SSC CPO 2022-4 Days Revision Plan
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Every year Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts a CPO exam to fill the vacant positions for the post of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police, Sub Inspector in CAPFs (Central Armed Police Forces), and Assistant Sub Inspector in CISF (Central Industrial Security Force). If you too have made up your mind to compete for the post, you must start your preparation from today. To successfully face the cut throat competition every year, you must follow a good SSC CPO Study Plan and practice with the latest SSC CPO 2022 Mock Test to improve their chances of clearing the Exam.

This blog is dedicated to providing you a 50 Days study plan to cover the vast syllabus of SSC CPO 2022.

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SSC CPO Study Plan 2022

SSC CPO exam is divided into 2 stages. Stage 1 or Paper 1 consists of multiple-choice questions and Stage 2 consists of Paper 2 which is descriptive in nature. Paper 1 entertains 4 sections, namely, English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness. This paper is MCQ based.

Here is a detailed 50 days SSC CPO study plan with the latest SSC CPO Mock Test to speed up you exam preparation:

Take a FREE SSC CPO 2022 Mock Tests for Better & Better Results Right Now!


The above mentioned 50 Days SSC CPO Study Plan can skyrocket your score high if you will give your all to the exam preparation and revision, backed by Mock Tests. This plan will help you quickly cover all the important topics that make up the SSC CPO Syllabus 2022. Therefore, take as many Mock Tests as you can and increase your speed and accuracy as much as you can for better results.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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