Only 5 Days to go for the SSC GD 2022 exam? Want to clear it in the first attempt? Have you revised all the important and most expected topics from the SSC GD 2022 syllabus? Have you practiced well? Have you checked your speed and accuracy for the upcoming exam on 10th January 2022? Now is the time to best utilize the left 5 days of your exam preparation. This demands the testing of your skills for the coming 5 days and constant improvement for better and better performance.
Today, we’ll take a look at the most important or scoring topics that you need to master your exam preparation along with a 5-Day revision plan with important SSC GD Mock Tests to test your speed and accuracy in answering questions from all the sections of the exam.
Given below is a 5-Day Study Plan with daily Mock Tests to cover all the topics that can help you clear the upcoming exam:
Day | | General Intelligence & Reasoning | Elementary Mathematics | General Knowledge & General Awareness | English/Hindi |
Day 1 | | Blood Relations *Sign up to Take 1 Free SSC GD Mock Test for Perfect Revision! | Ratio and Proportion | History, Polity | Reading comprehension |
Day 2 | | Number Series, Visual memory, Spatial orientation and visualization *Take SSC GD Mock Test 1 + Mock Test Analysis | Time, Distance, Work | Current affairs | Cloze test |
Day 3 | | Spatial orientation and visualization *Take SSC GD Mock Test 2 + Mock Test Analysis | Number System, Mensuration, Decimals and Fractions | Indian Constitution Current affairs | Idioms Spellings |
Day 4 | | Coding-Decoding *Take SSC GD Mock Test 3 + Mock Test Analysis | Computation of whole numbers, Mean, Median and Mode | Science and Development Current affairs | Vocabulary Spellings, Cloze test |
Day 5 | | Attempt SSC GD Constable Full mock. | Average, Figure Classification *Take SSC GD Mock Test 4 + Mock Test Analysis | Art and Culture Current Affairs | Phrase replacements |
Note: SSC GD Constable 2022 Mock Tests are the Keys to SSC GD 2022 Success. Therefore, it is recommended to take SSC GD Mock Tests regularly after covering every topic in the table mentioned above. SSC GD Constable 2022 Mock Tests are crafted to closely imitate the actual SSC GD Constable 2022 Exam, providing you with all sorts of questions, covering every topic from the updated syllabus. It will help you in understanding the exact patterns of questions that the actual SSC GD Exam tests students with. It will inject into you the idea about the correct amount of time needed to deal with the different sections of an SSC GD 2022. Hence, it will help you in completing all the topics/subjects from the syllabus and will prepare you in a way that you will be able to answer all sorts of questions of every level in the upcoming SSC GD 2022 exam.
The above-mentioned 5-day study plan is crafted in such a way that it helps you not just practice questions on the topics mentioned in it, but also other topics that you may face in the upcoming exam. With each Mock Test provided in the table, you will experience constant improvement and keep adding to your confidence for better results. Hence, it is advised to keep following the 5 Days plan thoroughly if you anticipate good results.
General Intelligence & Reasoning | General Awareness & GK | Elementary Mathematics | English or Hindi | |
Analogies | Sports | Number Systems | Spot the Error | वर्तनी की सामान्य अशुद्धियाँ तथा शब्दों के शब्द रूप |
Similarities and differences | History | Computation of Whole Numbers | Fill in the Blanks | शब्दों के बहुवचन |
Classification | Culture | Decimals, Fractions and relationship between Numbers | Synonyms/Homonyms | किसी वाक्य को अन्य लिंग में परिवर्तन |
Ranking | Geography | Fundamental Arithmetical Operations | Antonyms | मुहावरा व उनका अर्थ |
Seating Arrangement | Economic Scene | Percentages | Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words | अशुद्ध वाक्यों के शुद्ध रूप |
Puzzles | General Polity | Ratio and Proportion | Idioms & Phrases | विलोमार्थी शब्द |
Coding and decoding | Indian Constitution | Averages | One Word Substitution | समानार्थी व पर्यायवाची शब्द |
Blood Relationship | Scientific research | Interest | Improvement of Sentences | अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द |
Arithmetical Reasoning and Figural Classification | Important Days | Profit and Loss & Discount | Parajumbles | कहावतें व लोकोक्तियां के अर्थ |
Arithmetic Number Series | Awards | Time and Distance & Time and Work | Cloze Passage | संधि विच्छेदरचना एवं रचयिता |
Non-Verbal Series | Current Affairs | Mensuration | Reading Comprehension | क्रिया से भाववाचक संज्ञा बनाना |
Now that you have all the topics at your fingertips, you should attempt the above-mentioned Mock Tests regularly until the exam is over.
बिना समय बर्बाद किए आगामी SSC GD 2022 परीक्षा के लिए अपनी तैयारी शुरू करने का यह आदर्श समय है। यहां तक कि अगर आप नौकरी करने वाले हैं और कई कारणों से SSC GD syllabus Revision में 5 दिनों से अधिक का निवेश नहीं कर सकते हैं, तो आप इस योजना के आधार पर अपनी खुद की Revision योजना (Revision Plan) तैयार कर सकते हैं और सभी विषयों के बीच समान समय बांटने की पूरी कोशिश कर सकते हैं। साथ ही, SSC GD Constable 2022 Mock Test के माध्यम से नियमित रूप से अपने ज्ञान, गति और सटीकता का परीक्षण करते रहें।
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