SSC CPO 2022-5 Days Revision Plan
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SSC CPO 2022-5 Days Revision Plan: With SSC CPO 2022 exam (9 and 11 November 2022) ready to knock at your doors, it’s ideal time for rapid revision! Fear not, you still have 6 days (6-7 hours a day) of study time left with you. And you may be looking for best ways to revise and prepare the syllabus in the best possible manner to succeed. So, time demands that you should try your best to utilize the left time practicing and taking as many SSC CPO 2022 Mock Tests as you can.

Today, we’ve brought for you a 5-day study schedule with an SSC CPO 2022 Mock Test Challenge that will help you revise well and make you confident of your success.

Go through it, follow it and accelerate your SSC CPO 2022 preparation!

👉Take 1 FREE SSC CPO Paper 1 Mock Test right now & experience super-quick 🏃‍♀️💨improvement!

SSC CPO Exam Pattern 2022

SSC CPO exam will test your skills with 3 different phases. You’ll need to clear all the stages to get selected for various posts in Delhi Police, CAPFs, CISFs etc. SSC CPO Paper 1 is Objective Multiple Choice Question paper. The paper-II exam is the English Comprehension Test, while PET/PST Test is conducted to check the endurance (medical and physical strength) of the candidate.

TierType of ExaminationMode of examination
Tier-IObjective Multiple ChoiceCBT (Online)
PET/PSTRunning, Long Jump, High Jump and Short PutPhysical exam
Tier-IIObjective Multiple ChoiceCBT (Online)

SSC CPO Paper-1 Exam Pattern

Paper-I is a preliminary exam in which you’ll be required to clear a minimum cut-off as decided by the Commission.

Here the exam paper for tyhe very first paper that you’ll have to face to clear the upcoming exam:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
General Intelligence & Reasoning50502 hours
General Knowledge5050
Quantitative Aptitude5050 
English Comprehension5050


Male (Gen)1708085
Belonging to Hilly regions & areas of J&K, North East & Sikkim1658085
Scheduled Tribes162.57782
Female (Gen)157
Belonging to Hilly regions & areas of J&K, North East & Sikkim155
Scheduled Tribes154


Male Candidates

  1. 100 metre race in 16 seconds
  2. 1.6 Km Race in 6.5 minutes
  3. Long Jump: 3.65 metres in 5 chances
  4. High Jump: 1.2 metres in 3 chances
  5. Short put 16 LBS: 4.5 metres in 3 chances

Female Candidates

  1. 100 metre race in 18 second
  2. 800 metre race in 4 minutes
  3. Long Jump: 2.7 metres or 9 feet in 3 chances
  4. High Jump: 0.9 metres or 3 feet in 3 chances

SSC CPO Medical Test

Criteria for the Medical Test is given below:

  1. Minimum Near Vision: N6 (better eye) and N9 (worse eye)
  2. Minimum Distant Vision: 6/6 (better eye) and 6/9 (worse eye)
  3. Must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes
  4. Eye standards should be without visual correction of any kind even by glasses.

SSC CPO Paper – 2 Exam Pattern

SSC CPO Paper-2 will be conducted after PET/PST Test for SSC CPO 2022 is conducted. The total time duration of the exam is of 120 minutes or 2 hours and the total number of questions asked will be around 200 and the maximum marks for Paper-2 will be 200.

5 Days Revision Plan for Success

Day 1Analogy + SI/CI + Ancient, Medieval & Modern History
English: Grammar + Sentence Structure + Synonyms, Antonyms

*Take SSC CPO Mock FREE Mock Test + Complete Analysis
Day 2Coding-Decoding + Percentage + Spelling Error

Arithmetic: Average, Boat & Stream, CI & SI, LCM & HCF, Mixture & Alligation, Partnership, Percentages, Pipes & Cistern, Problem on Ages  

*Take SSC CPO 2022 Mock Test 1 + Complete Analysis
Day 3Arithmetic Reasoning + Average + Paper cutting & folding + Cube & Dice + Matrix + Venn diagram, and Missing Number + Analogy  
English: Sentence Completion + Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words + Comprehension 

*Take SSC CPO 2022 Mock Test 2 + Complete Analysis
Day 4Time work & wages + Distance direction test + Figure Formation & Analysis + Mirror & Water Image + Series + Synonyms/Antonyms + Ancient History Blood Relation + LCM & HCF + Missing Number + Statements & Assumptions + Sentence Completion 
Advance Maths: Geometry + Complementary angles + Mensuration + Histogram + Data Interpretation +Trigonometry + Bar diagram & Pie chart

*Take SSC CPO 2022 Mock Test 3 + Complete Analysis
Day 5Speed, Time and Distance + Classification + Reading Comprehension + Pattern Completion and Counting of figures English: Error recognition + Filling in the blanks + Vocabulary, Spellings  
Polity & Economy (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) + Indian Economy, Indian Polity
Arithmetic:  Profit loss & Discount, Ratio and Proportion, Speed-time and work, Time work & wages 

*Take SSC CPO 2022 Mock Test 4 + Complete Analysis

Note: You are free to make changes in the above-mentioned revision plan as per your own requirements.

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How can this 5 Day Revision Plan help you to clear SSC CPO 2022 exam?

All the students who are preparing or revising the SSC CPO 2022 syllabus and want to score maximum marks should follow the above-mentioned study plan and Mock Tests to test their speed and accuracy.

Here are some of the most common yet effective tips that will help you perform well and clear the exam:

  • Maintain the last 5-day revision plan for constant examination of your knowledge and skills.
  • Give short mock tests after completion of every important topic and try to every time score high marks then achieved in previous mock tests.
  • Do Mock Tests analysis.
  • Revise your notes and revisit all the shortcuts and tricks, formulas and techniques that you have already learnt already.
  • Invest more time in Quantitative aptitude but not at the cost of other sections.
  • Cover most scoring or important topics of all the important chapters each day to fully utilize your time.
  • Avoid new topics at the last minute because this will only lead you to confusion.
  • Eat well to stay healthy and be confident of your success.
SSC CPO 2022-5 Days Revision Plan
👉Click here to take a FREE SSC CPO Paper 1 2022 Mock Test absolutely FREE!

Best of luck with the revision!

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    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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