SSC MTS- Revision Strategy for Numerical and Mathematical Ability
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SSC MTS Tier-I is scheduled to take place in the month of April 2023 leaving you with only 15-25 days of preparation. This is the perfect time to revise and reinforce the basic concepts of all the sections which will be asked in SSC MTS Tier-I. In this article, we’ll be focusing on how to give the last-minute touch to the quantitative ability section so as to make the most of this section. This section will have 20 questions of 60 marks, to solve which along with Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving section, you will get a total of 45 minutes. More or less, this leaves you with only 60 seconds for a question. If you’ve done enough practice, scoring high should not be an issue with you. 

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SSC MTS Exam Pattern

SubjectNo. Of QuestionsMarksDuration
Session 1
Numerical and Mathematical Ability206045 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving2060
Session 2
General Awareness257545 minutes
English Language and Comprehension2575

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By now you must have realized that there’s no alternative to practice. Whatever concepts you’ve learnt until now, practising questions on those concepts will not only refresh your memory but will also increase your speed of solving. Also, ensure that you attempt all the questions in this section as there is no negative marking. Let’s have a look at the list of topics you can’t miss out to revise:

  • Number System
  • Percentage
  • Average
  • Time & Work
  • Pipe & Cistern
  • Profit & Loss
  • Discount
  • Ratio
  • Mixture & Alligation
  • Partnership
  • Time Speed Distance
  • Boat & Stream
  • Trains
  • Simple & Compound Interest
  • Geometry
  • Mensuration
  • Trigonometry
  • Height & Distance
  • Data Interpretation
  • Algebra
  • Surds & Indices
  • Simplification

Ensure that you have solved questions on all the above topics. When it comes to practice, there’s no better tool than practising Mock Tests. Take a Free Mock Test of SSC MTS to get a look & feel of the actual online exam. Once you’re done with the test, it will also tell you your national rank amidst other test-takers. Let’s have a look at some tips you should keep in mind as you practice in the remaining days:

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  • Be proficient in the topic of Simplification, Number System and HCF/ LCM. If you are able to quickly pick & solve easy questions on these topics, you will get a good edge over others. At the same time, beware of the tricky questions and leave them for the last moment.
  • Make the concepts of percentage, profit & loss and averages crystal clear. While there are standalone questions on these topics which you solve in minimal time, there are some other questions (for eg. data interpretation) as well where these concepts are tested.
  • Remember all the fractional values & tables up to 30. Also, memorize the squares & square roots of numbers up to 50 and the cube & cube roots of numbers up to 30.
  • Don’t forget to revise all the important formulae & concepts of geometry & mensuration which include Pythagoras triplet, all the formulas of the area of a triangle, circle, rectangles, polygons, coordinate geometry, curved surface area, total surface area, volume etc.
  • While revising speed, time and distance questions, understand properly the scenarios where direct & inverse relationship works. Also, understand & practice the concept of relative speed which will come in handy in trains, train-accident, boat-stream, and gun-bullet problems where the effect of increasing/decreasing speed comes into the picture.
  • While you practice in these remaining days, try solving time and work questions with the LCM method (if you’re not already). If you understand this method well, it will definitely save you some time.

SSC MTS- Take a Free Mock Test Now!

Having considered all the above tips, it would be a good idea to start taking Mock Tests right away. Take the SSC MTS Mock Free of cost and if you like the quality, you can buy the complete package at only Rs 199. This package contains 20 Mock Tests.

Wishing you all the best in your preparation!

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