SSC MTS Reasoning Questions & Answers
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SSC MTS 2022 exam is about to take place on July 1, 2022 thereby leaving only few days in hands of the aspirants to prepare for the exam. For those who haven’t taken SSC MTS free mock test yet you are loosing onto some important new types of questions which we have included in our free mock test. By taking the mock tests candidates will encounter new types of questions of all the other sections, however here we have got you few impotant SSC MTS 2022 reasononing questions & their answers. These questions are a must for all candidates to try and solve. This is the article in which we are guiding the candidates for the upcoming SSC MTS 2022 as how to score well in the reasoning section. Read this strategy and take your reasoning preparation to the next level.

Holi Sale

SSC MTS 2022 Important Topics in Reasoning Section

SSC MTS is Multi Task Staff Examination and the reasoning section of it carries 25 marks. Though, the section is very time consuming but at the same time its very scoring. Here we will mention few important topics or concepts which a candidate must practice and revise thoroughly. Few important topics are:

  • Direction based questions
  • Blood Relation
  • Series
  • Coding Decoding
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Analogy
  • Classification
  • Puzzles
  • Seating Arrangement


In these types of questions you will have to analyze the relation given in the statements and then finding a relation between the questions asked. A logical conclusion based on the topic is to be drawn.

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Puzzles require lot of practice and takes lot of time to solve. With sheer practice you can master this topic, so take as many mock tests as possible and try to solve as varied types of puzzles as possble.


Classification means figuring the odd one out. Pick and choose the option which does not follow the pattern. Classification can be based on numbers, meaningful words and letters etc. Practice lots of free topic wise quizzes.

Blood Relation

Blood relations as it clearly suggests by its name means questions related to family etc will be asked in this.

SSC MTS General Tips to Score Well


Getting the complete know how of the detailed syllabus is important so that candidates do not miss out on any major concept or topic.

Time Management

Time plays a crucial role and its important to invest your time wisely as far as exam preparation is concerned. Investing your time wisely means picking & choosing the questions well as which ones to attempt and which ones to leave. This even applies while you are attempting the exam.

SSC MTS 2022 Free Mock Test

Study Plan

Divide the entire syllabus into number of days left and make a study plan out of it.


Practicing all topics is important. Practice free topic wise quizzes & mini mocks on a regular basis. Moreover, try & solve the questions in a given time frame. Set a target to solve a question in the time duration of 20 minutes.


Start your revision early so that whatever you have learned so far should be engraved in your head.

Now that you all know how to score well in the reasoning section for SSC MTS exam, its time to practice few questions for the same. We are mentioning few SSC MTS 2022 reasoning questions and answers for practice. Avoid checking the answers and attempt all the questions first and then check the answers at the end. Take this challenge and see how many you have answered correctly. Attempt these and take your preparation to the next level.

SSC MTS 2022 Reasoning Questions & Answers

1.) How many triangles are there in the given figure?

a.) Eight

b.) Nine

c.) Ten

d.) More than Ten

Answer: d)



So, there are more than ten triangles in the given figure.

Hence, option d.

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2.) Which among the following words can be formed using the letters of the given word only once?






Answer: c)


Given word:


TROUT = Only one ‘T’ is present in the word, so it cannot be formed using these letters.

BLEAKS = As there is no ‘A’ and ‘K’ in the word, so it cannot be formed using these letters.

RUBLE = It can be formed using these letters.

BLOSSOM = Only one ‘S’ is present in the word, so it cannot be formed using these letters.

Hence, option c.

3.) If in a certain code language ‘SELDOM’ is coded as ‘MFNCMS’ and ‘GIVERS’ is coded as ‘SJXDPG’ then ‘DELUXE’ is coded as in the same code language?





Answer: c)


The words are coded as:

The first and last letter of the words are interchanged with each other.

2nd letter from left end = Replaced by its next letter in the English Alphabetical series.

Ex ‘E’ is replaced with ‘F’.

3rd letter from the left end = Replaced by its 2nd next letter in the English Alphabetical series.

Ex- ‘L is replaced by ‘N’.

4th letter from the left end = Replaced by its previous letter in the English Alphabetical series.

Ex- ‘D’ is replaced with ‘C’.

5th letter from the left end = Replaced by its 2nd previous letter in the English Alphabetical series.

Ex- ‘O’ is replaced with ‘M’.


‘SELDOM’ is coded as ‘MFNCMS’

‘GIVERS’ is coded as ‘SJXDPG’


‘DELUXE’ is coded as ‘EFNTVD’.

Hence, option c.

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4.) If ‘TREMORS’ is written as ‘@54#75B’ and ‘FIGURES’ is written as ‘&3%S54B’ then ‘FEMURS’ is written as?

a.) &4@S5B

b.) &4#S5B

c.) &5#S4B

d.) &4%S5B

Answer: b)



As ‘TREMORS’ is written as ‘@54#75B’.

As ‘FIGURES’ is written as ‘&3%S54B’.

So, ‘FEMURS’ will be written as ‘&4#S5B’.

Hence, option b.

5.) In the question below some statements are given followed by two conclusions I, and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusion definitely follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.


All Fun are Masti

No Masti are Enjoy

Some Enjoy are Party


I. Some Fun can never be Enjoy

II. Some Partybeing Masti is a possibility

a.) Only conclusion I follows

b.) Only conclusion II follows

c.) Both conclusions I and II follow

d.) Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Answer: c)


We draw the following figure:

From the figure we get both conclusions I and II follow.

Hence, option c.

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6.) If ‘A’ means (×), ‘B’ means (÷), ‘C’ means (+), and ‘D’ means (-), then what is the value of the expression:

24 B 3 A 5 A 6 B 12 C 5 D 11

a.) 6

b.) 14

c.) 48

d.) 55

Answer: b)


Given expression:

24 B 3 A 5 A 6 B 12 C 5 D 11

Replacing letters with the signs in the expression:

24 ÷ 3 × 5 × 6 ÷ 12 + 5 – 11

By using rule of BODMAS, we get:

24 ÷ 3 × 5 × 6 ÷ 12 + 5 – 11

= 8 × 5 × 0.5 + 5 – 11

= 20 + 5 – 11

= 25 – 11

= 14.

Hence, option b.

7.) How many alphabets are in the following sequence that are immediately preceded by a symbol, and immediately followed by a number?

# T 4 D 5 H % J 3 + V @ M 7 6 # S 9 F A @ 2 % X

a.) Three

b.) Five

c.) Four

d.) Two

Answer: c)


Given arrangements:

T 4 D 5 H % 3 + V @ M 7 6 # S 9 F A @ 2 % X

There are four such alphabets which are immediately preceded by a symbol, and immediately followed by a number.

Hence, option c.

8.) Select the one who does not belong to the same group from the given alternatives:

a.) Monster

b.) Mammoth

c.) Behemoth

d.) Miniature

Answer: d)


All words are synonyms of Giant (Large) except for Miniature, which means very small of its kind.

Hence, option d.

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9.) In the following question, what will come in the place of question mark?


a.) -3

b.) -4

c.) 9

d.) 0

Answer: d)


The pattern followed here is:

The 1st digit of 1st number in each row is added to the 1st digit of the 2nd number of that row, similarly, the 2nd digit of 1st number in each row is added to the 2nd digit of the 2nd number of that row, and the difference of both resultant is written.

In row 1 = (1 + 1) – (3 + 2) = (2 – 5) = -3.

In row 2 = (2 + 2) – (4 + 8) = (4 – 12) = -8

In row 3 = (3 + 2) – (4 + 1) = (5 – 5) = 0.

Hence, option d.

10.) Select the related number/word/letter from the given alternatives:






Answer: c)


PICSART is written as SCIPTAR, similarly:

DIFFERS is written as FFIDSER.

BANKERS is written as KNABSER.

FINGERS is written as GNIFSER.

SNIPERS is written as PINSSER.

Hence, option c.

11.) A series is given with two terms missing. Choose the correct alternatives from the given ones that will complete the series.

18, 35, 51, 66, 80, ____, ____.

a.) 82, 104

b.) 83, 95

c.) 93, 105

d.) 81, 105

Answer: c)


The series is (18 + 17) = 35, (35 + 16) = 51, (51 + 15) = 66, (66 + 14) = 80, (80 + 13) = 93, (93 + 12) = 105.

So, 93 and 105 will come in the blank respectively.

Hence, option c.

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12.) Identify the mirror image of the following figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.





Answer: c)


If mirror is placed to the right of the figure.

Hence, option c.

13.) Select the related number from the given alternatives:

3510:___:: 3704 : 2744

a.) 512

b.) 1000

c.) 729

d.) 1331

Answer: c)


The digits of the numbers are added, and then its cube is written.

So, 3740 = (3 + 7 + 0 + 4) = 14, cube of ‘14’ is ‘2744’.

So, 3510 = (3 + 5 + 1 + 0) = 9, cube of ‘9’ is ‘729’.

Hence, option c.

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14.) Looking at a picture of a man in a photograph, Golu said that man is the only son of my mother’s only daughter? If Golu is a male, then how is Golu’s brother related to the man in the photograph?

a.) Brother

b.) Father

c.) Grandfather

d.) None of the above

Answer: d)


We make the following family tree:

Clearly, Golu’s brother is the maternal uncle of the man in the photograph.

Hence, option d.

15.) Which one of the given mathematical operations will result in 83?

a.) 35 × 5 ÷ 5 + 22 + 2 + 3

b.) 35 ÷ 5 × 5 + 22 × 2 – 3

c.) 35 + 5 × 5 + 22 – 2 + 3

d.) 35 – 5 + 5 + 22 × 2 + 3

Answer: c)


From option (a): we get

35 × 5 ÷ 5 + 22 + 2 + 3

= (35 × 1 + 22 + 2 + 3)

= (35 + 27)

= 62

From option (b): we get

35 ÷ 5 × 5 + 22 × 2 – 3

= (7 × 5 + 44 – 3)

= (35 + 44 – 3)

= (79 – 3)

 = 76.

From option (c): we get

35 + 5 × 5 + 22 – 2 + 3

= (35 + 25 + 22 – 2 + 3)

= (60 + 22 – 2 + 3)

= (85 – 2)

= 83.

From option (d): we get

35 – 5 + 5 + 22 × 2 + 3

= (35 – 5 + 5 + 44 + 3)

= (87 – 5)

= 82.

Hence, option c.

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This brings us to the end of the article. So, attempt a free mock test of SSC MTS 2022 and practice these reasoning section questions in order to ace this section for the upcoming SSC MTS 2022 examination. Also read how to Prepare Well for SSC MTS 2022 by Knowing Previous Year GA Questions.

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