Fluid Mechanics can be your best friend or your worst enemy in the SSC JE 2023 exam. It’s a subject that can give you a lot of marks if you master it well. It alone attracts 30-32 questions! But how well do you really know it? There’s only one way to find out: by taking on these tough questions on the topic. They will test your knowledge and skills to the limit. And if you want to elevate your game and forge ahead, try a mock test with similar questions. It will help you gain confidence and speed, and learn from your errors. Don’t miss this chance to improve your strategy with mock test analysis.
1. A sudden fall in the barometer reading is a sign of approaching……..
(a) fine weather (b) rains
(c) storm (d) cold wave
Ans. (c)
i) A sudden fall in the barometer reading is a sign of approaching storm.
ii) Slowly fall in the reading of barometer is a sign of approaching rains.
iii) Slowly rise in the barometer reading is a sign of approaching fine weather
2. Total absolute pressure is
(a) greater than atmospheric pressure + gauge pressure
(b) equal to atmospheric pressure + gauge pressure
(c) greater than atmospheric pressure – absolute pressure
(d) equal to atmospheric pressure – absolute pressure
Ans. (b) :
Absolute pressure – It is the pressure measured from absolute vacuum.
Gauge Pressure – It is the pressure measured with measuring instrument above atm.
Vacuum pressure – It is the of pressure measured below atmospheric pressure
3. A differential manometer is used to measure
(a) atmospheric pressure.
(b) pressure in pipes and channels.
(c) pressure in venturimeter.
(d) difference of pressures between two points in a pipe.
Ans. (d) : Differential manometers are used to measure the difference of pressures between two points in a pipe or in two different pipes.
It is also used to determine from pressure gradients the levels of liquids and the flow rates of liquids, vapours, or gases
4. Which one of the following laws is applicable to a hydraulic lift?
(a) Kirchhoff’s law
(b) Pascal’s law
(c) Archimede’s principle
(d) Newton law
Ans -b
Application of Pascal’s Law–
· Hydraulic press & hydraulic jack
· Breaking system of motor vehicles
· Hydraulic crane
5. Piezometer are used to measure ……………
(a) velocity of the flow
(b) gauge pressure
(c) temperature
(d) viscosity of the fluid
Ans. (b) : Piezometer- It is the simplest form of manometer used for measuring gauge pressure (Pg = Pabs – Patm).
* One end of piezometer connected to pipe and other end open to atmosphere.
· Piezometer cannot be used for pressure measurement in pipe when flowing fluid is gas.
· It is used for measure low and molerate pressure head.
· It can not measure vacuum (–ve) pressure.
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You’ve done a great job on the questions above, but don’t stop there! To ace fluid mechanics and related topics, you need to practice, practice, practice. Why not take a Free Mock Test right now and see how much you’ve improved? This is your chance to master fluid mechanics and related topics and shine in the SSC JE 2023 exam.
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