SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Exam-25 Days Mock Test Challenge for Success
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Are you ready to rock the SSC JE 2023 exam in just 25 days? Do you have the fire, the drive, and the focus to study for 5-6 hours every day? If yes, then you are in for a treat! We have created the ultimate 25 days mock test challenge for you that will help you conquer the syllabus and practice with mock tests. In this blog, we will reveal how to take this challenge and nail the exam with ease. You will also get access to SSC JE exam-like mock tests (1 mock test free) that will challenge your brain and sharpen your skills. Don’t let this opportunity slip away to fulfill your dream of becoming a Junior Engineer!

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SSC JE Civil Engineering Syllabus – Paper 1

The SSC JE General Intelligence and Reasoning section of Paper 1 has 50 questions. And SSC JE General Awareness section also includes 50 objective-type questions. Following is the SSC JE Syllabus for Paper 1. 

Subject Topics
General Intelligence & ReasoningAnalogies
Arithmetical computations
Arithmetical reasoning
Arithmetical number series
Space visualization
Analytical functions
Decision making
Relationship concepts
Verbal and figure classification
Visual memory
Abstract videos, symbols, and their relationships
General AwarenessCurrent events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially regarding
Economic Scene,
General Polity
Scientific Research

SSC JE Syllabus for Paper 1 General Engineering Section

This section in Paper 1 consists of 100 objective-type questions and that depends on the stream chosen by the candidate amongst Civil/ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. 

Part ACivil Engineering: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.

Structural Engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design, Steel Design. 

SSC JE Syllabus for Paper 2 

There are three parts in SSC JE Paper 2 Syllabus – Part A (Civil Engineering), Part B (Electrical Engineering), and Part C (Mechanical Engineering). Candidates have to indicate their choice of specialization in their application form.

Civil & Structural Engineering
Building Materials
Estimating, Costing and Valuation
Soil Mechanics
Irrigation Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Theory of structures
RCC Design

FREE SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Mock Test: How Much Do You Know? Try Now!👈💻

SSC JE 2023 Mock Test for Ultimate Practice

Day 1SSC JE SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Free Mock Test
Day 2SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Paper 1 Mock Test 1 Know your AIR & Analyze Your Performance
Day 3SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Paper 1 Mock Test 2
Day 4SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Paper 1 Mock Test 3
Day 5SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Paper 1 Mock Test 4
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FREE SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Mock Test: Are You Ready for the Challenge? Find Out Now!

SSC JE 2023-30 Days Mock Test Challenge for Success

Here’s a 25-day Mock Test Challenge for the SSC JE exam 2023:

1SSC JE SSC JE Civil Engineering 2023 Free Mock Test

General Intelligence & Reasoning: Analogies, Differences, Arithmetical computations
2General Intelligence & Reasoning: Discrimination, Arithmetical reasoning, Arithmetical number series
3General Intelligence & Reasoning: Similarities, Problem-solving, Decision making
4General Intelligence & Reasoning: Space visualization, Observation, Analytical functions
5General Intelligence & Reasoning: Relationship concepts, Verbal and figure classification, Visual memory
6General Intelligence & Reasoning: Analysis, Abstract videos, symbols and their relationships, Judgment
7General Awareness: Current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially regarding History
8General Awareness: Current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially regarding Geography
9General Awareness: Current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially regarding Culture
10General Awareness: Current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially regarding Economic Scene
11General Awareness: Current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially regarding General Polity
12General Awareness: Current events relating to India and its neighboring countries especially regarding Scientific Research
13General Engineering Section: Part A-Civil Engineering: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation
14General Engineering Section: Part A-Civil Engineering: Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering
15General Engineering Section: Part A-Civil Engineering: Surveying, Soil Mechanics
16General Engineering Section: Part A-Civil Engineering: Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering
17Structural Engineering: RCC Design, Steel Design
18SSC JE Paper 2 Topics: Civil & Structural Engineering: Surveying
19SSC JE Paper 2 Topics: Civil & Structural Engineering: Building Materials
20SSC JE Paper 2 Topics: Civil & Structural Engineering: Estimating, Costing and Valuation
21Structural Engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology
22SSC JE Paper 2 Topics: Civil & Structural Engineering: Hydraulics, RCC Design
23SSC JE Paper 2 Topics: Civil & Structural Engineering: Soil Mechanics, Steel Design
24SSC JE Paper 2 Topics: Civil & Structural Engineering: Irrigation Engineering, Theory of structures
25SSC JE Paper 2 Topics: Civil & Structural Engineering: Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering


Crack the SSC JE 2023 exam with the 25-day mock test challenge! Boost your preparation and practice with daily mock tests (Try 1 Free) that match the real exam difficulty. Learn from detailed solutions, performance analysis, and feedback to find out your strong and weak areas. Don’t miss this opportunity to ace the SSC JE 2023 exam with the mock test challenge!

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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