Are you ready to ace the SSC MTS Tier 1 2023 exam? If yes, then join PracticeMock’s 4-day study plan and get access to 1 Free Mock Test and quizzes that will boost your confidence and performance. Our study plan is designed by subject experts who know what it takes to succeed in this competitive exam. With our feedback and guidance, you will learn how to tackle the most challenging questions and improve your weak areas. Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare with the best and achieve your dream. Start your SSC MTS exam preparation today with PracticeMock!
The SSC MTS Non-Technical Exam Pattern has changed for the year 2023.
Check out the SSC MTS Exam Pattern for Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams in the below table.
Papers | Subjects | No. of questions | Total marks | Time duration |
Session I | Numerical Ability and Mathematical Ability | 20 | 60 | 45 min (60 min for candidates who shall be taking the help of a scribe) |
Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving | 20 | 60 | ||
Session II | General Awareness | 25 | 75 | 45 min (60 min for candidates who shall be taking the help of a scribe) |
English Language and Comprehension | 25 | 75 |
Here is an effective and result-oriented 4-day study plan that will help you cover all the important topics from the SSC MTS Tier 1 2022 exam:
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 |
Day 1 | Take 1 FREE SSC MTS Tier 1 Mock Test & Make Exam Strategy via Analysis Para Jumble, Blood Relations, Fill in the blanks, Alphanumeric Series, Data Interpretation, Active/Passive Voice, Seating Arrangement | Input-Output, Time & Distance, Coded Inequalities, Mensuration, One Word Substitution, Economic Policies, Fill in the blanks |
Day 2 | Seating Arrangement, Weekly current affairs, Cloze Test, Number Analogy, Relationship between numbers, Reading Comprehension, Time and Distance, Data Interpretation, Work & Time, Logical Reasoning, Para jumbles, Sports in India, Olympics, Take SSC MTS Tier 1 01 Mock Test & Make Exam Strategy via Analysis | Profit & Loss, Para jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, Symbolic operations, Whole Numbers, Geography, Basic Grammar Rules, Simple Interest & Compound Interest |
Day 3 | Spot the Error, Gupta Empire, Chola Dynasty, Reading Comprehension, Physics, Lakes and Rivers of India, Major Passes of India, Cloze Test, Simple and Compound Interest, Coded Inequalities, Spot the error Take SSC MTS Tier 1 02 Mock Test & Make Exam Strategy via Analysis | Revise Current Affairs of at least the past 6 months, Surds and Indices, Semantic Analogy, Medieval India, Biology, Chief Minister and Governor of Indian States, Permutation, Combination & Probability |
Day 4 (Morning Schedule) | Percentages, Figural Analogy, Synonyms, Periodic Table, Awards, and Honors, Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement Take SSC MTS Tier 1 03 Mock Test & Make Exam Strategy via Analysis | Misspelt words, Physiography of India, States of India, Venn Diagram, Cloze Test, List of Essential Drugs and Chemicals, |
Day 4 (Evening Schedule) | Tabulation, Data Interpretation, Chemical Reactions, Reading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Types of Vitamins, LCM HCF, Mixture and Alligations Take SSC MTS Tier 1 04 Mock Test & Make Exam Strategy via Analysis | Revise all the topics covered till now, Weekly current affairs, Articles of Indian Constitution, Major Crops of India, Climate and Soil Types of India, Profit and Loss, Direction Sense |
Note: The Mock Test Challenge given above might not be perfect for you, as every candidate has their own study routine and style. It can be used as a sample study plan to create one that suits you best! So don’t hesitate to customize it according to your own needs.
Day | Mock Test |
Thursday, 27th April 2023 | Take SSC MTS Tier 1 01 Mock Test with Analysis |
Friday, 28th April 2023 | Take SSC MTS Tier 1 02 Mock Test with Analysis |
Saturday, 29th April 2023 | Take SSC MTS Tier 1 03 Mock Test with Analysis |
Sunday, 30th April 2023 | Take SSC MTS Tier 1 04 Mock Test with Analysis |
Just 4 days to go!
The revision process may seem daunting and challenging process, but it is essential that you stay focused and motivated in the last 4 days before the exam. Kill any negativity or distraction coming your way. Never forget, SSC MTS tests your basic knowledge, speed, and time management skills. You need to have a clear and concise revision plan coupled with sufficient Mock Test practice, just like the challenge given above, to increase your chances of clearing this SSC MTS Tier 1 2023 exam on the first attempt.
Start Your Revision With A Bang!
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