SSC CHSL Preparation Tips 2023: Subject Wise Preparation Tips
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SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation Tips 2023: SSC CHSL Tier II will be conducted in many cities across India on June 26, 2023. Have you qualified for the preliminary exam and now aiming to clear Tier 2 or the final stage of the exam? Have you prepared the syllabus? Have you mastered the most important topics that almost always appear in the Tier 2 exams? Yes, it is easier to crack the mains exam with the help of a proper study plan.

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In this article, we will supply you with the subject or section-wise SSC CHSL tier-2 Preparation Strategy, along with a Free SSC CHSL Tier 1 Mock Test to test your AIR and improve your performance through more Mock Tests.

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SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation Tips 2023: Subject Wise Preparation Tips

SSC CHSL Tier-II Exam Pattern (Revised)

SSC CHSL exam pattern 2023 has been changed from this cycle. Now the exam will be conducted in two tiers only- Tier I and Tier II. For the Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level Test, or SSC CHSL, candidates should have a thorough understanding of exam formats. The exam pattern for SSC CHSL 2023 Tier I and Tier II are mentioned in the table below:

ExamTier I (Computer-Based Examination)Tier II (Objective-Type)
Mode of ExamOnlineOffline
Number of Sections43 (Conducted in 2 Sessions)
Name of SectionsEnglish Language

General Intelligence

Quantitative Aptitude

General Awareness
Section I:
Module I: Section Mathematical Abilities
Module II: Reasoning and General Intelligence
Section II:
Module I: English Language and Comprehension
Module II: General Awareness
Section III:
Module I: Computer Knowledge Module
Module II: Skill Test/ Typing Test Module
Questions in each question25 questions in each section.Section I: 60 questions
Section II: 60 questions
Sections III: 15 questions (Computer Knowledge) and Skill Test/Typing Test
Duration of the Examination60 minutesSection I: 60 minutes
Section II: 60 minutes
Section III: 15 minutes (Computer Knowledge)+ 15 minutes (Skill Test for DEOs)/ 10 minutes (Typing Test for LDC/ JSA)
Maximum number of questions100135 questions and Skill Test/ Typing Test
Type of QuestionsObjective-basedObjective-based and Skill-based
Maximum number of marks200405
Marking Scheme2 marks each awarded for the correct answer and 0.50 mark deducted for every incorrect answer3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer
Language of PaperQuestions will be set both in English & Hindi for sections II, III & IVQuestions will be set in both English and Hindi except for the English Language and Comprehension (Section II Module I)

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SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation Tips 2023: Subject Wise Preparation Tips

SSC CHSL Preparation Tips 2023: Subject Wise Preparation Tips

Here are the section-wise tips needed to ace your entire SSC CHSL Tier 2 2023 exam preparation:

1. English Language & Comprehension

English Language & Comprehension section encompasses Vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, and their correct usage, Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage, Spotting the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/ Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting misspelled words, Idioms & Phrases, the word substitution, Improvement of Sentences.

Two or more paragraphs will be given in the exam and questions based on them will be asked to test your comprehension skills. At least one paragraph will be based on a book or a simple story and the other one will be based on current affairs, an editorial, or a report.

Tips to Ace the English Section

  • Practice at least one to two reading comprehension per day.
  • Practice questions on the cloze test. While answering questions, think about the logic behind the passage and the most suitable phrase for the blank can be. If you fill in one blank correctly, you can answer others easily.
  • Read the entire passage quickly once. Read the question first and then look up the passage for the answer.
  • Read newspapers like The Indian Express or The Times of India every to enhance your comprehension skills and build your vocabulary arsenal.
  • Revise all the basic grammar rules that will help you answer the questions on the exam.
  • Google the list of all important synonyms and antonyms, and find the synonyms and antonyms of the words come across every day in the Newspaper or Magazines and note them down in your notebook. Keep reviewing them. Otherwise, the list will grow long and words or meanings will fade away from your mind.

Check out How to Clear SSC CHSL 2023 Exam in the First Attempt?

2. SSC CHSL Tier 2 2023: General Intelligence and Reasoning

General Intelligence and Reasoning section includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. These will include questions on Semantic Analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy, Space Orientation, Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/ Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Series, Figural Pattern-folding and completion, Number Series, Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social Intelligence, Coding and de-coding, Numerical operations, Other subtopics if any.

 Tips to Prepare General Intelligence 

The general intelligence section consists of both verbal and non-verbal type questions. This section is comparatively time-consuming and to get a good ace, the candidates should check their accuracy and speed to complete this section. In addition, the aspirants should work on the difficulty level of the questions. To make it simpler, the candidates should categorize it into easy, medium, and complex.

Check out the best tips to master all the topics from the General Intelligence section:

  • Practice questions on puzzles.
  • Pick one topic at a time and solve them until you master it.
  • Pay more attention to the most important or high-scoring topics.
  • Practice questions based on Previous Years’ patterns which are often repeated in the exam.

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3. SSC CHSL Tier 2 2023: Mathematical Abilities

This section includes topics like:

  • Number Systems
  • Fundamental arithmetical operations
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Mensuration
  • Trigonometry
  • Statistics and probability

Tips to Ace this Section

You need to improve your basic arithmetic skills to ace this scoring section. Here are the tips that will help you score maximum marks in this section:

  • Memorize the multiplication table up to 25 and master the list of squares and cubes from 1 to 25.
  • Learn the common percentages and their fractional and decimal equivalents.
  • Memorize all the important formulas.
  • Learn the shortcuts to solve the questions quickly.
  • Avoid using calculators and practice mental calculation.
  • Questions are of usually similar nature each year. Hence, analyzing them can be a good option.

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4. General Awareness and Knowledge

Questions General Awareness and Knowledge are designed to test a candidate’s knowledge about current events and of such matters of everyday life or observation and experience which is expected of an educated or well-informed person. In addition, the test also includes questions related to India and its neighboring countries, especially about its History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy, and scientific research.

Here are some tips to ace this section:

  • Again, read a newspaper daily and stay updated about current affairs.
  • Watch the national news channels to get updated about all the important news that can make up GA questions.
  • Read Manorama Year Book.
  • Take Mock Tests to test your knowledge.
SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation Tips 2023: Subject Wise Preparation Tips

SSC CHSL Tier 2 2023: Computer Knowledge

Computer Basics: Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/ output devices, computer memory, memory organization, back- up devices, PORTs, Windows Explorer, and Keyboard shortcuts.
Software: Windows Operating system including basics of Microsoft Office like MS Word, MS Excel, and PowerPoint, etc.
Working with the Internet and e-mails: Web Browsing & Searching, Downloading & Uploading, Managing an E-mail Account, e-Banking.
Basics of networking and cyber security: Networking devices and protocols, Network and information security threats (like hacking, virus, worms, Trojans, etc.), and preventive measures.

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Take SSC CHSL Tier 2 Mock Tests for Best Practice

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Mock Tests are designed to help you prepare and revise every topic. Multiple attempts of the Mock Test help students revise the entire syllabus in the simulated setting of the actual exam. This way they remember what they have learned and perform well in the actual exams. Mock tests make students familiar with the style and scope of the question paper. A good Mock Test platform provides you with the most important questions for the SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam 2023. These mock tests contain questions from every section of the exam, say, from the Reasoning Section, Numerical Ability section, and the English Language section, etc. These questions are based on the latest SSC CHSL Tier 2 Pattern and Syllabus 2023. 

Thus, candidates who take these SSC CHSL Tier 2 Mock Tests get to know their preparation level and how proper was their revision. They also have a proper understanding of the expected topics or must-do topics. 

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

I write and oversee the creation of informative educational blogs centering around study strategies, exam techniques, and more, to guide aspirants in clearing SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. I ensure a range of subjects are covered with precision and clarity. With over 7 years of diverse writing experience, I share a wealth of wisdom and expertise with thousands of students, through PracticeMock every day, helping them achieve their goals.

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