SSC MTS Tier 1 2022 Exam Analysis for All Shifts
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SSC MTS Exam Analysis 5th July 2022

Dear Candidates! SSC or Staff Selection Commission is conducting the SSC MTS examination from today (5th July) to 22nd July 2022. The exam will be conducted in 3 shifts today. We are providing you with a detailed exam analysis of the SSC MTS Tier 1 2022 exam conducted in Shift 1. The SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam Analysis 2022 will help you understand the type of questions asked, the difficulty level of the questions, section-wise good attempts, and other important details.

22nd July 2022 से पहले पहले Mock Tests लें और exam क्रैक करने के अपने chances 200 percent बढ़ाएं! जल्दी करें! आपका भविष्य आपके खुद के हाथों में हैं!

SSC MTS Exam Analysis Shift 1

Today, the shift-1 of SSC MTS 2022 Tier-1 Exam got over, and the candidates. If you are waiting for the upcoming shifts, you’d be curious to know the level of questions that were being asked in Shift-1 of the exam. In this article, we’ll walk through the detailed SSC MTS Exam Analysis 2022 of all shifts along with the questions asked, good attempts, and difficulty level. It will help the candidates to better deal with the exam that is going to take place in the next shifts. Our direct interaction with the candidates/students has helped us make this analysis directly from the candidates who have appeared in the 1st Shift of the Tier 1 exam which was conducted from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM today.

SSC MTS Exam Pattern: Paper-I

The SSC MTS Exam consists of a total of 100 multiple choice questions as mentioned below. Earlier, it consists of 150 marks but now the total number of marks has been changed to 100.

SubjectNo. Of QuestionsMarksTotal Duration/ Timing
General Intelligence & Reasoning252590 Minutes
Numerical Aptitude2525
General English2525
General Awareness2525

SSC MTS Exam Analysis 5th July 2022 Shift 1: Section-wise

The level of the SSC MTS Tier 1 2022 exam can be considered as Easy to Moderate as reviewed by the aspirants who attempted the tier-1 exam in the 1st Shift. The section-wise analysis of the SSC MTS Exam Analysis 5th July 2022 Shift 1 is provided below along with good attempts in the particular section. Go through the tables below for the section-wise difficulty level and overall good attempts have been detailed below.

SSC MTS Exam Analysis 2022-Good Attempts

SectionLevelGood Attempts
General IntelligenceEasy22-23
General AwarenessEasy-Moderate17-19
Numerical AbilityEasy-Moderate17-18
English LanguageEasy-Moderate20-21

👉22nd July 2022 से पहले पहले Mock Tests लें और exam क्रैक करने के अपने chances 200 percent बढ़ाएं! जल्दी करें! आपका भविष्य आपके खुद के हाथों में हैं!👈

I. SSC MTS Exam Analysis 2022: English Language

The English Language section can be a nightmare for many aspirants. The overall difficulty level of this section was Easy to Moderate.

Name of TopicNo of Questions Level 
Sentence Improvement03Easy
Fillers (Single Filler)02Easy
Error Detection02Moderate
Para jumbled02Easy-Moderate
Antonym/ Synonym04Easy
One word substitution02Easy
Spelling check02-03Easy
Cloze Test05Easy

II. SSC MTS Exam Analysis 2022: Numerical Ability

The Numerical Ability section was, as always, very calculative in nature.

Name of TopicNo of Questions Level 
S.I, CI, Profit/Loss02Easy-Moderate
Time and Work2Moderate
Speed and Distance2-3Easy-Moderate
DI (bar graph)5Easy-Moderate
Total25Easy- Moderate

III. SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam Analysis: General Awareness

The General Awareness section had questions mainly from current affairs and Static Gk. Around 7-8 Questions were asked from Current Affairs 2021.

Here are the topics that attracted most of the questions:

  1. Sports- 2 questions
  2. Book & author related -1 question
  3. Somnath Temple related
  4. Mughal Dynasty related
  5. Gharana Music Related
  6. 1 River-related question
  7. 2 Lakes questions
  8. Kuchipudi Dance
  9. 1 Festival related question
  10. Article 30 related
  11. GSR Article
  12. Where is Jagannath hill located?
  13. Science & Technology (6 -7 questions)
  14. Health Day
  15. Baking Soda related
  16. Santali Tribes
  17. Poona Pact
  18. Fundamental related question
  19. Khelo India 2022
  20. Kaziranga National Park
  21. Lajja Book Author
  22. Kharchi Festival
  23. P-III War

SSC MTS Tier 1 2022 Mock Tests लें (Exam Analysis के साथ) और जानें कि next Exam (5th July to 22nd July 2022) में Tough Questions से सर्वोत्तम संभव तरीके से कैसे निपटें!

IV. SSC MTS Exam Analysis: General Intelligence and Reasoning

This section attracted questions on multiple topics.

Name of TopicNo. of Questions Level
Number Series02Easy
Odd One Out01Easy
Direction & Distance01-02Easy-Moderate
Mirror Image01Easy
Paper Folding02Easy
Hidden Image01Easy-Moderate
Image-Based Series01Easy
Order & Ranking03Easy
Dictionary Order (reverse)02Easy
Total25Easy- Moderate

SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam Pattern 2022

SubjectNo. Of QuestionsMarksTotal Duration/ Timing
General Intelligence & Reasoning252590 Minutes 
Numerical Aptitude2525
General English2525
General Awareness2525
  • SSC MTS Paper-I is an online paper is a test of multiple choice questions
  • There will be 4 sections- Reasoning, English Language, Numerical Aptitude, and General Awareness.
  • The paper consists of a total of 100 marks of 100 questions
  • The time duration of the SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam is 90 minutes.

SSC MTS Exam Analysis 2022- FAQs

Q. What is the total duration of the SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam?
Ans: 90 minutes.

Q. What is the difficulty level of SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam 2022?

Ans: The difficulty level was Easy- Moderate.

Q. What is the total number of questions asked in the SSC MTS Tier 1 exam?

Ans: 100 Questions.

Q. What are the overall good attempts for the SSC MTS Tier-1 Exam of 05th July 2022, Shift-1?

Ans. As per the analysis, the overall good attempt is 76-81

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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