Are you ready, like thousands of other aspirants, to clear the SSC CHSL 2023 exam in just one month’s time? You can do it, even if the competition is fierce! The more you practice and learn, the higher your chances of success. But, have you taken any concrete steps to achieve your dream? Today’s 31-day mock test challenge is a golden opportunity for you to fulfill all your short-term and long-term goals regarding completing the SSC CHSL 2023 syllabus. And that’s not all, it also comes with the best tips to crack the SSC CHSL 2023 exam in your first attempt!
So, don’t wait any longer, start with a Free SSC CHSL Mock Test and boost your learning process by 10X.
Boost your chances of acing the SSC CHSL 2023 exam with a Free Mock Test!
Also, read: SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation Tips 2023: Subject Wise Preparation Tips
Section | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks |
General Intelligence Reasoning | 25 | 50 |
General Awareness | 25 | 50 |
Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skills) | 25 | 50 |
English Comprehension | 25 | 50 |
Total | 100 | 200 |
Boost your chances of acing the SSC CHSL 2023 exam with a Free Mock Test!
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |
Day 1 | Coding-Decoding | Algebra, Heights & Distance | SSC CHSL Tier I free mock test |
Day 2 | Syllogism, Ranking & Coding-Decoding | Analogy & Number Series | SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 01 |
Day 3 | English Quiz | Reasoning Quiz | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 4 | Divisibility & Remainders, | English Mini Mock | Quant Mini Mock |
Day 5 | Tenses, Idioms & Phrases | Polity & Economics | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 6 | Roots, Square & Cubes, Indices | Trigonometry & Basics of Grammar | Reasoning Mini Mock |
Day 7 | Blood Relations, Input-Output | Simplification | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 8 | Age Problem Geometry, Allegation & Mixtures | Synonyms & Antonyms, Spotting Errors & Vocabulary | SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 02 |
Day 9 | Syllogism, Inequalities | Geography, History & Science | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 10 | Age Problem Geometry, Heights & Distance | English Mini Mock | Reasoning Mini Mock |
Day 11 | Profit & Loss, Time & Work & Boat & Stream | Statements & Conclusions, Input-Output | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 12 | Percentage Mensuration, SI & CI Puzzles | Active – Passive, Direct – Indirect Passages | Quant Mini Mock |
Day 13 | English Mini Mock | Current Affairs & Science | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 14 | Permutation and Combination, HCF & LCM | Current Affairs, History & Polity | English Mini Mock |
Day 15 | Direction Sense & Polity | Divisibility & Remainders, Roots, Square & Cubes | SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 3 |
Day 16 | Blood Relations, Direction Sense | SSC CHSL Tier 1 2020 Previous Year Paper | Reasoning Mini Mock |
Day 17 | Geography, Current Affairs, Science | Idioms & Phrases, Cloze Test, Spotting Errors | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 18 | Syllogism, Inequalities, Ranking | SI & CI Puzzles, Permutation and Combination | Quant Mini Mock |
Day 19 | Polity, Economics, Current Affairs | Direction Sense, Number Series | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks |
Day 20 | Roots, Square & Cubes, Trigonometry, Ratio & Proportion | Current Affairs | SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 4 |
Day 21 | Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | Current Affairs Quiz | Reasoning Mini Mock |
Day 22 | Articles & Simplification | Assumptions & Directions, Puzzles | Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding |
Day 23 | Quants Mini Mock | Polity & Number Series | SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 5 |
Day 24 | Syllogism, Inequalities, Ranking | Synonyms & Antonyms, Spotting Errors | Coding-Decoding |
Day 25 | Number System English Mini Mock | Reading Comprehension | Geography, Current Affairs, Science |
Day 26 | SSC CHSL Tier 1 2020 Previous Year Paper | Simplification, Age Problem Geometry | Current Affairs & Current Affairs Quiz |
Day 27 | Cloze Test, Para Jumbles | Percentage Mensuration | Reasoning Quiz |
Day 28 | Inequalities | SI & CI Puzzles | SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 6 |
Day 29 | English Mini Mock | Reasoning Mini Mock | Quant Mini Mock |
Day 30 | SSC CHSL Tier 1 2020 Previous Year Paper | Ratio & Proportion | SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 7 |
Day 31 | Revision of all Concepts |
Boost your chances of acing the SSC CHSL 2023 exam with a Free Mock Test!
The Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level Test (SSC CHSL) has a new format. Starting this cycle, you only need to take two tiers: Tier I and Tier II. So, understand the exam pattern and syllabus. You need to know the topics, marks, time and negative marking of each tier. You can check the official website of SSC for more details.
Do you want to ace the SSC CHSL 2023 exam on your first try? If yes, then you need to follow these 10 amazing tips and strategies that will help you nail the exam with ease.
A study plan will help you manage your time and resources well. You should give enough time for each subject and topic, as well as for revision and mock tests. You should also set smart and realistic goals for yourself and monitor your progress regularly.
The SSC CHSL exam tests your basic knowledge and understanding of various subjects, such as English, general intelligence, quantitative aptitude, and general awareness. You should clear your concepts and strengthen your basics before moving on to higher topics.
Solving previous years’ papers and mock tests will help you get familiar with the exam format, difficulty level, and question types. It will also help you boost your speed, accuracy, and time management skills. You can find previous years’ papers and mock tests online or in books.
Revision is the secret to success in any exam. You should revise all the topics that you have studied at least once a week. You should also revise important formulas, facts, rules, and shortcuts before the exam day. You can make notes, flashcards, or mind maps to help your revision.
Good vocabulary and grammar skills are crucial for scoring well in the English section of the SSC CHSL exam. You should read newspapers, magazines, books, and blogs to enhance your vocabulary and learn new words. You should also practice grammar exercises and learn the rules of spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
The general awareness section of the SSC CHSL exam covers topics related to current affairs, history, geography, polity, economy, science and technology, sports, and culture. You should keep up with the latest news and events happening around the world by reading newspapers, watching news channels, or using apps.
The Tier II of the SSC CHSL exam includes a typing test or a skill test depending on the post you have applied for. You need to type at a speed of 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi for the typing test. You need to have a data entry speed of 8,000 key depressions per hour for the skill test. You should practice typing or data entry on a computer regularly to improve your speed and accuracy.
Preparing for an exam can be stressful and tiring, but you should not ignore your health and well-being. You should eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. You should also avoid distractions, such as social media, games, or TV, and stay focused on your goal.
Confidence and positivity are essential for achieving success in any exam. You should trust yourself and your abilities, and avoid negative thoughts or emotions. You should also motivate yourself by visualizing your success and rewarding yourself for your hard work.
Boost your chances of acing the SSC CHSL 2023 exam with a Free Mock Test!
Boost your chances of acing the SSC CHSL 2023 exam with a Free Mock Test!
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