paragraph CompletionTake SSC MTS Tier 1 04 Mock Test with Analysis
Day 14Blood Relations, Sequence & Series, Work, Energy, and Power, Matter and its stateSeating Arrangement, Spot the error, Periodic Table, Seating Arrangement, Para jumbles, Permutation, Combination & Probability, Weekly Current Affairs
Day 15Work & Time, Logical Reasoning, Para jumbles, Sports in India, Olympics, Coded Inequalities, Spot the error, Data Interpretation, Awards and HonorsInput-Output, Time & Distance, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test
Day 16Take SSC MTS Tier 1 05 Mock Test with AnalysisTake SSC MTS Tier 1 06-07 Mock Test with Analysis
Day 17Coding-Decoding, One Word Substitution, Monthly current affairs, Reading Comprehension, TrigonometryScientific Instruments, Ratio & Proportion, Para jumbles
Day 18Data Sufficiency, Profit & Loss, Paragraph Completion, Heat & Thermodynamics, Input-Output, Height and DistanceSurds and Indices, Revise Current Affairs of at least the past 6 months

Note: This may not be a perfect study plan for you, as every candidate has his/her own study routine and style. However, this plan can be used as a sample study plan to make your own that can best suit you.

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SSC MTS Tier 1 2022 Mock Tests

It is very important to take regular SSC MTS Tier 1 2023 Mock Tests if you want to clear the exam this time or on the first attempt. In competitive exams like these, the study plan without Mock Tests is like a preparation without revision and practice. It is perhaps the best tool for quick preparation and revision. It helps strengthen your skills and provides a swift improvement in areas or topics you are weak. Taking SSC MTS Tier 1 2023 Mock Tests doesn’t just measure your knowledge, it helps in propping up the learning and improves the chances of retrieving the same knowledge later in the Exam. So, start taking daily Mock Tests are achieve your target!

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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